I love spooky facts!
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That some people genuinely believe that aligning themselves with a would-be dictator will pay dividends of any kind. SMDH.
A would-be fascist dictator, a compulsive liar, a sexual predator, an extreme racist quoting Hitler, a corrupt and convicted businessman, a near-senile babbling imbecile, and germophobe who would not touch, much less help any of his cult members...oh, and he's an orange crybaby.
That Donald Trump has a greater-than-zero chance of getting back into the White House.
The most horrifying fact I know right now is that my 4 daughters have less rights than I did when I was their age. Even more frightening is that I don't know when or if it will change for my grandchildren.
Here History offers comfort. Women- fought, bled, and died - for the right to vote. It took decades - but in the end- men - voted - to extend voting rights to women. Of course it shouldn't have been that hard- but- all humans hate to change. And - we DID change. One of the very proudest achievements of American democracy. We're where we are now - because too many self-involved people did NOT vote to keep a ravening T-Rump out of office - so he wound up appointing 3 of the current Supreme Court judges- enough to totally tilt the court. What would happen if he could appoint more?
The government is corrupt.
As the permafrost melts due to climate change, billions of viruses are entering the environment. Humanity has no knowledge of a lot of them - or immunity to them.
apparently there was this worm that was frozen under layers of ice in Siberia for about 46,000 years - it was revived in a lab and it started to produce babies...
Humanity will believe anything.
I will refer to you a book: "At The Mercy Of Nature", by Carl McDaniel. He's a senior Ecologist and Natural Economist. He comes, after long and hard scientific examination to this conclusion: "Humans have EVOLVED to be able to believe - anything." Because - "belief" has a measurable survival value- it can keep you alive. This is a very profound finding- and one that has not spread far enough.
I'm not sure if this is the "most horrifying fact I know, but it was the first disturbing one that came to mind: Crocodiles can gallop. They're practically as fast on land as they can swim.
Chainsaws were invented to help women who were having a difficult time giving birth.
Truck drivers are expected to run over an animal if the choice is slam on the brakes or swerve out of the way. We are also trained that it is acceptable to force another vehicle off the road into the median to avoid a collision if there is no other way.
This is because the alternative is so very dangerous. Slamming on the breaks in a fully loaded rig can cause a horrific chain reaction. There are too many factors to make a snap decision so it boils down to Bambi's life vs a highway full of people. And forcing a car into a median is a much better option that being hit by or hitting a semi. (I grew up in a family full of truckers)
We are deeply ignorant about our history. We all realize fairly quickly that what is taught to us in schools - is crazy incomplete, bent, and often enough wrong. We complain about it- but do nothing. Most of us have heard of "cuneiform" clay tablets recovered from Babylon, Sumeria, and the Hittites. What we don't know much is that they have been extensively translated now, and are available for anyone to read. It takes some effort- a lot of what is recorded are long religious prayers or poetry- so some perspective is needed. But some are long records of agreements between countries- and lists of laws. I find it very telling that a great deal of time is spent outlining the penalties for Farmer A cheating and lying about Farmer B, and stealing their crops and land. Ask a farmer- has any neighbor ever tried to move a fence- to their benefit- without telling you? If you dig into truly ancient history - and it is available - you'll find that today's problems - are really identical. That's what's so scary- we haven't changed- have NOT "improved" - and we don't know it.
I'm 54. I have less years ahead of me than I've already lived.
Unless you live to be 110. Don’t know which of the two options you find more terrifying… :p
The last Indian Residential School closed in 1994. The rest of society of kept in the dark of what was going on in those Catholic run schools until survivors started speaking out years later.
It was more than dressing Indigenous kids in school uniforms and making the learn in a school setting.
Boys and girls were sexually assaulted. Students were not allowed to speak their native languages, wear their own traditional clothes and boys hair was cut short, a practice of humiliation and degrading. It would be like cutting off all of a girl's hair, but maybe worse.
If a student spoke in their native language a teacher would stick their tongues with pins.
When the students got to the schools they were harshly scrubbed in baths all over, at every age. It has been described as "trying to erase the Indian out of us."
