Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Want To Spread Awareness About?
Our modern world is plagued with issues: often with many stigmas surrounding them. On top of that, social media has caused an ever-growing source of misinformation and fake news.
Add facts and topics that you want to spread awareness about or discuss! They can be serious topics such as women's autonomy, LGBTQ+ rights, endangered animals, racism, classism, etc. Or they could be fun/random facts about things such as your favorite animals, the history of a specific thing/tradition/object, your hobbies, etc.
Please don't spread hate and try to have an open mind on this post! Have a lovely day
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I want to spread awareness of how to properly secure a newborn/ any child in to their carseat! Eight out of ten 1st time parents have it so wrong. If you can’t confidently hold your child upside down in their carseat, its not tight enough! Shoulder straps need to be shoulder height or below, no more than 2 fingers should fit under the chest guard and the guard needs to be rt across their nipples. Nowww be confident they won’t fall out. And those shoulder pads Velcro-ed over the straps should only be a a few inches long otherwise they prevent a proper fit
Incredibly important--and something I hadn't considered before! will definitely keep this in mind as many of my cousins are only toddlers
Having a mental illness sucks. Being in love with someone with a mental illness can be extremely challenging. To stand with them and take the ups and downs. The fits of anger and delusional thinking is so exhausting. Having the thick skin to take the tirades knowing this is only one small part of the person i love. To see the beauty and strength in them and offer help when its the last thing i want to do.
Mental illness sucks
this really does make me see things in a different perspective--i've recently recovered-ish from a pretty bad time in my life, and still struggle with anxiety. this post makes me appreciate my friends and boyfriend for being there for me the whole time <3 thank you for sharing, have a lovely day!
This song.
Okay, this is gold. Hilarious, unsettling, and hilarious again. 3:49 is the best moment.