The other day I was at a friend’s house, and I suddenly had the idea to climb under the cover of an armchair, arrange the folds to look normal, and wait. Sure enough, my friend tried to take a seat in the chair, but before she could, I let out a creepy chuckle. She let out a little yell, but shrugged it off and tried again to sit in the chair. This time I laughed and moved around and my friend actually shrieked that time! It was quite fun, and it got me thinking that there must be some devious Pandas here on BP that have similar stories to tell. Let’s hear them!
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One of the posts here made me remember this. My family and I were at a campsite, it was midnight and it was really dark. My sisters were around the campfire so I told them this really creepy story about a werewolf. Previously I had set up my phone to make this really creepy wolf howl. So a few seconds after I finished the tale, the phone played the howl. After that, you can imagine what happened (sister freaks out like crazy)
Not mine but a friend's. During the summer of 8th grade, she
put up flyers advertising her school as "for sale". She never got caught, and people were coming to the school to ask about the "sale".
So this was a retaliation prank. My cousin Eddie threw a few M80's into a small camp fire while my cousins and I were sitting around it. The fire singed our leg hairs off so we decided to get pay back. While Eddie was passed out drunk we decided to shave his eyebrows off, then we recruited the help of one of my female cousins to draw perfect eyebrows on him so he wouldn't notice. So while all of us were waking up in the morning, Eddie wakes up and takes a shower. Then we here "WHAT THE F***!" , he storms out pissed as all hell and we start laughing. He is like mad and we ask him "are you mad? we can tell." the worst part is He had a been bragging about a date he was going to have in the middle of the week. So the picture of him sitting across from a young lady he is trying to court with no eyebrows was the icing on the cake.
Even though I teach high school, I put stickers on the students' daily work if it's a C- or above. One class several years ago begged me for scratch n' sniff stickers. I found some in the toy section of a candy store... garbage scented stickers! The pictures were of trashcans, dirty clothes, smelly shoes, etc. As I handed back their stickered papers from the day before, I casually mentioned, "oh, by the way, these are scratch n' sniff!". Students happily began scratching and sniffing... for about 5 seconds until the stench set in their nostrils! I was dying laughing, and they were pretty good-natured about it!
I'm a geek, so I like to severley mess up peoples computers. I switched sombodys computer to dvorak and numlock, and installed the blue screen of death screen saver on their computer. They freaked out for 2 minutes about the screensaver, before realizing it was fake. Then they tried typing. They couldn't figure it out, and ended up taking it into tech support
Making a fake YouTube account that exactly matched one of my friends, then proceeded to record myself deleting that fake account. They went absolutely BALLISTIC.
hhmmm... I'd probably say I pranked my parents pretty good when they found out I was a concept lmaoo. they don't like to tell me I was a mistake but i mean...
so this wasn't on purpose but when I get really upset I will go and hide in my closet and I will just sit there in the dark. I got super upset so I went to sit in there and I was sitting there for so long I fell asleep and my parent didn't know I was there so about after an hour or so they came barging in and it scared me awake so I fell off the little shelf I was on so they found me and they were saying sorry and they thought I ran away. i never get bored in there because I just talk to myself because sometimes you need something to vent to. but ya that's it, when I'm upset I sit in my closet like a weirdo.
Me and my friend LOVE pranking. We did some that aren't all that good, like a canister of small pebbles on a bathroom door, which proceeded to spill out. But April Fool's was on Easter once. This was a solo prank. And so, I filled up a small chocolate rabbit with toothpaste. Broke off a small corner, pumped it halfway full with toothpaste (can't waste too much,) put the corner back on, and handed it to my sibling, who bit into it and commented on how good the filling was. And laughing, I said, "That's toothpaste!" The reaction was gold. Also, I put a note on my mom's phone that said "Flip me over" and then on the other side, "You just took orders from a phone."
Once, I put a lot of salt on ice cubes that were in the freezer. When my father had ice in his water that night, he took a drink and spat out his water. The expression was HILARIOUS.
