Hey Pandas, What’s The Most Blatantly Obvious Or Just Disappointing Plot Hole You’ve Discovered? (Closed)
I always try to find them as a little game for myself, but then if I do find one, I’m upset because it just doesn’t feel as real anymore… sigh. Share whether it’s a movie, book, or show.
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Ok, I’m not sure if this is a plot hole exactly, but the lack of usage of Veritaserum in Harry Potter is so baffling to me! A random teacher like Snape is able to get his hands on some and threatens to use it on Harry, but they don’t use it for his criminal trial? Or even a much more important case like Sirius’s??? How could they have the power to force people to tell only the truth in their hands, yet still make incorrect judicial decisions?! In fact, they wouldn’t even need trials in their universe; a simple round of questioning would immediately prove who was guilty and who was innocent! So weird.
Ok ok I have another Harry Potter one… HERMIONE COULD HAVE USED THE TIME TURNER FOR SO MUCH STUFF. Girl, I thought you were supposed to be smart, yet you chose not to use it to prevent the very preventable deaths of:
- Sirius
- Cedric
- Remus
- Tonks
- Colin
- Hedwig
- Moody
- Fred
- Dobby (literally the most devastating death in the whole series)
These aren’t even in order, just a couple of the ones that could be solved super simply with a time turner without messing up the rest of the main plot. It doesn’t even have to be deaths!! She could prevent:
- George losing his ear
- Harry and Ron being in a feud in Goblet of Fire (during which Hermione was miserable!!!)
- Entering the home of the fake Bathilda Bagshot
- Getting in a fight with Ron in Deathly Hallows, causing him to leave the tent
- Not preparing Ron for the traumatic visions he sees of Harry and Hermione in love when he destroys the locket
- Not helping Harry avoid getting the MANY detentions he gets throughout the series
- Not helping both Harry and Ron do better in their classes, especially Potions
Plus, I feel like a lot of scenarios come up in which Hermione is sooo upset about something small that she could easily fix with the time turner. Such as:
- When Harry and Ron become suspicious of her having the time turner in the first place when she seems very stressed and tired and has a confusing schedule—she could just turn back time so they would never suspect!!
- When she gets in countless fights with Ron—she’s always miserable and they’re so easily preventable!!
- When Harry does better than her in Slughorn’s class because he’s cheating—she is so annoyed by this yet she doesn’t do anything to study more, to look at the book, OR to make sure Harry doesn’t get the book in the first place!!
- To suggest that she go to the Yule Ball with one of the boys—she’s so angry that they didn’t think of her earlier yet didn’t even attempt to do anything to change that!!
- To help Harry out with Cho—she feels so bad for Cho every time Harry accidentally offends her or makes her feel bad (like when they kiss in the RoR) yet she doesn’t try to tell him beforehand that Cho might feel sensitive after the death of her boyfriend!!
She could have improved her relationships with her friends and with Ron. She could have avoided serious trauma and injury for multiple characters. SHE COULD HAVE SAVED COUNTLESS LIVES OF THOSE SHE CARED ABOUT. And yet Hermione literally never uses the time turner again until THE CURSED CHILD???
That was kinda long, it’s just—I just had to rant
If Cinderella's shoe fit perfectly, Why did it fall off?
Dunno if this counts as a plot hole, but let me rant.
This rant is brought to you by Danganronpa: Goodbye Despair.
So, Chapter Three is hot garbage.
(Anyone who plans to play or watch chapter three of Goodbye Despair and hasn't gotten here yet, STOP READING NOW.)
FIRST OFF, I was completely fine with the victims. It was great. Didn't expect a fake suìcide. Awesome. The entire trial? Fine. The movie Monokuma shows you? Fine. I was even okay with Mikan being the culprit. That was fine. What started going downhill was that one class trial where you point out her mistake. If I need to use the Flashback, don't give me SEVEN Truth Bullets. The entire useless point of that chapter was "I remember," and it was just... hot garbage. The punishment? What the heck was that? I think she was... drùgged to death, and the rest of that was... hallucinations, I guess? And what's with the giant arm?? Maybe because she apparently doesn't like oversized things? But the most confusing thing is why they reused the being shot into space like SOMEONE'S FATHER *loud hinting*. At the moment, I was a bit upset that Nekomaru was fully robotic. Half-robot is fine. Mostly being a robot is fine. Took be a bit to realize that it was a major plot point for him to be fully robotic.
I was playing the video game BTW
Oh wow this is so long I'm sorry I became one of those pandas lol I just need to rant
I read the Thirteenth Cat a while ago, and I noticed at the beginning of the book it described a sort of buzzing or hissing sound (I can't remember) coming from the forest. I don't remember it explaining what that sound came from. If the book did explain that, can someone tell me where it came from? Cuz I have no clue.