If you’re comfortable with sharing, tell people things that you are needing to get off your chest about difficult things in your life that people may have teased you about, or you had a hard time with.
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I traveled quite often years ago. I'm quite a friendly and happy traveler who would rarely get stressed or worried about anything: go with the flow.
Anywho, I was being my normal self in the airport: went to the bathroom, scoped out my terminal to make sure it hadn't magically disappeared (like you're supposed to do, you know?), looked around at the shops, and finally got in line at Starbucks for my caffeine hit. I noticed for the first time that everyone else seemed to be pretty freakin' happy about traveling, too. I found that refreshing because there's usually an even mix of happy, angry, worried, and oblivious travelers. There must have been something special about that day or something in the air.
I digress. I get my Starbucks after my name is called and start to walk over to a seat. This guy smiled and waved me down. I thought this was another one of those situations where someone asks if I'm that famous guy they know from something and I say "no" which happened often back then. Nope. This nice gentleman got close to my ear and whispered, "You have toilet paper or something coming out the back of your pants." I looked back and down. I had something coming out of my pants alright. I laughed with him, gently smacked him on the shoulder which made him stop laughing, and went quickly to a bathroom.
It wasn't toilet paper. It was the toilet seat cover from when I used the bathroom like 15 minutes before! I had been walking around this whole airport with a part of the dang toilet seat cover hanging out the butt of my pants! I quickly remembered all those happy faces, how my name was called out so everyone knew who I was, and, lastly, how I had touched that guy on the shoulder when we laughed. I understood why he stopped laughing with or at me. He was probably wondering, "Why the heck is this dude touching me with a toilet seat cover hanging out of his pants?!"
There it is. One of the most uncomfortable situations I have been in.
I spent the night at a friend's house and woke up early. I went to the kitchen for breakfast and got to eat my cereal while her parents got in a passive aggressive argument and eventually (loudly) hashed out their upcoming divorce. After a while, the dad stormed out and the mom put her head down and started crying at the table. All the while, I'm just eating Capt'n Crunch.
My family was arguing, and I was sat in a chair in the middle.
This happened a few years back but essentially I was a kitchen designer and did appointments remotely during lockdowns. During this one appointment, it was a guy and his girlfriend, the client thought that he had shut off his camera but he had just muted their side, he turned at his girlfriend, who had forgotten a measurement, and hit her, then was clearly yelling and freaking out at her. So I took a screenshot of him, to help with IDing and called 911. I had to keep them on the call and act like everything was okay and normal and I hadn't just seen him assault her so that they stayed where they were until the police arrived. It was really hard to be pleasant towards him for the next 30minutes.
So, earlier this year, I got a new best friend and apparently developed a crush on her. I did not realize this until she told me that she had gotten a girlfriend. So now my brother is making fun of me for being gay and having a crush on my best friend. If you have any feedback, please share.
If you are gay, ignore your brother. If you are not gay, ignore your brother. If he is under 12 years old, ignore your brother. If he is over 14, tell him you saw him kissing a boy.
Thanks. I try to ignore him, but it’s hard.
Load More Replies...Nothing to be ashamed of. You're honesty is so beautiful and courageous
Have you ever had a crush on a guy? If so, you may be bi. Explore your feelings. Good luck
Yes and no, i thought somebody was sort of like me in 2nd grade, but honestly, now I feel sort of like all boys are immature jerks.
Load More Replies...Ooh same but instead of my friend is straight, my mom doesn't except that I'm bi and I'm afraid my other friends will make fun of me
Be honest if you want, and If your friends make fun of you, just tell them that a lot of people are gay.
Load More Replies...This is actually part of a bigger problem I have right now, and I still cringe when I think of this incident. One day a few years ago I was at the local grocery store and on the aisle ahead of me I saw my aunt and between us there was this guy I've been trying to avoid because he has invaded my personal space several times and made me very uncomfortable. My aunt waved at me and of course I waved back at her, but this guy saw me waving at his direction and waved at me before (luckily for me) vanishing into another aisle. Well, my aunt and I had a great laugh about this but I was left with a very uncomfortable feeling, and there have been many creepy situations with this man and I'm trying to avoid him at all costs.
When I was at the beginning of 6th grade, I was waiting for my aunt to pick me up and I was drawing on my sketchpad, and these two 7th grade girls walked up to me, and started giving me a lot of weird compliments like I was hot, or that my name was sexy (I knew this was some sort of trick because I was obese at the time. Eventually, I got up and left, and one of them asked to touch me inappropriately. Apparently, they were able to avoid punishment by lying their way out of it. I had ASB with one of them in 7th grade and it made that class kinda awkward.
