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So basically, I am arachnophobic i.e. scared like hell of spiders. So, I saw that I was in this creepy old house in which there were hundreds of creepy huntsman spiders and tarantulas and I am running from them and suddenly this door opens and then I just like run in and it shuts behind me. And in that room I find the biggest and creepiest of all spiders and they crawl all over me and when I was on the verge of getting a heart attack my alarm saved me.
I couldn't sleep the next three nights.



    We will call this friend Tom

    My brother (12) and me (14) woke up at the same time, both in tears. I usually cry in my sleep or my eyes will water. But this time was different. We looked at each other for like three minutes straight. Both of us had tears streaming down our faces. He then whispered “I had a dream about Tom”. Tom was my friend (17) who was the nicest person on the planet. Came up to see my brother and I some nights. And was super nice to my siblings as well. I replied with “me too”. Turns out we both had the same dream, in the same detail, so so vivid. That we were walking another a white road. There was toms truck nearby. And we looked inside, someone tapped us on the head. And we turned around and saw tom. I vividly remember what he said: “they’re leaving. I’m going to miss you. I won’t see you again for a long time. Tell your sisters I said hi.” His face was bloody and swollen and his arm was bent completely backwards. He hugged us with one arm. And we didn’t hear him breathing. Everything was silent for a minute. But then he told us we had to let go, and he had to leave. That’s when we woke up sobbing. I still remember the way his face was swollen and the way he hugged me. That was the most terrifying dream ever. And my brother had the same exact dream?? That made it so much worse



    A classic zombie nightmare, but there was two ways to become a zombie. The normal way via bite, and the far creepier version in my opinion. You are placed in this cage that is dangling on a chain over a swirling toxic green pool that glows. You are slowly lowered into the pool as you scream for help, knowing noon will help you and the pool wrinkles your flesh, biting away at your sense of self until you become a husk that craves flesh. You gurgle your last breath as your vision goes black, knowing you will never see your loved ones or yourself the same again.



    I’m not going to go into detail for my privacy reasons.. but is it normal for a nightmare about something normal to create an irrational phobia? Figured this was the place to ask…😊 Thanks in advance


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    teddy bear
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    YES. I have this too. I would not be afraid of smiles if that creepy demon man would quit smiling at me

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    Hmm, either the one where a giant cricket dressed in a tucxido cut a circle out of one of Grandma's cheeks or the one where I was riding a camel, ended up in a maze thing, found my camel shot to death and my companion hung.

    I didn't go to much into details, but both were insanely creepy at the time


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    When my kids were babies, I had a recurring dream that I had them in the stroller out at the mall, and while my head was turned, somehow someone grabbed the stroller and claimed my baby was theirs. I’d wake up and obsess on how I could prove my kid was mine.

    30+ years later, I still don’t want to watch movies that involve kidnapping.



    Had a ouija board once. Won't go into any details save to say it was a HUGE mistake. One night, I had a dream in which I was lying on top of a bunk bed I used to have in the bedroom I used to sleep in and my dad walks into the room. I confess that I bought a Ouija board to him and he suddenly starts turning into the devil. I got scared and begged him not to take me to hell. Don't know why I had that dream considering I already learned my lesson.


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    Amber Kaul
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    possible connection from the Ouija board you should find a medium and have them cleanse you in order to make sure the connection breaks.


    I have 5 siblings, I am the youngest, a girl.
    When we would travel, it was mostly the younger 3, the older ones were at college or married, and we always went by car.
    I had a dream that my 2 siblings, sisters, and I were on vacation with my parents, I was around 7 years old.
    We were at some out of the way gas station and I was in the restroom.
    1970's when the bathroom door was on the outside of the building.
    My mom told my sister, just older than me, to go get me because they were all ready to go. She came and knocked on the door and told me that they were all getting snacks and asked me what I wanted.
    Then she got back in the car and said I was going to take a nap in the back back of the car. Again, 1970's station wagon.
    So, they drove off.
    When I came out of the bathroom, I went inside the station to find my dad.
    Couldn't find my dad, mom or sisters.
    That's when I realized that they had left me behind and I had no idea what state we were in.
    I sat on the curb outside bawling my head off.
    Then a man in dirty smelly clothes took my hand and said he would take me to my family.
    He took me and put me in his dirty smelly car, and we drove off.
    We pulled up to a house that was so run down and in the middle of nowhere.
    I asked if my family was in the house and he said that he was my new father and I was his new daughter.
    I started to run and he grabbed me by the hair and started to pull me inside.
    That's when I woke up sweaty and scared and crying. I shared a room with the sister that left me behind and, and when I told her about my dream, she higged me and said she loved me and would never leave me behind


