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Hey Pandas, What’s The Most Hilarious Thing A Kid Has Ever Said To You?
Toddlers have a way of saying the cutest, most unexpected things that never fail to bring a smile to our faces. What’s the funniest or most heartwarming thing a toddler has ever said to you?
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I was watching my niece (2 at the time) one day and I sneezed. She yelled out "Godzilla!" I turned to her and said, "What?" She said "Godzilla." Then looked at me like I was crazy for not knowing that is what you say when someone sneezes. I asked her mom about it, and she says she doesn't know where it came from, she just started saying it one day. So now, 30 years later, if someone sneezes around me, I say, "Godzilla."
A few years ago my nephew, who was six years old at the time, saw me drawing a skull. He then asked if I drew skulls over and over again until my room looked like a t*****e chamber. I nearly fell off the couch laughing.
My daughter when she was 5 out of nowhere asked me, "mommy, when you die can I have your bras?"
Back when I was a High School teacher, I had many beaut kids, and some not so much, but I loved them all anyway! Two pertinent points here: I have always struggled with my weight plus I like wearing dark colours, especially black. I just feel good in it. One day, one of my kids asked me in class, "Miss ******, why do you wear black so much?" My joking reply was, "Because black is slimming!" The kid looked me up and down, shaking his head in sympathy. "It's not working, Miss ****." Class laughter, me included. (I knew the kid well enough to know that his intent wasn't malicious and he knew me well enough to know that I never held grudges, and that I loved wittiness.)
When my nephew was little- 4 years or so, he got new shoes that lit up. All excited he told my husband and dragged him to a closet so he could see. They got to the closet and my nephew ran in, closed the door with my husband outside. "See Uncle? They light up!" My husband laughed and said "Oh that is so cool! They're great!". When my BIL came home, the same thing happened: in the closet, dad outside. "See Daddy? They light up!"But of course, being the dad, BIL said "No son, I can't see them from out here". My nephew came out a little annoyed. "Well, Uncle could see them!"
My nephew, brothers son, now 31, when he was about 6. I said to my family "you can really see his mother's genes in him (due to blond hair, tall, blue eyes). He heard and was so upset he said "no, Aunty, you're lying, these are my jeans, I was there at the shop when we bought them, im not wearing mums jeans, im not" stamping his foot in full tantrum.
I was walking down the street and met a woman coming the other way. She had a toddler, maybe four years old. The kid gave me a big smile and wave and said, "Hi, Grandpa!"
As an incentive to get my young son to tidy away his toys I promised him if he did it for ten days in a row he could choose anything he wanted from the Two Dollar Shop (so called for obvious reasons). "Anything?" he asked. I agreed. "Wow!" he replied, "But, Mum, I won't choose anything too expensive."
My child was three and I had been telling her some Bible stories and about God for a year or so. One day in the car, she was in her car seat in the back while I was driving. She said, “Mommy, where is God?” I told her that he is always with us and is everywhere. She replied, “ Well, he must be up there with you because he’s not back here with me.”
When my son was very young he was outside with me while I was working in the yard watering plants. He came up to me with his little plastic bucket and asked me to put some water in it. I did. He promptly walked up to the cat and poured the water on it. Of course the cat freaked out. I felt like I should correct him, so I said "That wasn't very nice." He stopped giggling just long enough to say "No, but it was funny." That's been a family motto for 30+ years.