There are many terrifying yet interesting stories about people getting hurt in some pretty dumb ways. What would yours happen to be?


Putting a pack of toilet paper in the bathroom in the dark and walking back in thirty seconds later and tripping over it



    I was home alone on a cold night and I broke my nose on the mantle piece while putting coal in fire.


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    C W
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is so horrible but I laughed pretty hard 😅 poor thing


    I literally stabbed myself with a safety pin the other day. A. Safety. Pin. I always stab myself with them. They just don't work on me.



    Last year I tripped over nothing and twisted my ankle in an EMPTY room with all the furniture taken out for redecorating 🤣 also i picked up a cute shiny beetle once to move it out of the road and it bit a chunk out of my finger ☹️



    I sneezed while doing yoga and ended up with a reasonably sized bruise on my forehead. I wasn't even that far from the ground, too.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As far as I'm concerned, the only really good thing about carpets is they make yoga more comfortable! Other than that, they're just giant housework-generators.


    Wet flip flops. Butt surfed around the house until daughter came home to get the crutches out of the garage. Sprained my ankle pretty good. This was not the first, or even the sixth time wet flip flops have tried to kill me. I can't even claim youthful ignorance. I'm a grandma. And sometimes, an idiot.


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    Orion C.
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    when you got squelch in your shoes your foot is what you'll lose

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    When I was a kid I got a concussion from running into a pole while playing a game


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    Slid down the banister the sharp part impaled my knee and I couldn't walk for three months+



    Jumping down a staircase. Tore my ankle tendons.


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    Tracy Caraker
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hahahaha! I've done that. Almost got caught having seggsy time with my BF at his house. Heard his parents pull up and flew down those stairs. Hard to walk with a sprained ankle LOL


    I broke my arm falling off a metal ball.


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    I kneeled on a needle that went trough my pants and into my knee and it had a string attached


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    Goth mouse (they/them)
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ouuuch ive trod on one stuck in the carpet 😖 they should make brightly coloured ones so it’s easier to see if they are dropped

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    I fell asleep sitting at a hightop table in sports bet at a high profile Las Vegas casino. I'd been up 36 hours, 12 playing craps. Woke up at the hospital a few hours later with three staples in my head and a b*tch of a concussion.


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    I used to twist my back a lot to get out any tensions and loved the feels of the cracks. But then I got a shooting pain going from my lower back all the way down my leg, and my hip was killing me. It got so bad I need a couple rounds of physiotherapy. I've been okay since and haven't done the twisty thing as often.



    Trying to break a length of wood by stamping on it in the middle, not realizing that there was a 2 inch nail sticking out.

    Found out when it put it through my heel !



    i was climbing on top of boxes behind a stage during a basketball game and sat on edge so i fell of which caused the heavy box to fall on my wrist now that i think of it i should of really followed the aduly who said "dont go behind the stage you might get hurt this happened like 6 weeks ago i am typing with a cast on



    I ran into a pole. My glass smashed into the side of my face, just missing my eye. You could nearly see my skull. Memories.



    I was standing on the step between our front porch & sidewalk taking a picture of a UFO because I didn’t know what it was (it was maybe an ultralight helicopter or something like that). I was focused on the sky and trying to get a good shot and forgot I was on the step & fell off of it severely spraining my ankle. It’s been 14 months and it still isn’t back to normal.

    When I was younger, I was playing with some friends at a pavilion for a picnic. We were going up the steps in the back to go onto the stage, not running but walking fast & just being silly. The last step I hit the top of my foot against the step, my parents didn’t believe that I was seriously hurt, so I ended up walking on it for 2 weeks before going to the doctor. I fractured my first metatarsal then ended up getting a stress fracture on my 5th metatarsal because I was babying the 1st.

    (Both happened on my left foot, in between the 2 accidents, I also had 2 surgeries on the same foot but nothing related to the accident)



    I "borrowed" my cousin's motorcycle. I made it about 10-15 miles (I was going really fast), and then I crashed. My cousin failed to mention that it slips around on gravel. I ended up with little rocks stuck in my knee. On the way home, my cousin pointed out to me that I had the rocks stuck in my leg and that I was bleeding. I shrugged it off, and went home. My grandmother screamed when she saw, although it honestly didn't hurt too bad. I have a few scars from it, but it was fun anyways.


