Sleep talking is just hilarious.


My brother says I once shouted at 3AM, “I DONT CARE. (my brothers name) STOLE MY CAT. AND NOW THEY ARE COMING. FOR USSSS.”
It’s not sleep talking, but my mother does really weird stuff in her sleep. One time she sat up with her eyes closed, and started rolling me away from her. Another time she started smacking her lips together, like she was eating. One time, she said in her sleep, really loud, “aaaaaagh” I went to her room to see what was wrong. “Did you get the answer? Me:” what?” “You still didn’t get the answer? The test is in three days!” She had been studying with my brother in her sleep. Later in the night, she screamed again, saying “all my hair fell out! It all fell out! I’m pulling on it but I can’t feel it!” My father came to her room to see what’s going on. She was asleep…. And pulling on the pillow case. LOL
