Hey Pandas, what’s the dumbest idea you’ve ever had, that actually worked out?


my at the time 17 yr old son decides last minute he wanted to attend a renaissance fair but didn't have an outfit. when i say last minute i mean the day before. went to thrift store and purchased: one lightweight granny nightgown w/ruffles; one pair of green worn work pants; one ladies size 10 leather jacket /fur trim; one pair worn leather flip flops. now, my son was 6 ft 180lbs. he started to complain but told him to shut up and went to work. stripped the nightie into blouse w/peasant sleeves. "wore out" pants to make it look like he would wear in field. stripped the jacket by the seams then re-did it into a leather jerkin. used the sleeves/excess leather to create a pouch with fur to carry things. also took scraps and made him footwear w/laces over the flip flops. had him cut down a branch from a back yard tree, stripped it and make it into a staff after coloring it with coffee and coffee grinds. final touch was a cap torn to look worn. after all was done he looked authentic. the next year i ordered 10 yards of tartan based on our family and made him the rest. but, for that year, he had a great time and it began his love of history in general as well as the history of our family line.



    I had really bad anxiety of going out of town alone and a terrible fear of flying too. I couldn’t even get a train to the next town (10 minute journey).
    Had an evening getting very tipsy with a friend and it turned out drunk me bought sober me tickets to New Zealand (12,000 miles as I live in England). I was terrified before but ended up loving the journey and never felt any fear at all. 12 hours to Singapore, transferred planes on my own and then another 10 hours to NZ. A 20+ year toxic and emotionally abusive relationship was the real reason I became so anxious. Strange how it affects us in unexpected ways and it happens so slowly. I’m so happy and confident on my own now (single!), I can now go anywhere without any anxiety :)



    Went to work at the Disney store. I wasn't into Disney stuff at all and I knew their staff expectations were high. Retail jobs are rough to begin with, and I didn't want to deal with any of that. But I saw a girl behind the counter laughing with a customer as I walked by. It was such a genuine, warm laugh that I thought "what the heck, maybe it'll be fun" and applied.

    Well, I got the job and that girl became my best friend. Then I started dating her boyfriend's best friend. This summer, we'll have been married 17 years and have amazing tween twins. I would never have met my husband or had my awesome children if it wasn't for a girl laughing in a store I'd never dreamed of working in before.



    In seriousness: Made a knee brace out of duct tape. I was desperate. It friggin' worked better than the one from the hospital. Still use the duct tape brace!


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    Daniel Marsh
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Fun fact: After decades of everyone being told that it's duct tape, not duck tape, it turns out it's duck tape, not duct tape. It's made out of duck cloth, which is named for its ability to repel moisture like feathers on a duck. It's been called "duck tape" since 1899, but "duct tape" only since 1965.

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    I was thirsty and didn't want water, so I just got some honey, mixed it into a glass of water, and it actually tasted pretty good!


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    Daniel Marsh
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Desperate for a mixed drink at a party I was throwing, and low on supplies, I turned to honey plus powdered lemonade plus ice plus rum. Created several Wedding-at-Cana conversations.

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    So this one was only sort of my idea. Years ago, I ran a preschool out of my house. Kids in the 3 to 5 year old age range like to test boundaries and try new things. They would often tip back their chairs and try to ballance One week 3 kids tipped their chair back and hit their head on the wall or floor. I only had 6 students, so this was pretty ridiculous.
    So I had the idea, out of desperation as much as anything to sit them all down, on the floor (trust was pretty low at this point) and ask them how to solve the problem.
    The oldest, who was all of 5 suggested we should make a sign that said "Don't tip back your chair" and hang it on the wall. I pointed out she was the only one who could read the sign. They all insisted that if they drew pictures on the sign it would work. I knew this wouldn't work, but nothing was working. So I said "Okay, we can try the sign" hoping that would give me a few days to figure out something better.
    3 years later, when I shut the preschool down to return to college, no other kid had fallen and hit their head. Every time a new student tipped their chair back an older student would read them the sign and explain the rule. I literally never had to talk about it again. They were so determined it would work that they made it work!


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    Susanne B
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes they had made it themselves, so they wouldn't forget. Not stupid idea at all


    I once had a flat tyre on my bicycle. Didn't have repair kit on me. Saw a piece of hosepipe lying at the side of the road, and slipped it between the tube and tyre. Made the wheel sturdy enough to get home and fix it.



    Set up a tinder account for entertainment. Found the love of my life.



