Hey Pandas, What’s The Funniest Answer You Have Ever Received While Taking An Online Quiz? (Closed)
If you have ever taken one of those quizzes online, that say are 100% positive and can guess your name, and they'll guess it all wrong (yeah, those quizzes), let us know how it went!
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I took a sexuality quiz literally 5 minutes ago and the only question was if I was attracted to which gender so I picked the same gender (I’m gay) and it said I was straight and burst out laughing.
I want to hear how you all have had your online quizzes results and which ones are the funniest.
That my spirit animal was a slug…
I AM A RED PANDA and my spirit animal is a human 🙃
I once created a kahoot (online quizzing game) and the theme was Christmas. Every single correct answer was 42.
If you get the joke, I love you.
it said i was gay! HA HA, i’m TOTALLY not.. i’m just VERY GOOD friends with women.. totally
my favorite is definetly when i took guesss your gender quiz and it came up as woman and im a man. i burst out laughing so turns out im act like a woman
In school we had to take an online test to see what jobs we should consider.
On my test I answered that I enjoy working with animals and that I can handle unpleasant situations thinking that would maybe be referencing giving bad news or the potential of having to put a dog down if I got vet.
Based on those questions in particular it interpreted that my to job should be Taxidermist.
Because I like with animals (I assumed alive was implied) and I can deal with unpleasant situations.
I took the online depression test and it said I was probably seriously depressed and I'm not even sad generally lol. I just have a lot of intrusive thoughts (probably because of my ADHD/meds), and I think that tripped it up.
lol "the online depression test" as if there is just one, meant to say "a online depression test".
My class had to take an online test to get suggestions for future careers, and I said that I liked science and art. It told me that I should be a construction worker 🤦🏻
I also took one to see my age to see if it could guess, and it said that I was 60 years old