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    Via Hawk
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yknow what’s weird, I have a very, very, very similar reoccurring dream


    My mother died when I was very young. 30+ years later, I dreamed that Dad decided to have a bigger, more elaborate funeral, so he had her dug up. The casket was wheeled into the church sanctuary. It was glass topped & we could see her very clearly. There was no decay whatsoever. She looked like she was asleep. There was also a still fresh red rose in her hand. Once I woke up, I couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night.


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    When my husband and I first got married, I dreamt that God called me to Heaven and said I had to go. I kept saying that I just got married and I needed to stay with my husband. We argued back and forth while I was hovering over the bed. I guess I convinced God I loved my husband enough to stay here on earth. God dropped me back onto the bed and I woke up next to my husband totally freaked out.


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    I saw War of the Worlds. That night I dreamt that the world was attacked by violent turtles. This sounds funnier than it should!


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    That I’m pregnant with twins and suffer a placental abruption. I’m losing a lot of blood and leaking amniotic fluid and on the verge of sepsis. My doctor’s hands are tied by the law. All he can do is transfuse me and wait for the first signs of maternal organ failure. Oh wait, it wasn’t a dream … it was a living nightmare, and I re-live the trauma every single day.



    Okay so my little sister is epileptic. She was diagnosed with grandmal seizures at 14mo old. One time when I was about 10 years old my dad was on a work trip so I was sleeping in my mom's bed. I sat up straight in bed saying "Millie's having a seizure" and kayes back down. The next day she had a large onset. Her seizures work that when she's sick a cluster will happen. She never has seizures unless she is sick. So kinda weird.


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    I’m scared of spiders, and we were going on a trip somewhere. By we, I mean me and my grandmother. My dad dropped us at some place and I took my grandmpther to a hotel room? But we shared the room with this guy. This guy, he was so handsome and cute, drop dead gorgeous. Dark brown hair on white skin, etc. then it cuts to me going to a pool, the guy is swimming laps. I get in the next lane, bu I look under the water and see it is really deep, like 80 feet. Now normally I’m not afraid of water or drowning but then I was. I felt shivers, and got back up and left the pool. Then it cuts to me in my room. I see a huge spider 🕷 exactly like the emoji there, approximately 1 inch. I call for help, I’m really scared, but no help comes. Then I deal with it myself. After that it shows several more spiders I find, etc, etc. and then it cuts to this place where I was walking up stairs and there were pillows on a shelf on the other side. Then I’m back in my room, and I see… a huge beetle, approximately 8 inches, being lifted into the ceiling. BY A SPODER WEB. I’m screaming, and throwing everything I have at it. And then I wake up. Then I go to sleep again, and the guy I told you about before, he is carrying me somewhere with a wood ground. And then I wake up.


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    Via Hawk
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dumbass saw the emoji and thought there was a spider on my phone for a split second