    Many years ago the retail department store I worked for was replacing their old-school cash registers with computerised ones. we were all required to attend a meeting where we were told about them and how they worked. I sat in the back of the room with pen and paper, doodling and not really paying attention. After the meeting the store manager came up to me and said "I noticed you scribbling away during the presentation." I braced myself for a telling-off. He continued "Nobody else bothered to take notes so I'm offering you the position of staff trainer when we introduce the new system." Yes, I accepted. And, yes, I got a hefty pay increase.



    We had a school writing contest and I knew I couldn't win so I waited until the last few days to do it. (It was supposed to take 2-3 weeks to complete) Apparently, I won.



    I already did one but today I had an even dumber idea to make waffles with applesauce instead of milk and that somehow worked.


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    Amy Watson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I regularly use apple sauce in cakes instead of oil. (And cinnamon applesauce is really good in anything chocolate!)

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    I created a YouTube channel for the soul purpose of being able to comment. I did this years ago, and then I started uploading. Now I’ve got 84 subs. So yeah it worked out. Also btw other than saxophone recording gaming videos is like my life.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Exactly the same with me, I made a channel for the sole purpose of telling a Youtuber that they were my favorite/subscribing to them. - - - Fast forward 2 months when a friend was like: "You are good at this game, you should maybe make videos on it." - - - And here I am today.

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    Drinking dr pepper. Hated the name loved the taste


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    Georgia Hebert
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I craved Dr. Pepper when I was pregnant. That's how I knew I was pregnant every time. Didn't like it before pregnancy, don't like it now. My kids love the stuff!

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    When i started making a bunch of characters in elementary school for fun. Now I have a whole story line withe plot, lore and all that good stuff. I just need someone to help me write it ;w;



    So, a little backstory here. I had hip surgery not so long ago and due to the type of surgery I got, I had to wear an abduction pillow. It is literally one of those cheese hats but oversized to fit my legs. What is worse, my legs had to be strapped to them at all times. This made sleeping literal hell. And I LOVE SLEEPING. To make myself comfortable, I had to figure out how to Rube Goldberg myself a almost pillow fort like configuration of pillows. (I won't get into many details) After many tries, I finally figured out how to make myself comfortable for some relief. Let me tell you, whatever I came up with is literally the best thing I have even came up with! I still use it to this day whenever I am sleeping, as I still have minor discomfort when sleeping.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Holy crap! This sounds like me with my shoulder rotator repair (abduction pillow sling too). So many, many pillow configurations! However. I never did get it quite right and was pretty miserable for weeks and weeks. Glad you figured it out!

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    So me and my friends wanted to plant something, but we didnt had place anywhere. So i looked at their fence, and it has Pipe in it, and there was ants in it. So i had an idea to put dirt in it and to Plant the plant in it. And it actually worked out, i have never seen a plant growing faster before. But sadly plant died, because someone was thinking it was just an grass and ripped it. [*] (sorry for bad grammar)



    When I was little at the beach I got really sick. Not going to go into details but... Puke. Everywhere. What got me into this situation? Too much iffy Ice cream.
    Now, when I was driving home with my Grandma (no rest from the puke) she noticed a stand on the side of the road selling peach Ice cream. That's as iffy as Ice cream venues can get. I tried to remind Grandma that I had already ruined the upholstery in her car, and I didn't think that stopping was a good idea. But my Grandma is southern, and peach Ice cream runs in her veins.
    So we got some. And it was AMAZING. Litterly the best thing I've ever tasted. I think I just needed to eat something fresh, because it totally did the trick. Almost a minute after I finished the cone I was completely fine.
    We still love to talk about this, and hope to try the miracle ice cream again one day, if we can find it.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Now I'm thinking of the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" thing: "Peachy Breeze is Peachy Keen!!!"

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    Starting to write a book. I was really struggling with all those bad childhood memories coming back after my abusive father killed himself. I ended up turning my own story and feelings into a fictional Storyline witch involved a protagonist that had similar struggles. It helped me so much to understand my own feelings and showed me how to use my past as a creative superpower. When I started to realize how much work it would be to finish the book, I initially was sure it was a bad idea to push through. Nevertheless I did what felt right and kept writing. A few month ago I finished the manuscript for my first thriller. I’m pretty sure It kept me from getting seriously depressed!


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    double-sided tape to stick hard disks to the inside of a PC casing.



