Hey Pandas, What’s The Craziest Thing That Has Happened To You Away From Home?
Pandas, we all haven’t been on vacation or something similar a while. So tell me all about your crazy vacation experiences!
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I was visiting Europe in college. I had gone to the Schoenbrunn Castle in Vienna where they have a zoo. I was walking around and came across the gorillas. Didn't think anything of the male just laying back and enjoying the sun. Until I looked down and saw a female doing some more "adult" activities with his lower half. The people around me saw it and we had the BIGGEST laugh! If that didn't make me believe the theory of evolution, nothing would have!
I was 5 years old when this happened. My family and I were going on vacation and in one airport, this about a 3-year-old strange boy comes up to me and literally bites my neck! It hurt like hell and left a scar. His parents weren't around so my parents scolded him.
When my family were in Selangor (In Malaysia) we were staying in a flat which was very unpleasant on the outside but much nicer on the inside. There was a balcony and the people there before us had left the door open. My parents woke up to find a troop of monkeys climbing on their bed and going through their things. Luckily they only took our food, so nothing too valuable. There was a swimming pool by the car park that was a dark green, cloudy sludge pool. The monkeys had been bathing in it. They left green sludge all over our flat and we were charged an extra 100 ringgit (about £25) for the smell they left.
we were on vacation and we took the wrong uber/taxi we ended up at a party for smoking weed 10/10 was fun as hell and funny because they didnt know us and just let us in
I stepped in tall grass and I found like 3 types of Pokemon attacking me. Ok, that was a joke but I got bitten by red ants, got stung by a bee, got pecked by some chickens trying to eat the ants. All I had to stop the pain was sunscreen.
When I was traveling to Niagara Falls the way there was fine but coming back, the front wheel of my dads truck popped, we called in, took them an hour for the engine to stop working and we ended up riding in the car backwards on the back of the tow truck.
When I was at the Dry Tortuga national park (by the Keys in Florida) when I went to Florida camp Soar, I got second degree sunburns that also blistered on my back. Never went back to that camp again because my parents were angry that the counselors would not help me to put sunscreen on my back or remember to remind to put it on regularly. Even my pediatrician was shocked to see the picture of the burns because I'm half Italian. It was only about 3 years ago that the skin on my back fully healed.
This story happened some 10 or so years ago. Me and my then boyfriend went to Disneyland in California, we parked our car in one of those huge car park buildings right next to the escalators. We locked our car, walked like 20 meters forwards, took the escalator down and continued to the amusement park. When we were coming back in the afternoon, we took the very same way back, went up the escalator to the garages, walked the same 20 meters back and our car wasn't there! We freaked out, totally puzzled...we started walking around the level but our car was nowhere to be found. So we took some stairs down and continued searching on a lower level...and then another level...and then another. When we were on the ground floor, my bf clicked on the remote key and we heard a slight beep-beep somewhere considerably far from us. There was another garage building across the street, so we continued there...constantly pushing the remote control until we finally found our car. It was parked in a completely different building and like two levels lower then when we arrived there. I swear to my cat's funny toe (he has a funny middle toe :-D )! It was also parked next to some column or what! We were standing there, looking at each other...totally confused. How could a car travel alone over two parking buildings without a driver? None of us has ever found a logical answer. But I swear we really parked almost right at the entrance of the amusement park and some 4 hours later the car was parked at the most impossible place I could think of. By the way, my then boyfriend has the best sense of orientation of all people I know, so I really don't believe he just foolishly parked "somewhere" and couldn't find his way back...because we definitely didn't have to cross any street before entering the park. It's a forever mystery. Any suggestions?
getting lost when I was 5 in the CN tower... I was TERRIFIED
I wouldn’t say crazy but it was certainly scary. We went camping at a friends shack near the river and as we were setting our tent up and getting things ready the kids were hanging out inside the shack. We were almost done and as I was chatting to our friends now ex, my son came up to us asking for lollies. I said no and then I saw him going towards his dad who was just outside the shack. Well 5 mins later I asked my hubby where our son was and he said he hadn’t seen him. It turned out our son didn’t go to my hubby after all, he wandered off. It was dark, we were near a river, there was also some large puddles from a recent storm, we didn’t know the area etc so of course we were freaking out. I don’t think I have ever been so scared in my life. I was literally bawling, my eyes out, screaming his name, searching here, there and everywhere. It felt like eternity before he was found but it was only about 10 mins. 10 mins too long especially coz so many bad things could have happened.
This happened to me recently. So I live in a place that was quick to ease up on lockdown restrictions, and we were at the beach. I was swimming by myself, and the waves were rough. I was thinking about stuff, and then I felt someone touch me. I turned and saw a man with one of those lifeguard thingies, and I was like, what? Turns out, I had looked like I was drowning from shore and so they sent the lifeguards to me. The dude had to carry me to shore and everything. My mom got scolded by others, but she was taking pictures and couldn't see me. Plus, She knew I was a good swimmer, so it isn't her fault. I am self- perscribed with ADHD.
so true i have and i forget o puts stuff back and close gates and i always get in trouble