    See Also on Bored Panda

    So I was walking to shook with my friends, and I see this guy leaning against a school wall. If you saw my other post, it’s the same guy. Basically, this guy is the most beautiful boy I’ve seen in my life. Really dark brown hair, white skin, hazel eyes. And he looks up from his book and meets my eyes. So I approached him and said “hi, I don’t think we have met before,” and he said, “we have, in a dream.” Now I’ve had another dream about him (chceck my other post), and I remembered that, so I recognized him. I said “yea, but Who are you?” And he said, “im your savior, im your lover,” (I know, cheesy) and I said, “I don’t know you” and he just smiled. Then the bell rings and I look up to see the bell. When I look back down, he is gone. I just remember bits and pieces of my classes. Then it’s lunch and I see him again, sitting at the edge of a cliff looking out into a sunset. (No I don’t understand how it was a cliff and sunset) I go up to him and sit and ask, “what’s your name?” And he says, “from this lifetime?” And I’m really confused, but he says, “GO, NOW! YOU NEED TO GO! RUN” I look at him startled, but in his eyes, I don’t see the sunset. I see these black fiery demons. I look around, but don’t see them. Then they appear. He then looks under the cliff, says “I’m sorry, this is the only way, good bye Sanchi.” And then he jumps. I hear him scream, but he falls, and I can’t catch him. The demons surround me, and I cant breath, and then I hear a thump of his body hitting the bottom of the cliff, and his scream cuts off abruptly, and the demons vanish. I look around, and I see… my school, how it was before. Then I look at the bottom of the cliff and see his unmoving body, being EATEN by the demons. Then I wake up. I thought about the dream and realized… he must have died to protect me from the demons… then I stop thinking about it because… yea.


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    My body was glowing in an orange light and purple and other color flowers on it. Someone told me that that meant the universe had chosen me and would watch me and punish me if I failed. I was scared. And I couldn’t tell anyone about it. But I told people about it.


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    My mother died and I had to live with my abusive dad and his wife. it took me 4 hours after waking up to stop compulsively crying. i need my mom with me always.


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    Off and on for years I dream an alien is in my room and I am stuck on the ceiling, unable to move. I’m trying to yell for help and I can tell my mouth is not working. Nowadays my husband wakes me up at this point. Still freaks me out and makes my heart race. I’ve had this dream for over 40 years.


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a dream where me and an alien became good friends and once even fell in love idk you had the opposite

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    I was walking through a beautiful garden with my friend. I dominated exactly remember what we were talking about, but we were talking. Suddenly, we heard a groan and the sky grew dark. We turned around in pretty close to unison. I saw a zombie Micky Mouse running towards us! It started screaming. My friend and I ran! I turned my head and the Micky Mouse thing lunged at me, knocking me over. Then I woke up. Idk if this is creepy or scary, but…


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    Several years ago, I dreamt that I had an intense argument with my brother that escalated into a knife fight. I stabbed him in the chest and it "felt" like I was stabbing jelly. It was so weird and scary.


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    For many years I (F52) have had dreams about being trapped in the church I attended when I was young. There wasn't anything trying to 'get me' - no monsters or serial killers. I was just trapped and couldn't escape. I would panic in my dream and force myself to wake-up.
    A few months ago I was talking to my sister (49). Turns out we've been having the same dream for years.


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    I had some f****d up nightmares in my childhood and I still remember some from when I was very young.
    One was about my mom and my cat. She had her ironing board out. She told me to see something. She was stuffing tissues or cotton balls down my cat's throat while the cat was just sitting there. I think this was the first of many nightmares I had about my parents. It really set the bar as to how I really felt about my mom for the rest of my life. Not that she didn't try to be a great mom. But there's something about her that keeps me guarded.


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    So, I was a kid with loads of weird dreams.

    One time, I was dreaming that me and my mom and dad were in an MTR. We were talking and telling jokes and stuff, when I spotted something and said “Hey what's that” as I pointed to two red glowing dots in the crowd. Mom carried me there and dad followed. Then the red eyes blinked, we stood in silence. It was a seal with a top hat and a nice suit, it also held a nice suit case, and it was STANDING. It's red eyes just stared at us, it looked mean. I pointed again and said “what's that?” but then the seal then head off.
    Mom just said“ let's go honey”.

    Creepiest dream I've ever had.


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    My own death.


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    Well this is kinda scary but here we go!

    I once dreamt that my new helper who's gonna replace my old one visited my school and had a knife!

    She was chasing me and my friend and the teachers didn't do anything about it.

    I woke up crying from the dream and then moved on and went to school.


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