I asked a mother the name of her daughter. Misunderstood her 3 times until I learned it's a he
I was in a classroom and someone was either really angry or sad (probably both) and the teacher came over and started comforting them but i sit right next to tjem, and the teacher did that annoying thing where whenever they’re talking, they lean on something so she was doing that and her butt was IN MY FACE as i hear “it’s ok deep breaths, deep breaths” and i’m SO EMBARRASSED!!
ok so another one I was in a preeschool sitting there and waiting for my younger brother so i could pick him up and my mom was in the bathroom so i was sitting by myself. well, NOT FOR LONG because some toddler came and sat by me, SPAT on me, looked me dead in the eyes, and started crying hysterically then his mom came over and started YELLING AT ME not even ASKING FOR WHAT HAPPENED!!! so i was all alone, covered in toddler spit, with a random a*s lady screaming at my over the toddler’s crying for something i didn’t do.
Spitting disgusts me to the point of trying not to throw up. This would have been the first time I let it go. Eye contact with the little future serial killer must have been weird. Is he testing me or gonna bite my throat out. I would have made my mom talk to the preschool staff. Spitting carries germs, Harsh? yeah
I’m a guy and HANDWROTE a letter of friendship to my other guy friend. I poured my soul into telling him how much he meant to me and clarified that it was PLATONIC LOVE. We’d said “I love you” to each other before as friends and so I didn’t think much of it.
Reader, he thought I was confessing romantic feelings for him… so that was fun to sort out.
The double whammy? He’s already in a relationship for the last 2.5 years (big deal for a teenager). Tbh this was the thing that kind of ticked me off. I know I’m awkward, but I wouldn’t confess romantic feelings to anyone if they were already in a relationship
(One of my favorite stories, lol.)
When I was around the age of 10-11 (aka long time ago) my family went camping at Beaver's Bend in Oklahoma. Super exciting considering I'm a huge nature lover. I was excited to see the great outdoors, and explore the forest. Unfortunately it was to cold to swim so we had to stick to the hills, and forest. (we were aloud knee deep in the water.) No problem though. Eventually me and one of my younger sisters managed to convice my mother to let us go to the swim beach by ourselves. We told her we just wanted to look at it and that we were not going to swim in it. Instead we ended up skipping stones for about a half hour, and all was good until a sketchy white beat up truck rolled up into the parking lot about 50 feet above/away from us. I ignored the truck think that they might just be changing their GPS to their campsite. (My dad did the same thing, and besides, the place was HUGE. Anyway, another 15 minutes pass and they are still there. I examine the people in the truck only to realize they were staring at us! Two young girls, a french bulldog, and no adults. Doing the right thing i tell my sister we need to go back to camp. Did not say anything about the people watching us because I didn't want her to let them know that I know they were watching us. For all I know they could have had a gun. She refused saying "Mom knows we are here, plus if she needed us she could send one of the others after us". So I tried again, this time telling her very quietly about the people in the truck, and not to look at them. She agreed, and started making our way to the road. I know I was right that they were bad people when there fricking engine to their car turned on, and they started driving up to us very slowly. Big sister syndrome kicked in and I shoved my little sister down that hill so fast and told her to the closest campsite with people at it, and not to even look back at me. I told her I was gonna be right behind her. And both us ran like bats outta hell that day. Once we made it to these random strangers camp they quickly sped off, and I felt like I was gonna cry. Like I swear I was sweating and shaking so bad. When we got back to our campsite and told everything to my mom she told us they were probably after the dog, but now that i think about it, I think she only said it to calm us down.
Needless to say we did not go out for the rest of that day.
Yesterday I was at a school performance (in the audience) and it was really dark. I saw a pair of glasses glint in the dim light and I thought it was my science teacher (they have the same hairstyle). I was staring at them and then they turned around and mAdE eYe CoNtAcT. It was not my science teacher.
Every job interview I ever went on
I am usually really akward at job interviews but one stands out in my memory. I had been hospitalized for a long time and only just recovered, but a cyst had formed and during the inteview it broke through my skin and started running down my side. It didn't hurt, so I only noticed when I felt the wet, but then I wished that I were anywhere else.
A little kid walked up to me and said "Stop Being Gay". This kid was 5. I just sat there in shock.
My aunt and grandma who never really fought before getting into a vicious argument at the table which ended in them not taking for months. I have bad social anxiety and a hard time being around aggression, so I almost choked on a meatball.