Students were not allowed to have any contact with their families. Parents and other family member of the children would try to sneak around the school, but if they got caught they were arrested.
During the "60s Scoop "children weren't sent to the schools by their family's own free-will. The kids were taken by force at gun point.
Sometimes a girl will become pregnant. The baby would be taken at birth and killed. Some say the father was one of the male staff, like a priest.
Many children fell ill and died due to lack of care. They were buried around the school in unmarked graves and their families may or may not have been told. Just left to guess what may have happened to their child.
The effects of the abuses and cultural genocide have affected multi-generations of the Indian Residential School students, leading to generations of poverty, mental health problems, lack of belonging and their own understanding of their culture.
There is still a lot of negative attitudes towards the Indigenous. Even with people disregarding and discrediting the abuse and neglect claims.
Indigenous people, as far as I know, have lots of cultural significance in their hair, which makes the hair cutting part even worse. Oh and uh. Basically the entire book called “I Am Not A Number” describes some pretty bad things. But we have kinda improved because now, at least where I live (Canada) we learn this stuff in school
There are over 12,000 nuclear warheads operational and active around the world, and not all of them are accounted for. And if you live in a major city or close to a large international airport, military facility, industrial complex, infrastructure or communications hub or a large power plant, chances are there is a warhead pointing at you right now.
To cap it all off, there have been several instances of these weapons going off by accident and computer errors falsely alerting an attack.
If it makes you feel better: there were 61662 nuclear warheads worldwide in 1985. :p
This will probably be lost at the bottom but
That I have to—like I HAVE to—go to an American college, and it can’t be any college but a really good one. And if I do my entire life will be crushed under student debt, in a place where I (who will be a woman) have to live in constant fear of being assaulted, raped, murdered, stalked, or even just losing my home or not having food (these aren’t all necessarily confined to women tho)because apparently inflation ✨
When I was 11 years old, I went to the zoo and hadn't had the talk yet... I saw giraffes make love and I learned so much... I wish I didn't know the process. I couldn't take my eyes off it it.
A good example of why "keeping children innocent"; aka "keeping children ignorant" - may not be a great idea. Kids growing up on farms- see sex, birth, growth, and death- from the beginning. Of course they don't understand anything when they are 2 or 3- but when they start to understand and wonder - they know they've seen it before- and people act like it's normal. "Omigosh cover their eyes!".... may not be the best introduction.
There are certain tumors that can grow teeth and hair. They are called teratomas if I remember correctly.
Pigs are highly efficient at disposing of a human carcass. The only thing they leave behind are the teeth and bones.
Most of the universe will spend its life in darkness while the average temperature drops over time to absolute zero.
The Dutch ate their prime minister. An Aussie prime minister once went missing when he went swimming in the sea and was never seen again
Pretty useless to use pigs then, since teeth can be used for identification, tsk. :p
That if you're lost at sea for a few days (and don't get eaten by sharks or succumb to hypothermia), your skin will start to breakdown. *shudder*
Rabbits will get so freaked out by their first litter they'll eat their kits.
Duck breeding is VERY violent.
Most floors in public places have traces of urine and fecal matter on them. This is why you should never wear outside shoes in your house.
In fact, the amount of fecal matter found on things in public is mindblowing.
1- can confirm. Friend’s rabbits ate their litter. The survivors got sat on and suffocated.
You are never more than six feet away from a spider.
I think I'd probably believe that we are never more than eight feet away from a spider (If you get my drift, you get my drift) XP
First of all I recommend that you should definitely NOT read serial killer Albert Fish's Wikipedia page before going to bed, if you are a minor and if you are of a very sensitive The reason being because his tale is beyond horrific. Just thought I'd warn you all first.
Secondly one of the many horrific things (and there's a lot of them) that shocked me is how the psychiatrists diagnosed him with (and testified about also) around 13 different psychological abnormalities of a certain sort. His defense counsel James Dempsey even in his summation noted that Fish was a "psychiatric phenomenon" and that nowhere in legal or medical records was there another individual who possessed so many of these abnormalities.
