That's it tell us the strangest dream you've ever had

No trolling, please.


I dreamt of an apocalyptic world where humanity vanquished during a war against some kind of mutation of squirrels that suddenly appeared. As a result, those squirrel creatures took place in our stead.

Why squirrels?
I don't know...
It's weird...



    I had a dream where I had pet fish in a tiny bowl but they died because a giant ladybug crawled in the bowl and ...drown them?



    I had a dream that somehow changed from one of my worst nightmares to the best dream I’ve had. There was also this dream I had when I was 7 where I had a dream inside a dream inside a dream for around 5-8 cycles.


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    The most memorable dream I had was when I was about 14. In my dream I was lying in my bed when a masked figure entered the bedroom through the window. Masked figure was dressed all in black and proceeded to slowly push a knife into my chest. All the time he was telling me to be quiet and it will all be over soon. Dream went from terrifying to actually kind of calming as I accepted the end of my life. I felt completely at ease with dying in that moment. Then I woke up.


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    I was at my Elementary school(but im also a grown woman so thats odd) we are doing a potato sack race, then turns out we were on a field trip to france, so i get my friend to bike down the highway with me to Paris,because I wanna by a mug. She leaves when she sees a buffalo on the off ramp, but google maps on my dad old phone says Paris is 15 miles away. I go to a tiny shop, my high school science teacher is a hippie,and runs the shop.She tries to sell me an overpriced friendship bracelet, and I buy a mug. Then he store get big,and turns into a Wegmans, and the dream end with her talking to a lady about rosehip wine in front of a display case


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    I had a dream where me and some friends were running through a shop. We picked up some dessert and then teleported to my teacher's mansion. We met his fiancée, who was called Katie. (In real life she's actually called Lizzie.) Then me and Katie teleported onto a giant stack of plant pots, next to a big balcony. Then I woke up.


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