Hey Pandas, What’s Something You’d Share Online But Keep To Yourself In Real Life? (Closed)
What is something you would never tell anyone irl, but are willing to tell strangers on the internet?
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well... that i'm pretty lonely.
i have friends irl, but i've always felt like i was the "last resort" friend. like someone you only hang out with if u have to. i don't even know why. is my personality too overwhelming for my friends? are they just hanging out with me because of pure pity? i guess i'll never know.
this has caused me to feel pretty depressed about my life cuz i don't even know if anybody really liked me for who i am.
i've never told anyone this because i'm supposed to be the happy person. but mostly cuz i don't want people to feel bad for me and just hang out with me more to make me feel less bad. i want people to hang out with me because they like me, and while it greatly upsets me that they don't, i guess i would dislike it more if people were doing to merely please me. no friends are better than fake ones, right?
thats why i like the internet. there are many ups and downs, but one of the ups is that you get to be your real self and people similar to you will naturally gravitate towards you. the anonymity part makes it easy. anonymity is a double-edged sword, but this is an upside of it.
so thank you all, for being accepting and good friends
I find myself being seen as the friend people turn to as a last option too T-T. If we were classmates, I'd genuinely enjoy hanging out with you, not just out of obligation. They're missing out tbh. Yeah, the internet is a good way of finding friends if you know the right places to search.
That I ate the last slice of cheesecake.
Omg, I didn't mean for it to post twice. BP made it seem like the first one didn't go through. 😑