Hey Pandas, What’s The Most Cringy Thing You Remember Back From Elementary School? (Closed)
Did you, your classmates or anyone else ever do something cringe? If so, which grade were they/you in?
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Lets see…
I convinced the whole class I could see in the dark
I rambled about the horror books I was reading even though nobody would listen
I looked for rocks by myself at recess
I once collected 20 ladybugs and then brought them inside the school
I told everyone I could roar like a lion (with a demonstration)
I also just liked to spin in circles instead of playing
I ate my math test
I Made homemade erasers with dry erase marker and glue
Instead of doing schoolwork, I drew scenes from my favorite video game
I was a REALLY strange child
So there was this one time I was maybe in 1st or 2d grade. I was in the bathroom finishing my business when suddenly my inquisitive mind came up with an intriguing question:
"I wonder if I could scream louder than the flushing sound of this toilet?"
Clearly this was an experiment that could not go unexplored. So I reached for the handle...
Now I can only imagine that my teacher/classmates are going through their typical class session learning how to color or whatever, when suddenly they all hear:
5th grade. Learning the metric system. I was always the tallest and fattest kid in my grade. Teacher decides the measuring my metric height and weight, in front of the class, would be "educational". Huge, huge cringe.
This is in middle school, a few weeks ago. We learned our school “fight song” and had to sing it. It was cringe. “Let’s go (school) victory (school), WE ARE GOING TO WIN! (School mascot)s are number 1 we got them on the run FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. We’re the (school mascot), (school name)’s (mascot), hear the roaring crowd! (Every letter of the school’s name pronounced separately)! (School name) (mascot) are cheering proud. I think it tuned to some Wisconsin football team song.
During a fire drill, we followed the usual route through a neighborhood close to the school. I was talking to my friend, looking directly at them, and bumped into a dead end sign.
I was in 4th grade when I was scarred forever. We were lined up to go to lunch when I look over and see that the classroom bathroom door was open and a literal boy was peeing and the entire class was staring. Noone closed the door. Gives me cringe.Makes sense why me and my friends the next year created a play called "Cringe Creek" Nightmare fuel.
In maybe first grade, I was friends with this boy because he taught me how to do the monkey bars backward and stuff. One day he asked me to "marry him" and as a six-year-old does, I said yes. We had a Lego Movie-themed wedding. It was pretty lame. I actually ran into that boy I "married" over the summer, and he said he didn't remember who I was...yup, that was super embarrassing...