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    Why I was little, I tried to see how high I could kick my leg, I did it with such force, I feel backward and sprained my wrist. I was about seven.


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    I needed to change a light bulb on the porch and pulled a lawn chair over to stand on. But first I had to bounce on the chair to see if it would hold my weight. I bounced right off and hit a brick on the side of the porch and broke both bones in my right arm............have 3 screws in my arm and I was in my 50's !



    like a month ago i wanted to see if i could do a backflip off my roof onto the trampoline. a backflip. of the roof of a two story house. onto a trampoline. note: i have had trampoline related injuries before (fell off of one when i was 6 and split my head open) and my idiot brain decided "oh yeah. this is going to be awesome." i am a JUNIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL. i have a 3.5 gpa and i still somehow thought that this would be safe. Luckily, i did land on the trampoline, and i landed on my back. i was sore for a week and i havent gone near the trampoline since then.


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ok not as bad as that could have been. Phew you could have DIED HEKKIN DIED! That was brave tho


    I had a Ham injury. {not hamstring just ham} Thanksgiving three years ago I was taking the Ham out of the fridge at my daughter's house. It was a big Ham and there were three inches of juice/marinade in the pan. The problem was I'm short and the rack the Ham was on in the fridge was right at the top of my head so I had to take it out, over my head, and keep from spilling the juice all over me or the fridge.

    I managed to get it out safely (the Ham was safe, I was not) but felt a hot, stabby pain in my elbow. Bothered me for months but wasn't too painful I didn't have strength in it while opening a jar, etc. Finally made a Dr.s appt. and found I had torn a tendon in my elbow and had to have a release surgery.


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    I crashed into a bush/tree while sledding. Me and my friends were sledding on a path through the woods out into a field. There was a part where the path split with a big bush in the middle. My friend was complaining that her sled wasn't steering right, and I figured I would try it to prove that the sled was fine. The first part of the path was fine, but when it got to the split, it wouldn't choose a side. Obviously, I hit the bush, and sprained my wrist. My friends were all laughing


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    Henry Russell
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    the same thing happened to me brother when he was sliding down the ENTRANCE cause of a long line and hit a tree

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    I jumped over 3 chairs to prove to my guy friend I could do it better. Sprained my ankle really badly and didn't walk right for a few weeks


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    When I was five we were having a barbeque so I decided to pick up live coal and burned my hand... introduce facepalm


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    Broke my thump while making tea with honey



    I cracked a rib trying to take a dog poop bag out of a recycling bin.

    I dropped the bag in the wrong bin, which was completely empty, so I reached in to get it. It was just of reach, so I stretched farther and farther and farther, and just as I grabbed the bag I felt and heard a gristly crack. I’m a dog walker, and I did that on the first walk on the schedule. That was a long day.



    Have several but these are the 2 that comes to mind. First I had to walk around with a patch over my eye for a few weeks after injuring it by tripping and landing with my eye on a pool cue. My whole body weight was held by my eye and the cue.
    Second was by opening a door too quickly because I was close to missing my bus. A splinter located a couple of inches under the handle went under my whole nail and all the the way up to the first joint. Even the emergency doctors looked a little uncomfortable when they saw it.



    I once had a painful tear behind my ear because I couldn't judge how far I had to stand before slam closing my car door.

    Maybe above shouldn't be in past tense. This is not a past, I knock my forehead regularly when taking things from car. It's been years.


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    I chased a pigeon in seventh grade(so I was twelve) and then I stepped in a hole in the grass and sprained my ankle.


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    iI dislocated my shoulder once hugging my younger sister



    When i was 6, i saw a pigeon and i was lke hey, lets pet it. You might havd guessed. It backfired. The pigeon pit me and blood was oozing out of my hand. Not a very fun experience. Dound dum now that im waay older, but in my little empty 6-year old mind this was a smart idea. 🤣 feel free to laugh i wont mind and hv a nice day!😀



    I was making something with sugar and then the sugar spilled and landed on the ground without me noticing. I then stepped on it and it got in a cut and was buried there for a while. I put my foot in a tub of water and dissolved it but it really hurt.



