Hey Pandas, What’s The Most Annoying Or Stupid Thing Someone’s Said To You When Arguing?
Whether or not you are a combative person by nature, we all get into arguments. Some people are harder to argue with than others.
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It’s hard to argue with my little sister(I know it’s stupid). She literally says the same thing I say but directs it towards me lol. It’s kinda funny and annoying. Love her tho
When I was in high school, there was one girl I’ll call Jen who was the epitome of airhead. I forget exactly what she said that day, but it was particularly bad, and I’d been having an especially bad day, so even though I usually keep my mouth shut, for some reason I just snapped and commented “Jen…people like you are the reason blonde jokes exist”. She whipped around, scowled at me, and said “Me? What about YOU?!” And, being a redhead, I wasn’t sure how to respond to that. Everyone around us just looked at me, waiting, with matching expressions of “Well…your move”. I gave up and just told her “I genuinely cannot argue with that logic” with a sarcastic tone…which she missed entirely because she just grinned in triumph and turned back away
A sarcastic "You win" when it's not about "winning". It's good in certain circumstances, but often it's just very passive aggressive. It makes you feel like a jerk. Which I guess is the desired effect. I used to feel bad about it when this would happen, but I've started just accepting it as a win. "You win." "Okay, thanks for the cookie." It stops them in their tracks. xD