I suck at pulling pranks on my own, so this is one I did with a friend in April of seventh grade. Instead of April Fool's day, we're like heck, let's prank each other for the whole month. We'll call these friends W, S, and M. Again, I suck at pranking and they had been getting me all month, but it was W's birthday soon and she was having a party, so we conspired. I went to her house an hour before the party started, and we made cupcakes, except two of them had hot sauce and salt for M and S. Conveniently, they were the last to arrive, so we were able to inform everyone else which cupcakes were nasty. Later when we had cupcakes, S and M were off in the bathroom together as girls do, so everyone already had a cupcake on their plate and was eating them when they arrived. They naturally sat down, ate the cupcakes, and started spitting them out, confused why everyone else liked theirs and it was the best thing ever :). Also the only prank I've ever pulled that went well.
fart bombs in every classroom of a public school
don't ask how I did it
Fun fact! I once went into my sisters room while she was at cheer practice, and left a note saying “jeez, your room is upside down!” And yes, I did turn everything upside down. Her guitar and guitar stand, her BED, her lamps, her pencils and pencil holders, hell, I even rotated her posters and attached the LED lights to the bottom of the floor instead of the ceiling. Got grounded but it was worth it!
hAHAHA!!!!!!! This is the best fun fact ever! Also, fun fact, did you know there is a boston typewriter orchestra? RANDOMNESSSS
I'm not so good at pulling pranks because I would just laugh too much. But once I was got up on the window sill behind the curtain and flattened myself as much as I could. A while later someone came to open the door, I jumped out the window and came into the room from the door. They had quite the reaction!
I haven't played any pranks but my stepfather has. For a couple weeks now almost everytime I walk through a doorway he scares the crap out of me! Last night I was going for a piece of candy and he was right outside the doorway in the kitchen when he saw me. I screamed so loud and now my throat hurts. I keep telling him I will get him back but he never listens. He is so hard to scare. One time I did though. He was coming home from picking my siblings up and I hid behind the counter. He comes in and I go BOO! I didn't know he was holding a coat.. H throws the coat at me as hard as he could and it knocks me over. I crash into the garbage can and knock over some glasses of water that were sitting on the counter. I scared my mom once too. She was coming down the stairs so I hid behind the door. She came down and I said Boo! She screamed and kicked me in the stomach... I have learned my lesson. NEVER scare mom again. It was worth it though. My stepfather also likes to scare me when I am taking showers! He opens the door and yells I fell once and almost broke my leg. My little brother joins in too. He flushes the toilet while I'm in the shower. I can NEVER get any alone time without getting scared by one of my family members!
My father wanted to stop flyers from being delivered so he made a sign for the end of his driveway saying “no flyers please”. (I decided not to tell him there was a number to call to stop mothers flyers) the first sign didn’t work so the next week he made a second, much larger sign on a sawhorse and positioned it at the end of his driveway near the middle. Hard to miss! It worked, for two weeks he was flyer free. He said he was going to take the sign down soon so my friend and I decided to play a prank. We changed went in the dark and his sign to say “Mo flyers please” and we put a bunch of flyer around the sign. (We took photos). The next day my father visits and says he’s mad and I’ll be mad too. I started secretly videotaping him telling me the story. He had pictures of all the flyers, turns out he thought the flyer people put the flyers there, I had to point out the sign change. When he learned it was myself and my friend he laughed and wanted to watch the video I secretly took of him telling me the story over and over and the pictures we took. I created a video montage of our night time antics and my Father’s reaction for social media. Two months later he’s still running into people who saw the video and asking if he needs flyers.
I was in charge of distracting the victim of another prank, and this isn't really a prank, but I started giggling in the victim's direction, and finally she asked me why. "no reason" I said. Continued giggling. She asked again, and I said there was something on her back. She spent like five minutes trying to get it off to no prevail, with extra confirmations that there was a piece of paper on her back. Finally I told her it said "gullible" on it. It took her a minute to figure out what I meant.
Ok so its not the most creative prank but basically in my living room we have a pile of stuffed animals in one corner, and i loved to burrow into the pile and i even learned how to make a cave in the pile so i could have food in there. When i was in there i also always covered up myself completely so that no one could tell that i was there. So my sister scares really easily so whenever she would walk by i would be completely buried except for a tiny hole so i could see when she walked by, and i would jump out at her and it would scare her Every. Single. Time.