    I was taking my food upstairs , and I have a weird problem of day dreaming. So , Idk what bull s**t I was seeing in my dreams , But I ended up falling down at the last step. All my food was on the floor. My parents are strict , so instead of seeing the big bruise on my legs , I cleaned all the mess by myself and then saw I was bleeding ! I cleaned it up , and pretended nothing happened but my dad ended up knowing everything because he heared the big *dhum* sound. Instead of helping me , he made fun of me amd laughed all day. You know , The way my father reacted hurted me more than the actual bruise. And now , Its been a month or two but that bruise is still recovering



    Fractured my ankle on the last day of school (8th grade) competing in an inner tube race. When I arrived at the finish line I attempted to jump out of the double stacked inner tubes but, didn’t quite make it. Landed on the side of my left foot. The crack of the bone was so loud, it echoed across the gym.

    Ended up spending nearly all summer in a non-walking cast. While I missed out on many fun things that summer, I do recall enjoying all the attention I received while “sporting” my fancy cast!


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    In the early 70's, cutting the bottom of the legs of a pair of jeans at the hem in order to fray them. We would cut the very bottom hem off and then take a safety pin and pull at the threads to make the cuff look 'shaggy'. Held the pants on my leg, used a box cutter, cut right through the pants and into my thigh. Still have the scar and it makes my smile.


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    Huddo's sister
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have done similar using scissors to cut material on my lap, I've also ruined a doona cover and blanket that way. I didn't learn from the first one obviously.


    I have two main ones.
    1. I was 6 years old, and I hit my head on a table while running…in the other direction.
    2. A month after the first happened I was running away from the house we were staying in for a family reunion, I got stuck in a fence. We didn’t have anything to get me out so my cousin just yanked me out. Former white fence now bloodstained.


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    Huddo's sister
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a friend in primary school who had a similar experience. She was chasing my baby sister around the playground at school. My sister ran under a bar and my friend followed but of course she was much taller. She knocked out two front teeth on the metal bar. Luckily her mum was in the parents group room next to the playground. She rushed her to the dentist and they repaired her teeth. It would have been so painful though.


    I was walking and tripped over myself…it resulted in a fractured ankle



    I put my hand on a hot burner. 9 years old. I knew it was hot. I wanted to see what would happen. Guess what happened? I got burned.


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    Huddo's sister
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I did this but didn't know it was hot. We were at a park for lunch during an excursion and there were BBQs there. I assumed they were turned off and put my hand on it. I burned three of my fingers quite badly- but I didn't tell a teacher and just hoped the water at the pool we were going to would cool them down enough, but we didn't get there for about 20 mins and it was a heated pool!


    sitting on the floor, doing math on a clipboard the clipboard fell and the metal part hit next to my eye.
    OR A year ago, me and my brother were riding down a hill on our scooters without our hands (I would like to emphasize that this was HIS Idea) my scooter hit a pebble, I did a FOOSH (Falling Onto OutStretched Hands) didn't break anything, but both my wrists were hurt, and one of them needed a splint just to be safe. We were moving states a week later.


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    Running out my house because I was already late for schoolbus I chash full speed on to a pole right in front of my door and broke my nose, (had to wear an ugly mask for 2 weeks) my glasses, and had a concusion that gave my blackened eyes for all my friends an familly to lough at.
    In my defense the pole was placed in front of my house right the day before... but still I didn't see it.


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    Laughing at a joke on BP. I laughed so hard I cricked my neck and ended up in the ER.



    First time answering one, but... Which time?! OK, dumbest was breaking a foot in four places b/c I was walking downstairs... carrying a box... and felt the cat against my leg... And I didn't want to step on the cat. I stepped over the cat, missed the next step down, and pretty much face-planted at the bottom, with one foot in the wrong shape. Did not learn my lesson, either. Thirty years later, tripped over cat on flat surface, b/c I didn't want to step on the *other* cat. Nine pieces of metal now hold that arm together, and yes, teak is very tough wood. I bounced off the table and chair before the floor. Moral: I'll probably injure myself again so I don't step on a cat!


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The Catgoddess appreciates your sacrifice and will welcome you in catheaven after your final departure !

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    Trying to feed my goats. Tripped over my own feet and tumbled about 15 down a steep hillside. Threw my back out and hurt like hell for days.


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    I was walking up the stairs in my slippers. My foot slipped out and I smashed my big toe on the stair, ripping off half of my toenail.


