Hey Pandas, What’s That, “Omg I Can’t Believe I Did That Cringey Thing 10 Years Ago” Moment? (Closed)
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In fourth grade I loved Percy Jackson and was convinced I was a half-blood. You can imagine the stuff I did.
Wait... my brother read it in fifth grade and he was ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that he had dyslexia... lolllllll
When I was little, I wasn't super shy at all! I would go to random people and compliment them, you know, just to be nice. I remember my Mom told me that I once told this lady that her teeth were a pretty yellow color. *Slaps forehead.*
Not really cringey but honestly one of the most awkward moments of my existence it wasn't exactly 10 years ago it was 7 years ago or something I was like 10 and I was super excited because I had a crush on my brothers friend and my brother got to bring a friend on vacation with us and he picked him and I brought a friend to so we went to a beach the next day and it was in New Jersey and the waves were HUGE so me and my friend couldn't go in the waves or close to the ocean because of the pull we would have gotten sucked in but my brother and his friend could but my mom said if they would stand with us we could go closer so we begged and they agreed but when we got closer I wasn't ready and I fell over and then another wave came and started sucking me into the ocean and I ran right into my crush's legs and did a complete circle around him and he didn't even attempt to save me I after the circle finished crawled my way back to safety I was so embarrassed I didn't talk to him the entire trip and he kept apologizing for not helping me because he thought I was mad about that but no I was so embarrassed I almost ran from the beach after I saved myself
Ten years ago, I had been in love with princesses (I was, like, 3) and so my family is religious and goes to church. Well, I was getting myself dressed and saw my big puffy Snow White dress. I put that on, got into my mom's makeup and made myself look like a clown. I come downstairs in those stupid plastic princess heels, a big puffy dress, and tons of makeup. It was too late to have me change, so I just went into church like that. I thought I looked beautiful but looking back on the pictures, I now realize I could've scared a 19 year old with that atrociousness. So yeah. I looked like an idiot and that day is the reason I hate princesses. -_-
I asked an old lady at a mexican restaurant we used to go to if she was going going to die like jesus....(I went to a very catholic preschool) needles to say we never went back.
I was in elementary school maybe about 2nd grade and while I was super shy sometimes I was also crazy and weird. I was really active and at that age fit in with the boys really well. I tended to get overexcited and rough and frequently stomped on the feet of the other boys and chased them around the playground. Didn't see a problem with it then. Now I'm cringing as I try to go to sleep.
in kindergarten, my teacher told us it was time to do some simple subtraction. i didn't like it so i bolted out the classroom door screaming I DON"T WANNA DO MATH!