My grandmother told me about "Poisson d'Avril" or "April Fish," a prank that French people like to pull on 1 April. What you do is tape a paper fish to your victim's back. Because she's a francoplile I did that to her one day before we went for a walk around a nearby mall. So she went for about an hour with a fish on the back of her jacket. When we stopped for coffee she took off her jacket and saw le petit poisson. How I laughed!
I convinced an annoying cousin who months out from his birthday would constantly remind me when his birthday was that there wasn't going to be a birthday that year because of leap year and he would have to wait another year for his birthday. It want a leap year and his birthday is in January. He believed me for about a month but he never bugged me about his birthday again.
Convinced everyone I was Cis Straight for 15 year.
OMG. My favorite prank I ever pulled. Many moons ago my ex husband and I worked at Barro's pizza, he was amazing and got close to the owner. He was basically running the back half (kitchen) while I was running the front of the house. (lobby register etc) I quit because I was going to school full time and taking care of our first born. They got a new "manager" in who was a complete ass you know the type. Came in from another store so he thought he was God's gift. Anyhow, we found out he coveted his antennae ball which was a Mickey head ONLY found in Disney land. So I went to Jack in the box, got a jack one and stole his mickey head and took ransom pics with jack in a stocking cap and everything holding a little knife and demanded that 1,000 pennies be taped to the bottom of his bumper for retrieval. He had a meltdown....after the melt down everyone that worked there was in on it and donated enough money that I went to the Disney store and bought every mickey head ball they had and taped them all over his van EXCEPT his coveted prize. His wife cracked up, he did not. End result after about 3 weeks I put it at the top of his antenna unharmed and he quit being a jerk to everyone. He never knew who did it.
i think this is a great prank, idk about all the assholes that downvoted
My sister and brother in law bought a new Pathfinder many years ago. They brought it home and had us over to see it. I went over and looked very carefully at it. My and my boyfriends opinion was super important to them because we know a lot about cars. I winced, and made a face. Broke the news to them that their tires were faulty and are in dangerous condition. They have to bring it back to the dealer ASAP. I showed them all the little rubber hairs (vent spews) off the side of the tires. I told them they are in not safe to be driven over 40mph, and need to be changed out. I waited until after they called the dealer the next day to tell them I was messing with them. The tires were brand spanking new, the rubber hairs are normal.
side not: bro in law does not know about cars, I had him convinced he had to change out the summer air for winter air in the tires as well.
In my job, we had to alternate staying late till midnight, alone. One of my coworkers was very afraid of darkness, ghosts, weirds sounds in the middle of the night, etc. We work in a tv station and my area had 6 big flat tv's. The day she was to stay late, I programmed all the tv's to shut down at 11pm, and turn on at 11:01 pm at full volume. Her screams were heard by the security guys and turned the tv's off while she flew from there. The next day I erased the on/off programming and nobody knew what happened.
Omg,I empathise wit your coworker SO FRIKIN HARD I hate darkness
I got another one, took some preparation. Got the Defautl Beep sound from windows and edited in Audacity. Made a 6 min wav file with the DB sound, nearly 6 minutes of silence, and at the end a scary sight soung fx. Then replaced the real file for the one I made in a coworker's pc and waited. 2 hours later the guy was really freaked out, went to have a smoke and told us he needed to take some time off. I told him right away and, although we was upset at first, we heard him silently laugh in his office.
My husband is genius with computers & pranks. In college, one roommate would become irrate about people smoking next door, constantly calling campus housing to complain.
We sent an email from our college housing, saying HE was kicked out of housing due to his smoking. This was 2002ish, before people had custom emails. So because it said it looked really legit.
The roommate stormed out one day, screaming. They caught him before he yelled at someone, though.