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    Huddo's sister
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oooh, that hurts! I stubbed my toe on something and it hurt, but I have a fairly high tolerance for pain so didn't really even look at it. About five minutes later I saw the blood that I had trailed around half the house! Once I had a proper look at it I saw my nail was hanging half off so I had to remove the rest. That's when the pain really hit me!


    About a year ago, I got in a bike accident trying to avoid an accident. Passed between a tree and high fence. Tried to move my right hand over, sleeve got stuck on the handlebar. Hit the fence, hit the sidewalk. Bruised ribs, some sidewalk rash on my hands, gnarly scar on my knee and broke some blood vessel in my left thumb which puffed up around the knuckle. Fun times!


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    While bored in class, I was playing with a pencil like an airplane and I accedintaly stabed myself in the eye. Had to wear a medical eyepatch for a month.


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    Huddo's sister
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The sting of having your shame on your face (the eyepatch) would have been great.


    I was like 5 and on vacation with my parents in a mountain area. Ran down the rocky hill we were standing on, wearing flip flops, tore the skin of my leg open from thigh to ankle and dropped my freaking ice cream.



    I scratched myself really bad when i was trying to do a TikTok dance


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    I was walking to school and fell down, and my dumbass took the entire impact with a single finger.

    It was only fractured, but by god it felt broken


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    Getting off the trampoline. Sitting on side and was less than 12” from the ground. Snapped my ankle and my grandmother coming out the house could hear it snap. Went to the ER and had a hairline fracture and my ankle was swollen for more than two weeks.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I fell off my trampoline, hit my private right on the metal, and fell onto my back. Surprisingly it barely hurt when I fell on my back, but my (you know) hurt


    This was from my dad. When he was younger he was obsessed with the write brothers. One day he made a ‘plane’ and jumped off the roof of my grandparents garage. He landed in a patch of stinging nettles.

    When he told my grandmother, she ripped him a new one and didn’t bother to take him to hospital. He’s fine and later repeated it with cardboard wings.

    source Report


    I got run over by a four-wheeler because a dog stepped on the gas while getting in it. Lmk if you want the whole story


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    Stepped on a shoe, broke my ankle..
    Yes my brothers still make fun of me after more than 10 years because of it!


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    Once at school I got a nose bleed so i had to go to the nurse, i fell down the steps on my way. I sprained my foot really bad and it was sprained for about a month or so
    also once I dropped a sledgehammer on my hand


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    I climbed up the monkey bars when I was seven, and I jumped down to show my teacher and got the breath knocked out of me. I also tried to be like a circus performer and jumped onto a ball and attempted to jump back off but fell and hit my back on the ground. Of course my delusional child mind......


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    I was climbing on a mattress that was propped up against a wall, fell between the wall and the mattress, got stuck for a few seconds and fractured my sternum.


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    Back in elementary school, like 3rd grade? I was running around the playground, as one does, and i put my foot in a little ditch and it sprained my ankle. Dumb thing about it? I somehow did it twice.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    oh i also got punched in the stomach by a really tiny child and the wind was knocked out of me, that kid is gonna be a boxer


    When I was 9 we went on a hayride and a picnic. I was running around in the field and forgot there was a creek, I ran off a 4 foot ledge rolled through several bushes of stinging nettles into the creek. I was covered head to toe in stinging nettles. Spent the rest of the picnic and ride back covered in mud (as the mud dries it pulls out the nettles) and had to be hosed off behind the resorts kitchen.

    Early 20s I was brushing my hair and ended up in urgent care. Had excruciating back pain and couldn't move my upper body or stand up straight. I couldn't even put on a shirt to go to the hospital, thankfully I had on an undershirt and found a knitted poncho. Turns out it was a muscle spasm in my back. Who knew brushing your hair could lay you up for 2 weeks and cause a 15yr addiction to muscle relaxers.


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    I was barefoot at a party, went to kick a balloon, missed, and smashed my toe into a chair leg. Ended up breaking my toe. It wasn't even that strong of a kick. I was just casually kicking at it to get it out of the way.


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    running on a treadmill at 3 AM.... I do not recommend



    Well I do not actually know if this counts as stupid but when I was like 6 I picked my enemy to go to the bathroom with me and she shut the door on my finger. Cried all the way to the hospital.


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    Broke my index finger plunging a toilet.