Albert fish is the all time worst serial killer imo. To this day I do not understand why my English teacher allowed Albert fisher to be one of the killers we could choose to prepare speeches on when I was 16yo. I read about several killers back then but albert fish was horrifying. 😕
That I often waste my time reading questionable "facts" on this website.
That you cant trust anyone, even yourself 😑
Greyhound tracks in England and Wales have to have a freezer in which to store dead dogs
Race animals are just raced to death. It's a problem all over the world. It's heartbreaking. I saw that NG documentary Horses. In Mongolia they have these marathon horse races they get little boys to ride in. One boy's horse died in the middle of the race. When this happens the horse and the boy is dishonored. The horse is picked up by a dump truck while the boy is walking away in tears.
That rich racist young men are likely to become our next leaders because of their parents influence and money. And we are just okay with that...
If you die alone, your pets will probably eat you
Fir trees can grow in human lungs.
Childhood Bone Cancer can break bones from the inside of the body at early stages. This is sometimes how the cancer is even first discovered.
you can bite off your own finger
Not really, it's a myth that you can bite your finger off like a carrot, carrots don't have bones in the middle. You could almost sever it with your teeth, but probably not get through the bone.
More people have now died from 9/11 toxic dust related cancers than actual people that were murdered on that day.
We in Europe have to deal over international safety with a tired, old American man or with a tired, old American man.
Seems an old Russian man should be more of a concern. God bless and protect Ukraine!
I'm 54. I have less years ahead of me than I've already lived.
Bananas are radioactive.
Almost everything is radioactive to some extent. Some things are just more dangerous radioactively than others, bananas being nothing to worry about unless you eat about a million of them.
When you die, it takes an hour until your brain dies too.
that your brain can eat itself due to lack of sleep. now i cant stop thinking about that.
Details about the Rape of Nanking - the fact that the Nazis had to provide safe haven for the citizens tells you just how bad it was.
I have read that the atrocities during the Räpe of Nanking horrified the Nazis. We all know about Nazis, so those Japanese had to be doing some really horrific stuff. And many of us condemn the US for atom-bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Bodies decompose faster if you put yoghurt in their a**e
Brain rot exists.
The fact that the Great Pacific garbage patch exists.
The majority of people that take their lives are teenagers.
How di
It's still not illegal to sell your children in many countries, including the USA.
Completely false in regards to the US...yet another example of misinformation. Numerous sources but here's a good one...https://www.egattorneys.com/federal-crimes/selling-or-buying-children#:~:text=%C2%A7%202251A%20selling%20or%20buying,result%20in%20a%20life%20sentence.
Anyone can be a murderer. Your friends, your mom, your brother.. anyone. And you could never know.
Yeah um I have trust issues so it’s easy for me to think like that..
The bird flu may soon jump to humans, and Covid will be like mild cold, compared to it.
Yes to the first part, but we don't know what the disease will be like. The person in Texas with H5N1 bird flu who had exposure to presumably infected cows reported eye redness, or conjunctivitis, as their only symptom and is recovering. (CDC)
For people who suffer from severe megalophobia, probably the sheer amount of gigantic prehistoric animals. Went to a museum and had to sit down before I started feeling dizzy.
what mental asylums were used for years ago. many times people sent individuals who had mental health problems that are normal today to an asylum, especially women. They would preform lobotomies, chain people to walls, and many other horrors that we could not comprehend nowadays.
Fun fact, entropy happens, like all the time. We are continually debating until we get to a state where everything is gone. Fun huh?
Gotta love the downvote for no reason. "We are continually decaying until we get to a state that everything is gone" made a mistype in my post but literally downvoting due to stating the laws of the universe...
Load More Replies...Interested in how the guillotine really works? You can watch original videos on YouTube
Fun fact, entropy happens, like all the time. We are continually debating until we get to a state where everything is gone. Fun huh?
Gotta love the downvote for no reason. "We are continually decaying until we get to a state that everything is gone" made a mistype in my post but literally downvoting due to stating the laws of the universe...
Load More Replies...Interested in how the guillotine really works? You can watch original videos on YouTube