And so many more... My husband's pranks are legendary. I've NEVER got him. I do have two devious daughters, though. They're only 5 & 7, but I can't wait until they're teens and can think of awful pranks for their dad. 🤣
once when i was pretty young we were having some sort of soup for dinner and i asked if the white stuff in it was chicken and my sister said yes so i popped a piece in my mouth and i was like "omg this is SO good" and then my dad was like SIKE its tofu! so now im fine with tofu as long as theres some sort of sauce with it, or its in a soup
Back in the 70's when just about everyone was smoking pot, I decided to plant some seeds and see if I could grow a plant. They sprouted and I ended up having a pot plant. My mom asked what I was growing and I told her it was oregano. She had no clue. to this day, we still laugh about it. We've never told her the truth.
Had to drive through the night with two others that did not share the driving, only slept. About dawn I needed to stretch and coasted into a rest area. I noticed a big rig driver getting into his cab. I slowly coasted up to the front of his truck and pantomimed what I needed. He pulled the horn while I screamed and jerked the wheel, while the car was sitting still. My sound asleep passengers got a terrifying wake up call. The big rig driver and I thought it was hilarious; my passengers not so much. I didn't have to drive back home though.
A work colleague left his dirty work shoes under his desk so i cleaned ONE of them up. He didn't notice for a while!
My mom has been known to just randomly ask things like "Are you pregnant?" "I think youve started drinking. Have you been drinking?" and if we walk by a place that smells like smoke she goes "Oh my gosh!! BooBoo Are you smoking?????" (She still calls me that honestly its kinda cute tho) So one time she asked me if ive been smoking because she smelled smoke. I looked her straight in the eye and said "Actually mom... im really sorry but yah ive started smoking" And she covered her mouth and got the mom look. You know the mom look. And she goes "I knew it. you know just the other day i was telling your dad that something like this was bound to happen sooner or later." We eventually got it sorted out that it was a joke. But it took a lot of convincing from my family members and a lot of facetimes with my friends. so yah idk if this is a prank or not but definitely along the lines. Anywho im not saying any of this stuff is bad all i'm saying is these things fall into my moms book of life ruining things lol.
For my zoom class, I teamed up with my teacher for a prank. My teacher left the meeting by 'accident' and it automatically made some kid the host. I had set up another computer and I used it to sign in with various names like 'Mr. and Mrs. Jones', and my teacher did so too. Eventually, we switched the names to things like 'haha you dumb' and stuff. It freaked the kid out and my teacher came back in and we told everyone. Everyone had a good laugh and the kid was fine.
When I was in fourth grade, I had just gotten a wireless mouse. It had really cool stripes and colors on it, so I was psyched. One of my friends at the time, convinced me to sneak the mouse bluetooth mouse chip into the teachers computer. I did it when she left the room, and I was controlling it from my desk. I barely escaped trouble on that one...
Put a spider Halloween decoration in the fridge
I met a girl at a summer camp once who told me she convinced her entire middle school *for a year* that she was a boy. That is all I know.
okay, i'm not good at pranks, but i once planned to get some string, make it wet, and put it on my mom's bed so it would look like our cat puked on it. I couldn't get the string though so i couldn't do it.
Once my band director was telling us about this time he caught an old student shoving plastic sporks under the door to his office so the next day our whole band brought boxes of plastic forks sporks and spoons. It was mine and this other kids idea, and after my band director saw it he just busted out laughing. We knew he wouldn’t take it to seriously because he would prank us lightly sometimes
Having a fake winning scratch card. I had it in my back pocket and pulled it out in front of some colleagues. " oh I forgot about this" started scratching it. I started yelling in excitement. Everyone was looking at me like What's up with him. " NO WAY. IVE WON £1000,000!" They didn't believe me at first until I showed them. I was getting pats on my back from my colleagues and even bosses. I even had one colleague phone her mother about it. I kept this up all day. At the end of the day I confessed it was a fake. I tore it up and put it in the bin. Some still didn't believe me and even pulled the bits out of the bin to check! A lot found it funny and some didn't.