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    When I was really young me and my friends were camping. We burned sticks for the fun of it, and my tiny brain just went. "Hm. How would it feel if I touch the burnt stick?" Spoiler alert: I got burned.


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    Huddo's sister
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My brother, neighbour and I used to make fires in the park next door. One day we used what we thought was a metal pot to make it in. I don't know why we thought it was metal since it was green outside and black inside. Anyway, it turned out it was made of plastic and began to melt. This particular day we didn't have a bucket of water like normal so we stamped it out. Problem was we were warering gumboots which we then had to hide from our mum when they also meted putting the fire out. Ooops

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    I fell off of a chair and busted my chin. oof.



    I broke 2 ribs, (Displacement fracture), trying to not step on a cat.
    It was winter, dark and the silly cat was laying on the sidewalk between my garage and the house. We have a lot of stray cats around this area.
    Heard the cat yell, I am just 6'1" and 220 so I jumped back, because stepping on a cat would not be the best for it. I landed on an ice patch, went down face first and cracked them on the curb. Ouch.
    It took me almost 10 weeks to be able to return to work, cost several thousand in co pays, and a truly silly amount of pain. For a stray...


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    Leo Domitrix
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I must upvote this ten thousand times. Lest this be me next. And it would be.


    Chasing a wildflower. Word of note, they are not difficult to chase down. Fell off a 6’ embankment, bounced off a bunch of boulders and landdd in a huge berry patch.
    Had to be cut out of the patch, while the first responders were carrying my fat ass back up the embankment, they tripped over the same thing I did, nearly dropping me.
    The fall destroyed my tibial plateau, had to have surgery, surgery unsuccessful, had to have a knee replacement, allergic reaction to the prosthetic or cement destroyed 2/3rds of my patella, had a revision, that surgeon called a severe case of anemia by not following procedure, put in a PICC line to treat an infection I never had and left a drill bit in my tibia….getting another surgeon to clean up this mess has been challenging to say the least.
    NOTE: last two surgeons left the state. One was fired for being so bad, the second one quit to move “for family”. All records are under investigation by the State medical board.
    ***I asked the park to name the area Sue Falls in honor of me😜



    I could name at least one per year for every year I have been alive. When I was 10, went to a friend's house with no adult supervision. My friend picked up a pitchfork and pretended to stab me in the foot. No pretense involved. The tine went into the eyelet of my tennis shoe, blood shot up in the air. A neighbor saw what happened and brought over kerosene, poured it over my foot telling me that will clean it out. I am still not sure what hurt worse, the stabbing or the so-called antiseptic. I still have the scar.

    Another stupid injury happened in the shower of a ritzy hotel. It had 2 soapdishes, one for a bath, and the other higher for the shower. I dropped the soap, and as bent to pick it up, hit the upper soap dish, almost knocking myself out. Goose egg extraordinaire with a huge bruise accompniant.


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    When I was in high school my best friend came to our house to give me something. I was doing some exercise so I was a bit amped up and as I ran down the stairs to open the door for him I decided to jump the last step. It was a tiny step, a tiny jump, more of a hop... I felt a tiny pain but didn't pay attention. Soon it turned out I managed to tear some tendons in my ankle. But the funniest bit was that like Chinese whispers the fact that my friend was there turned into some weird gossip in class that eventually reached my favourite teacher as well. He pulled me aside and asked was it true that my friend pushed me down the stairs?! I mean he pulled me aside while I was talking and laughing with said friend. Would I do that if just yesterday he tried to kill me?



    I had two memorable falls in my childhood. One when I was about nine and a very good little girl. Mom asked me to bring a very large crystal vase out of one room and as I was walking with it I tripped. I was worried that I'd brake Mom's beloved, expensive vase so I held it way up while getting myself bruised all over without softening the fall at all, and they found me just lying there with my arms still stretched up, holding the precious stuff...

    The other time a few years later I was carrying tons of magazines down some concrete stairs and then the top one slipped off the stack and landed on the next step. I couldn't see squat so I stepped on it and slipped like in a cartoon, magazines flying all around me and my head and spine hitting the sharp edge of every single step going down. When I arrived at the bottom I was rather miserable and in a lot of pain. Mom showed up at the top and screamed "Jesus, did you break your leg again?!" (Unrelated injury from when I was really little.) And I'm like "No, that might be the only thing I did not break but my head might be split open..."