I was in a compter l'an on my uni campus. My ex showed up, drunk and just wandered campus until he found me. It was just me at one end and 3 guys in the other end. He showed up, demanded I go to his place which I refuse. I told him to leave, he yelled at me, shoved all my things onto the floor. Grabbed me by my hair and pulled me off my chair (by this point all the guys are looking over and I'm very embarrassed) screamed at me that I'm a whore, and shoved me down on the ground while holding my shirt which caused it to rip, spat on me and left. I just laid on the ground for a few moments crying. NOT A SINGLE GUY CAME OVER TO HELP ME. After a few minutes I got up, held my shirt together and left, texting my best friend utterly humiliated. My friend bought me a hoodie from the bookstore and we never spoke about it again.
That is sad. They could have at the very least, came over and checked on you. Maybe called campus security. Offered you a coat or jacket. Or, I don't know, done something, anything to stop your ex from assaulting you in front of them. Sorry you had to go through that, glad it didn't turn out worse. At least your best friend was there for you. *edit. corrected spelling*
last year, was assigned a seat next to a sworn enemy of mine. She would try and talk to me despite my clear hints of not wanting to hear it. I honestly ignored her as best I could. Also, because of the seating arrangement, could see what she was doing on her computer. she was reading smut and that was rlly awkward to witness. She also talked to the friking TEACHER about her liking for smut while i was present next to her. I wish I was joking. I REALLY wish I was.
I was walking to english, and these two boys in the hall were being mildly homophobic about “pRONoUnS” and i was just like 😬 and walked very quickly past them
reminds me of the time i was waiting in the lunch line with a friend when the people in front of us were joking about how autistic their friend was. like basically mocking autism(its NOT cool to make a mockery of disorders). I kinda made the same expression u did because the friend I was with had autism and i knew how it would make them feel
I have two that I remember very well, both were very recently after I came out from lockdown. Just know that both of them involve a lot of anxiety and panic attacks.
1) I was terrified of people. But absolutely twice as much as males. The only male I had contact with during the entire pandemic was my father, and I was even uncomfortable around him because he had gotten drunk on the day before my birthday. So, anyway, I volunteered for a summer camp. They gave me a job that involved giving the kids snacks, and I was partnered with a boy my age. We were still wearing masks, which should’ve made me feel more secure, but I was a nervous wreck all over. I was quiet and very detached, and I could tell the boy just wanted to be friendly and make me open up. But every morning for the whole week for that camp, I dreaded being there on time. I’d hide in the bathroom, trying to wait until the last possible moment to go in the room where we had our snack supply. I had one friend who also volunteered, but she had a different job and we had different work schedules. Anyway… I had a panic attack when I checked the room and he wasn’t there. I went back the the bathroom, checked again, and the door was open. I had a full out panic attack then, and I felt like I was going insane. I don’t want to share what was running through my mind then, because it’s embarrassing, but let’s just say I was afraid he’d hurt me somehow. Turns out he fell asleep in the room -_- he did befriend me a little, when we played some games, and he said something about us being friends now. Anytime someone says that to me, mentions how we’re friends no, I get uncomfortable and quiet. It’s not that I don’t want to be their friend, it’s just that I’m a little embarrassed that it was said so explicitly and when we don’t know each other well. So, there’s that, and…
2) I was ushering for a musical my sister was in. I was still a nervous wreck, especially around kids my age. There was a school show, and apparently I was expected to guide these kids my age and older to their seats… little ol’ me 😅 well, I had another panic attack. This huge line of kids was pouring into the theater, and I turned my back to them and hunched over the program I was holding, frozen and repeating over and over “please don’t ask me to help, please don’t ask me to help.” I only fully calmed down once the day was over and I could go home.
I’m a little better now, I don’t have so much anxiety around people, but it really killed me the way I had to adjust from being around 3-4 people I knew well to being around strangers. I don’t even know where I got my fear of men. Maybe the incident with my dad put me on edge, but I’m not sure.
That sounds difficult, but similar to me. I mean, I can stand in the same area as people, but if anyone I don’t know even looks at me, I’m out of there.
Omg this post came at the perfect time, there is a moment that comes to mind immediately that I have been cringeing about for the past two months. For context it was the closing night of my community theaters musical and I was onstage finishing bows. On the last night of the show it is customary to give the crew and directors flowers and do a little shout out after bows. So I had everything ready I had gotten the flowers put them backstage in this little chair room and told the people closest to that side of the stage where they were and what to do. But… when it was time they just didn’t have the flowers so I had to run all the back to get them myself, that doesn’t matter though that isn’t the bad part. It was fine in the end i just need you to realize that I was kind of panicking. I was rushed but finally got to the co music director I needed to give my flowers to then just walked back to my spot easy peasy right? No. Apparently she had gone to give me a hug like everyone else had done 🙃 and I literally without acknowledging her just turned around and walked away. And the entire audience laughed and I didn’t even know anything had happened I just walked back and stood there like a dumbass. It was like at least a half hour later before anyone told me what I did. Istg it still just AGAAGAHHAAA
don’t worry, i do acting too and this stuff happens all. the. time. Though not this exact situation many mishaps and things that aren’t supposed to happen. Just play it off and pretend it was supposed to happen. Even during this moment. it can apply more than you know.