So my family was at ocean city. My grandpa wanted a shake from dumser's, and he wanted it really thick. They are made thick but he kept saying make it thicker. So we went there, ate our ice cream, and when the waitress came we told her what happened and asked for ice cream in a milkshake cup with a straw. it took my grandpa 10 minutes to realize.
once when i was very young and we were having tofu for dinner i asked if it was chicken and my sister said yes so i took a bite and was like omg its SO good and my dad was like SIKE its TOFU! and now i eat tofu.
One of my friends wanted robux so he could buy a game on roblox. I got him some roblox when he wasnt looking that proceeded to buy the most embarrassing clothes I could find and mess up the proportions of the character.
Not very good at pranks cause I laugh too much, but I once hid in the trunk of our car and scared the crap out of my dad :)
I went downstairs to put away some plates, and because we have a small black table in the tv room, I put them there then went to open the gate, then my mom came out of her bedroom so I said hi, cause the lights were still off. It scared the living crap out of her. this was on Sunday
I was 9 when I did this, so forgive the immaturity. What I did was I took a green skittle and chewed it. Then, I took it out and said to my whole family, (we were in a car on the way to drop off me and my sisters at school) "Look at this booger I picked!" Everyone was grossed out, but not as grossed out as they were when I then said "I'm gonna eat it!" and shoved it in my mouth. I chewed it loudly, I clearly swallowed it, and everyone was SO GROSSED OUT! Then I said "April Fools" cuz it was April Fools Day and told them it was just a skittle. :)
Well, this is one my sister pulled on me. She gave me some chocolate covered raisins. After I ate a few, she told me I was eating chocolate covered ants. (Yes, that is a thing).
I didn't plan to make a prank while attending my friend's drama show. When I took a photo with my friend, a man looked at me with displeasure. Then I smiled at him, but the man just ignored me. Also when I approached him to wait together until the event was over. Only when I spoke to say goodbye. The man looked surprised. The next day I found out that the man was my friend's new boyfriend and thought I was the boy who bothered her boyfriend. Haha, that man thought of me as a boy just because I have short hair and dress like a boy.
I didn't pull this prank, actually my father told me this about some girls at a high school pulling an AMAZING prank. So next to the football field, there is this random plot of grass and it is right next to a EXTREMELY busy road and so some girls got some bleach and wrote out, um something that is inappropriate, but funny, so imma not say it otherwise imma get down voted.
Another time (same high school), someone pulled the fire alarm and while everyone was outside, people literally brought in cows. no cap- ask my dad lmao.
LAST PRANK. my dad actually did this one, again the same high school. so during a football game, it was halftime and so my dad ran across the football field, with security guards chasing him, wearing only underwear and a monkey mask. he never got caught tho lol.
OKAY LAST PARAGRAPH- so fast forwards to present day, and my dad's girlfriend (yes my parents are divorced), went to the same high school, and she told us that one time a person ran across the football field during halftime. And so me and my siblings light up and start telling her that, that person was our dad. then my dad came in and was like "whaaaa no i didn'tttt" so yea!
I read books too and I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Favourites: Harry Potter, Ranger's apprentice, Diary of a wimpy kid (it's ok), All books of Rick Riordan and more. I read approximately 800 pages in a day. Now I read eBooks online since Covid so I read even more! I am obsessed with books because they are soooooo good. I read that you like to read books so I just wanted to post this!
OMG THANK YOU THIS MADE MY DAY!!! And if you ever happen across some colorful dragonbooks called WIngs of Fire, try those out! Also these books called Keeper of the Lost cities are AMAZING SO MUCH those too! ANd am SO GLAD u read HP... what's ur house? Bet u can't guess what mine is...:)
I read books too and I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Favourites: Harry Potter, Ranger's apprentice, Diary of a wimpy kid (it's ok), All books of Rick Riordan and more. I read approximately 800 pages in a day. Now I read eBooks online since Covid so I read even more! I am obsessed with books because they are soooooo good. I read that you like to read books so I just wanted to post this!
OMG THANK YOU THIS MADE MY DAY!!! And if you ever happen across some colorful dragonbooks called WIngs of Fire, try those out! Also these books called Keeper of the Lost cities are AMAZING SO MUCH those too! ANd am SO GLAD u read HP... what's ur house? Bet u can't guess what mine is...:)