Hey Pandas, What’s The Best Story Your Parents Have Told You?
Tell us a story that your parent have told you about yourself! Embarrassing, funny, or completely random! What's your favorite story?
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Alright, i have two. When I was little I lived in Indiana.
1. My mom and her sister (my aunt) were at a pride parade and had brought me (as a baby) with them. Then, a group of gay men there had exclaimed, "THAT'S A CUTE BABY!!!" Then, i basically got handed around the whole group. I got back to my mom though, no harm done.
2. Also when i was a baby, my family would go to this thai place to eat. I would usually get fussy, and the owner of the place would come around, pick me up, and walk me around the restaurant so my parents could enjoy their meal. Apparently I loved that owner.
Both of these stories were told to me by my mom at my 8th grade graduation.
TL:DR, i was passed around a group of gay men at a pride parade, and i was routinely walked around a restaurant by the owner of said restaurant.
My mum and dad have both told me about the horror trip they took to a wedding in Canberra (we are from Melbourne 7 hr 1 min/662.8 km away). They had my older brother who was about 2.5 and I was a few months old. I cried pretty much the whole time and my brother had a few seizures!