In a conference call, I told my coworker who was sitting with me on the call “is this the stupidest s**t you’ve ever heard?” I didn’t realize that the speakerphone was not muted. There was a very LONG, awkward pause.
I, an obviously crippled woman 64, was waiting for my bus home with my grocery shopping. Weekend at 2:30 pm. A group of 6 people, late teens, came and I guess were waiting for same bus. They began taunting me and threw my bags around, stomping on all my stuff. Not easily replaced because I only had enough money for what I bought. They laughed and said they could do whatever they wanted “because they were trans and could scream screwy old b***h” and they were being victimized….. I was terrified and crying. They ran away still laughing at me when bus came.
goddamn. on behalf of all trans people, I apologize
I was going to my locker to get a feminine product (it was during class so nobody was in the hallway). My crush walked up behind and grabbed me. I freaked out thought I was being attack so I threw the pad at him!
The fact that I refer to myself with They/Them but am closeted has led to awkward situations
They/them are plural pronouns. That’s what causes most of the confusion.
Sitting at my desk while the teacher was helping the student next to me. Butt so close to my desk
I've been in a lot of situations:
1. Telling my best friend I don't have a crush on him after he (this person uses all pronouns) told me he does.
2. Someone broke up with me and yet continues to have feelings for me. She won't stop flirting. GAH. (I don't like her like that anymore)
3. My two best friends were dating. Friend A wanted me to break up with his girlfriend FOR him. I regret that.
4. My mom and grandma were in a fight and I was in the middle of it.
5. Trying to come out to my mom, who has now forgotten everything and anything I told her about my gender.
Lucky me!
this week, i had a computer camp and all of the other people are cis/het dudes and I am a gay trans person who is an awkward mess (there were only 5 ppl there, it's more of a class)
Ughhhhhhh. It was in 7th grade. I simped over this girl, which got me in some trouble. She moved away 3 years ago, so we no longer speak.
Lovestruck 7th grader (in 10th grade this year) again. My dad exploded a firework during my grandma's 80-somethingth b-day, and my entire family started arguing.
In college we were having a party at the co-ed dorm we lived in and these 3 high-school age girls showed up and were just mingling with everybody. Me and some of the guys were sitting on the couches consuming beers and laughing it up when one of the high-school girls came over, sat down between a couple of us....then just started into bawling her eyes out (over some girlie-drama c**p with her girlfriends).
Literally as soon as she started, us guys just all looked at one another like "WTF is this s**t"?" and we literally grabbed our beers and dispersed in all different directions within not even 3 seconds. I was reminded of this when watching Family Guy where they were at the bar where Joe started bawling and the guys just slowly backed away and blended in with the background.
(There were a couple of girls who lived in the dorm who sat down in our spots and took care of the situation since we couldn't).
invited someone to my concert whos really special to me (if you read my bio youll know) and she didnt end up coming. there was this lady who looked exactly liked her, and i thought it was her. same face shape, clothes, skin color, same walk, everything. she waved at someone, but i didnt wave back because i didnt know for sure it was her. turns out it wasnt her. ended up crying lightly to myself the rest of the concert and continue to cry the rest of the day at home 🙂👍🏻
In my sophomore year of high school, I learned about the LGBT community and pronouns. I was confused about trans people and pronouns, so I accidentally made some awkward situations while trying to understand.
1. So you go by They/them? So... does that mean I can call you an it? They just laughed, just like the rest of the team, but I was confused and started yelling at my team and then crying because I wanted an answer. The director told me to shut up. I was confused, and it was awkward. I now know that no, it does not go with they/them unless specified by my trans friend... one year later
2. Accidentally dead naming a transmasc while trying to be helpful, he said to call him his dead name around his parents if we knew it, and I told them that I knew and said it aloud, not knowing how bad it was to deadname someone. Of course, I was harshly corrected and called a stupid transphobic b***h by that person and he reported it to my guard captain, and he WASN'T EVEN ON MY DAMN TEAM, so I got threatened by said captain that I'd be kicked off if I pulled some s**t like that again, but meanwhile before that, I was crying, confused, while my theater director gently explained the concept of dead naming. I felt so bad and apologized to them, but he brushed me off and called me stupid. The room got cold.
I live in a homophobic household and I didn't know or understand about the LGBT community, and I'll admit, I was like the trolls here. And that transmasc is also in a homophobic household and is well aware about my family.