    So… I wanted to curl my hair with my cousins hair brush. This is where it fails. I got the brush stuck in my hair, so like any normal person would i swung my hair around and.. it didnt come out. So i cut my hair on accident. Then i panicked so me and my cousin cut the other side of my hair. Long story short I got compliments on my new curtain bangs.


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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How would it get stuck unless you have a massive tangle/knot? (For all those trolls out there, IM not trying to discredit the story, im just curious.)

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    Yes. Another dumb thing. Ok so when I was younger ((i think I was in 3rd grade?)) I got apples and ketchup and told my friend that it tasted good ((I never ate them together before and I thought it was “extreme”..)) so a kid told me “Then eat it infront of us! If you do I will give you a coke!” Our school has no sodas, no ice cream, no chips, no nothing. So i was determined. I ate the apple and ketchup together. It tastes good, but I never got my coke :(


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't forget add some salt on the apple then dip it in ketchup it tastes delicious

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    So yeah i had a terrible idea a few minutes ago. During the upcoming week i will confess (or at least try to) my feelings towards a boy i know, that my best friend hates. Is it possible to edit ? If yes i will to say how it went. If not i’ll write it in the comments i guess. I know it is a terrible idea but i’m tired of being awkward i just want to be honest. Have a nice day.


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    Sophie Catling
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's a risk, which makes you brave - but it's not necessarily a bad idea! How'd it go?? Proud of you for putting yourself out there

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    Dropped out of school in high school due to low income and financial problems with my family. The rare times i was not working i was playing Minecraft. I started a YouTube channel (this is not me real username and that will be kept secret for privacy reasons) and currently have almost 3 million followers. This is my job now. I met my SO through a Minecraft smp and we have been together for years. If you really want to you can guess my username but there probably won't be confirmation.



    Used duct tape to fix the window of my Cessna.

    Let my friend get ahold of my cargo pants. she 'bedazzled' the camo pattern like the wannabe Beverly Goldberg that she is. They weren't my uniform ones though (thankfully) and they look awesome.

    I also once made marshmello m-and-m pancakes on a whim and it was delicious. Then i put chocolate on them. And syrup. And then more marshmelloes. It was awesome for me because mentally, I'm still stuck at five.


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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Try a triple s'mores with the m-and-m instead of the marshmallows then use the not m-and-m marshmallows but scewer them on pretzel sticks

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    When I was very young, I put my tongue on a hot toaster to see if it would make that sizzle sound.....success!!


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So, you managed to win and lose at the same time—you’ll never convince me that it didn’t hurt like a m**o!

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Skip English with my backpack outside the bathroom and my shoes off. I really don’t know how I got away with it, but I did.



    Hiding in the kitchen cabinet because granny was chasing me. Actually worked lol.



    This one time when I was in fifth grade we had to do an essay. Not a huge one, just five paragraphs. We had almost three weeks to do this stupid essay. I was a smart kid, if I tried I could get all A’s but I was like: meh, I’ll pass. So I waited till LITERALLY THE LAST SECOND TO DO IT. On the day it was due at 11:05 pm I started the essay. I had to submit it by 11:59 or I was screwed. I submitted it at (I kid you not) 11:58pm and got every possible point. I think about it a lot.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    hey let's try to jump to the other roof.



    What would happen if I, someone who is deaf, adopted a deaf cat? We are now best friends. His name is Hearthstone and his littermate is Blitzen and I love them to death.


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    Six years ago I decided to cook already-cooked tortillas in a pan and thought they would come out soft.
    Ended up turning into tostadas (basically flat hard shell tortilla and you put stuff in top of it and it becomes like a Mexican pizza) which I didn't even know was a thing and now they're my new favorite food.


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    To fly across the country (Alaska to Ohio) and marry the man I’ve been talking to online for 3 months but had never met, let me not forget we married eachother that morning , right when I got off the airplane after only knowing eachother in person for about 30 minutes LOL. It’s been 3 years now and there’s been lots of bumps in the road but it was the best stupid decision I ever made and we are stronger than ever


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m going to need to find a way to work “best stupid decision I ever made” into a conversation…even if the comment is a lie!


    Buses on strike, did some hitchhiking during a thunderstorm, age 15. The man actually brought me home. Skipping rope with a cast on my leg, doc had to repair with admonitions, especially when I came back a second time. Went skiing while pregnant, jumped, lost my balance, sprained my ankles. Got a super cool ride in a toboggan down the hill. The guy actually sat me on a fence and told me to wait for my husband, who was coming down too but not as fast. I have more instances but I think those are the worse.