    I was trying to slide under a chair( knee forward) and bang my face on the back rest thingy


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    I was about 11 and there was this tree in the neighborhood where we kids had put in a swing. Like a Tarzan swing. We would take turns taking a swing on it. Wouldn't you know, the rope decided to break while I was on it. The next thing I knew, I was looking up at the sky and the others were crowded around me. They said I was out for a couple of minutes. I was okay, but I never rode that swing again after they fixed it.


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    I was 14 and my friend had a moped. She would let me ride it sometimes. It was a lot of fun. I was riding on this empty lot and suddenly there was this huge hole. I couldn't avoid it. So I got knocked off the bike. I never rode it again. My friend's mother called it "That little putt putt thing."


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    Right before my Freshman year of high school started, I *successfully* licked my elbow and threw out my back doing so. I've had back problems ever since, and we didn't even catch it on video!


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    Got hit by a car when i was 13. Dont remember it but i kinda remember waking up in hospital, and sometimes i do feel guilty for surviving, when some dont


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    Savannah Manis
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm glad you made it. You were really lucky to not be injured really badly.


    Picking up my backpack… dislocated ma thumb.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It was slightly under my desk, and I picked up (apparently) pretty aggressively, and slammed my hand on the under side. It caught my thumb just right.

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    Broke my right arm (Humerus Bone) in three places playing dodgeball.
    third 40 minute game in a row that day. Simply threw the ball, the muscles around the bone contracted and twisted while i was throwing the ball and caused a three part spiral fracture.

    Still managed to hit the guy i was aiming at though, Ironically it wasn't very Humorous


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    I was 5, playing in the back yard and decided to move a 50 pound bar bell because it was in my way. Dropped it on my big toe, smashed it flat. Then,while my mom is on the phone trying to get us a ride to the hospital, I tried to stand up by leaning on the coffee table. Hand slipped & I sliced my ear open. Ear turned out to be worse than the toe! (Did lose the toenail when I was 29, though.)

    Then, just last New Years Eve/Day, I woke up hungry and headed downstairs. It was 5 am, so the house was dark. I somehow missed the last step, went flying, hit my head on the corner of the wall, landed on my wrist, and managed to get my feet tangled up in the bar stools at the island. Huge goose egg on head, sore wrist and severely sprained my ankle. Almost a year later and I'm still having trouble with that foot. Oh, I'm 56 now, so I can't blame youth; I'm just graceful like that.


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    I have a garage door opener. On of the cables that goes around a pully was in a tangle behind a pull. The pull appread to be bent.
    I figured I needed to replace the pully so I proceed to remove it.
    Apparently the cable around the pully is under very high tension.
    In the blink if an eye it snapped free missing my face by centimeters.
    Unfortunately it took off about an inch (2.5cm) of my left index fingertip. My father took me to the ER, as I bled profusely.
    At the ER my wife shows up 10 minutes later with the tip of my finger on ice.
    Doctor looks at it and says there's not much they can do to reattach it and it'd just be a higher risk of infection than it'd be worth. So they toss my fingertip in the trash, patch me up and send me home.
    TL;DR - Had the tip of my finger cut off by my garage.


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    Note: I am a bone breaker by nature and a full time klutzologist. So, here we go.

    Broken leg - tripping over dog
    Broken ankle - mini golf (now lovingly referred to a full contact putt putt)
    Broken nose - Johnny Bench batter up meets wooden bat
    Broken toes - curb
    Top lip torn open by bottom teeth (the trip over my own little feet that started it all)


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    Tried to catch a falling 2kg grocery weight made of metal, the hexagonal kind with the nice sharp edges... With my foot. My pinky toe turned dark blue and I had a hard time walking for a few days. It might have been broken but I never bothered to get it checked because I didn't think they could do anything about it anyway. That was 15 years ago and I'm alright now 😄 I lost the habit of catching falling things with my feet, though.



    I walked straight into the table. I had to go to the hospital, and I still have the scar on my head. Plus I was at my grandmothers house at the time and my mother was across the country. (I was 5 btw)


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    I’m still wearing the bandaid from this! I was playing “hot potato” with gift bags at a Christmas party and sliced my finger open on one… it bled through three bandages :/
    I also tore a tendon playing Spear of Justice on the piano


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