Could be a relative, yours, or just a historical one you've heard of. Could be fictional too!


This is gonna be a long wild ride so I'm going to put the TL;DR here.
TL;DR Abuse, love, the duel, high school sweethearts, the costume party, the wedding, the painter, the burning airplane, the happy days, the grumpy cat, the cancer, the fortune teller, the tragedy, the broken heart.

When my Nana was super little her father was an abusive, alcoholic piece of 💩. Bed beat her and her siblings and mum constantly. This led to her early marriage later. When she was in high school two boys fell in love with her. One was my Papa, and the other was just a random kid. So my Papa did what you would do. Challenged the kid to a duel ina cornfield after school for her "hand." Well you can guess who won!
They fell in love and had a secret high school romance. One day right before my Nana turned eighteen the two of them were driving to a costume party dressed as Minnie and Mickey Mouse. She still has Minnie and Mickey everywhere in her house. He told her to open the glove box really quick to grab something. The thing that he needed was an old diamond ring saved up and bought from a pawnshop for a hundred dollars. That was the day they got engaged and that was the day my Nana vowed to leave the day she turned eighteen. They got married and it was a small affair but they were happy. My Nana and Papa graduated from high school but my Nana was forbidden to go to college, even though she had a scholarship. So she opened a painting business with a few girlfriends and made money that way. My Papa switched jobs around but eventually ended up as the Chief of the Airport Firefighters. It was his job to greet important passengers and to train the newbies. One way he would train them is but going to the airport scrapyard, getting into a plane, setting it on fire, and then telling the newbies to get him out before he burned to death. My Nana always said she would wait up until the morning just to make sure he came home safe. Along the way they had two kids, my mom, and my uncle. They were happy for a long time. My Uncle and Mom got married and although my Uncle had nor problem with kids, my Mom was never able to have kids. So she adopted my brother from Guatemala. Sadly my Papa got cancer, a rare type, and no hospital had enough technology to save him. By then I had my two oldest cousins and my brother.
Before my Papa passed away he said to my Mom, "Although I depart from this world, I will send two angels down to keep you company."
He passed away on a sunny day.
A year later my Mom and Dad tried IVF. They had a 20% chance of having a child. Yet, lo and behold, they had a pair of TWIN girls, me and my sibling. (They're now gender fluid)
My Nana refused to move, date, or get rid of the ornery cat she hated, because it was my Papa's. She still lives in the same house alone now. There is only one picture of him, and his belongings are all packed away in her closet. Except for his hat and badge. It's now a family tradition to screenshot or take a picture of anything with the number 101 on it and her, because that was his badge number.

If you stuck to the end thank you! And add your own stories!


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Do-nut touch da donut
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Thats such an amazing story tysm for sharing.... also you gave me a heart attack when u said you mum and unc got married i thought you meant to eachother for a sec phew lol

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    The story of how I met my boyfriend on a game in Roblox. We started chatting and then he asked me to be his friend and I said yes, then fast forward to November of last year we became boyfriends. Almost one year later we’re still going strong, he’s helped me through my darkest days and helped me fight my dark thoughts.



    My parents
    Once upon a time this young woman from Mexico and this young man from Spain are out with separate friend groups in the U.S One mutual friend invited them all for a pizza at a pizza place in Chicago. They hit it off and go on many dates. One day he hands her a bouquet of flowers and says “ can you check if they are fresh.” The lady says “ they look fine” the man insists and the lady finds a box with an engagement ring inside. They get married in Spain and one year later I come into being. Years later they they to the U.S and have another child. They still love each other to this very day.


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    Tress of the Emerald Sea, It's a Sanderson Book, but its fun.


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    FitzSimmons from Agents of Shield. THEY ARE SO FREAKING CUTE!!! "Fitz and Simmons are ranked by CBR and Screen Rant as being the best and most well-developed couple in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They are also stated to be Marvel's best love story even after the events of Avengers: Endgame. Most fans who have watched Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and voicing their opinions on Reddit and Tumblr, agree that Fitz and Simmons is one of the greatest love stories in the MCU."
    They risked their lives time and time again to save each other and always ended up separated in whatever catastrophe was currently happening but they always came back together!! Their energy and dynamic is SO GOOOOOD
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