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    Shyla Clay
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Please don't come to my house until I get the insurance paid.

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    In a tennis match on the tiebreak final point and If he lost he would win if I won I would win, so I resorted to screaming really quickly and loudly before he served to try and throw him off. Yes it worked.



    I was handing out leaflets, and I noticed that if a group of people released by a traffic light was led by someone who took a leaflet, most of the others would too. If the first person refused it, so would the rest. So, whenever anyone refused a leaflet, I would return it to the bottom of my stack, and deal off a fresh one for the next person. It worked. I gave out 50% more per hour.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm assuming it's like the "Pay for the person behind me" in a fast food drive through? Like no-one wants to be that 1 person to break the chain?

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    When my 6 year old son cracked my phone screen (accidentally) and when i saw the phone screen i was like holy Sh*t and m 6y/o son daddy am i gonna get F**ked up with a belt? oh no i said sounding sarcastic when i wasnt actually.
    He`s like omg im staying at school. he got sent home because he told everyone in his class including the teacher at show and tell that is daddy`s gonna f**k him up with a belt ?!?!?


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    Almost caught by the Krill in Sky COTL (eye of eden)

    Didn't leave the game, but instead kept running to shelter

    I didn't get bonked :D


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    Nicole Normand
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No idea what you're talking about but I guess you have to be a gamer to understand. I'm glad you were saved at the end!

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Okay so, I was tired of being harrassed by this boy so.... I punched him in the face. I still cant believe I did that but, he leaves me alone now. This was in PE and this kid is always bullying somebody.... the teacher shrugged when he told her what I did.


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    Not sure if this really fits here, but my Dad died in 2013. We'd never been close and hadn't had any real contact in over a decade. He had no will, etc. so being his only child, it fell to me to handle everything at his passing.

    I lived with my Mom, who was adamant she didn't want his ashes in the house and I was on the fence myself, so I decided to just "let him go". In my state if ashes aren't claimed, the funeral home sends 2 letters. 1, a reminder to pick them up and then a final, certified letter saying if you don't pick them up by X date, they'll dispose of the ashes. I never picked them up. I did contact his family to ask if they wanted them but no one ever got back to me (none of them picked up the phone so I left voicemails). I thought that was it, you know? Then my Mom died in 2018.

    I used the same funeral home, and when I went to pick up HER ashes, I found out that, for whatever reason, they STILL had my Dad's ashes. 5 years after he died, after the deadlines passed, etc. they STILL had him. That day I went home with BOTH of my parents ashes and I was just... I don't know what I felt. I HAD regretted not getting his ashes over the years but that day was just surreal. Mixing grief with happiness is a very weird combination but I'm so thankful.


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    Nicole Normand
    Community Member
    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow. That's a lot of emotions for a day, especially the circumstances. Sorry for your loss. I lost both my parents too.


    Doing barely minimum at work so my new chief thought that I’m useless and approved my master's degree approval letter - 2 years paid leave- (been rejected for almost 10 years by my old chief because I’m an “essential worker”)



    When I was 18, I started dating a man who was a lot older than me (32). My mother was furious. Ten years and two kids later, still in love with each other. Best thing I could have done.


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    I thought it was a good idea to buy a $3 dollar rocking horse.
    it turns out it was $60 dollars.


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    Geez, probably repeatedly coming out to my closeted homophobic /transphobic family. They gave up on telling me I was too yound to know for sure. I say closeted because they're the people who are like " I have one gay friend,I'm not homophobic."


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    If you put a cup over the drain you don’t have to have a plug.


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    I was bored at lunch one day (in a school cafeteria) and I wanted to put something other than the regular ketchup or mustard on my fries, so I got at least one of every condiment they had in the lunch line and mixed it together. Turns out it tastes really good and it went well with my fries.

    Here is the recipe if you want to make it yourself:
    1 packet of mayonnaise
    3 packets of ketchup
    2 packets of mustard
    2 packets of ranch
    2 packets of barbecue sauce
    3 packets of taco sauce
    1 packet of Italian dressing.

    Mix it up in any order.

    Note: Make sure you have packets of them (like individual things that you might pick up in a fast food place) to ensure that you have the right amount.


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    I wanted to see what would happen if I put tortillas in the microwave. They blew up with air, and when I took them out they stayed that way. After they dried, I crunched them up into medium sized chunks creating some sort of tortilla chip. It was good.


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