I could go on for hours about the awfulness of overpowered original characters…

What is something you like to rant about?


How my family hates me for being gay and how people need to except the LGBTQ+ community.



    i would like to rant about how stupid some people are!!!!! everyone not wearing a mask!!!! saying they can't breathe in a mask!! I wear a mask for more than 8 hours every day and I can create perfectly fine!!! my state is in the red and the 4th state with the most cases!!! but on a stupid mask!!! for your safety and for the safety of others. my mom and my brother both got covid because they did not wear a mask when we went out. I was safe because I had a mask. my dad was safe because he stayed home. just please wear a mask or stay inside if you don't like masks. it's that easy.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have asthma and I have to wear a mask seven hours a day, and often have trouble breathing. But I still wear it. I don’t complain about wearing it. WEAR YOUR MASKS PEOPLE!

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    Also, vaccines are life-saving, they do not cause autism, and are not poison or a scheme by ¨Big Pharma¨ to steal your money and/or control you. Abortions should be legal. They can and do save lives. Women do not have equal rights yet. There is a pay gap. Black lives matter. Gun control laws should be established. PEOPLE SHOULD BE TAUGHT TO RESPECT AND ACCEPT OTHERS FOR WHO THEY ARE. This is coming from a 15 year old lesbian. I am in high school. And yet, I am more aware of today´s problems than half of America´s population.


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    over it already
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am a 41 yr old cis lady & agree that if you're starting from a place of tolerance & equality, you DO know more than many many adults

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    I am a ranter especially about topics I am passionate about like Vaccines, gun control in the US, abortions and the hypocrisy of men and womens rights etc.



    I rant about people who are racists, sexists, homophobes, covidiots, etc. I simply cannot comprehend why people think it is okay to discriminate against others, and why people cannot grasp the reality that WE ARE IN A PANDEMIC. WAKE UP PEOPLE. WEAR A MASK. SOCIAL DISTANCE. IS THIS REALLY TOO HARD TO UNDERSTAND?



    I rant about politics and how trump sucks (sorry about the language). I also rant about how women are NOT- i repeat for those who still think that it is "fake"-WOMEN ARE NOT EQUAL TO MEN. black lives matter and that racist cops are equally at the level of stupid trump (not all cops are racist but *ahem* some are.) Anyways, im talking too much but my last thing (not last thing i just want to make this short otherwise imma get down voted ;-;) i rant about how abortion should be legal and and discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community. (pls dont down vote T-T)



    Pearl. You’ve heard my comments before. I like to rant about how AWESOME Wings of Fire is. Oh and I like to rant about idiots, and how idiotic they are. And imma get a lot of downvotes for this, but whatever. I don’t like TikTok. There. I said it.


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    Pearl Of the SeaWing RainWings
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't like tiktok either!!! AND YASSSS WOF IS AWESOMEEEEEEEE PPL SRSLY READ IT! Nerds unite!!!

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    Climate change, capitalism and alcohol. People just don't care enough.



    I don’t normally rant perse about anything serious out loud. But multiple times I will find I’m venting to myself frustratingly about my younger sister. Let me start with this, I love my sister, truly do, and I understand her occupational therapy to help her improve her Dyslexia, and her Dysgraphia. But she also has hour long sessions with someone and recently they’ve been about her her anxiety of asking questions in class. I mean, I have Social Anxiety, and if I enter a room of strangers and by myself with no one I know, and even if I do know someone I wills start crying, find myself repeating words in threes and I start sweating like I’ve been put in a steamer. I don’t cry in 3 out of 5 situations but most public situations make me sweat excessively. And my dad says to get over it enough to where I can handle social situations. He had social awkwardness when he was younger too and I do believe I will get over it someday but right now it’s just really hard and seems impossible. And I just don’t think it’s fair, I feel the reason they don’t take it too seriously is because my sister is failing multiple classes so they think she needs more help than I do(I am keeping an A average) but I don’t think it’s fair my sister should go to therapy for anxiety about asking questions when I can barely stand being on the spot in social situations.



    I rant about when someone tells me my beliefs are wrong and I can't be non-binary and lesbian. Also, my parents hate gays so I will be laughing at them when they cry at my wedding and I'll say "**** ALL THOSE WHO NEVER BELIEVED IN ME, AND TO ALL OF THOSE WHO HATE THE LGBTQIA+"



    I know this will probably be downvoted into nothing, but I really have something important to say. I’ve always known people on the internet are mean, and then I found bored panda, and I began to think otherwise. People here seemed to genuinely believe that all people are equal, which is really important to me. You all tend to claim that you believe in being kind to everyone. But then I started noticing that you are kinda harsh to a certain group of people. You call them dumb, lazy, fat, loud, annoying, and careless. I am part of this group, and I know many other pandas are. But for some reason not many are willing to speak out about this prejudice. I know that you people who are making fun of this group probably don’t personally know a member of this group, and are just assuming based on other people’s words, but I’m so tired of this. Because yes, some of us are dumb, or lazy, or fat, or loud and annoying, but not all of us. And you can’t seriously believe all 328 million of us are the same. We’re all the same species, we’re all human, so stop making fun of the United States of America. Because we aren’t all the same. And yes, we have many flaws, but so does every country. And I can’t stand this. So this will be the last you hear of me here. Goodbye.



    I rant about small animal pet care (fish, rats, mice, hamsters, ferrets, etc.) Im very passionate about it and I will constantly correct people on how to care for their animals correctly without hurting it(politely unless they reply negatively and continue to HARM an animal on their "beliefs")


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same here!! It bothers me when people don’t do research for their animals and pretend like they know more than the people who have actually done research and have experience. I researched for three years before I got my guinea pigs, and I’m glad I did because I live in an area with no laws on animal care so they probably wouldn’t have had as good of a life had I not gotten them.

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    Social inequalities. It makes me incredibly frustrated that the odds are so stacked against people from low income families. There are so many wonderful people in the world that arent able to accomplish the things they want to because they were born into families that can’t afford certain luxuries that shouldn’t even be considered luxuries



    Besides of anti maskers, I could rant over and over about cigarettes and reckless, selfish smokers.



    i rant about the fact that im a 3 time bedwars champion



    I rant about the fact that disney's hercules is very much wrong


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    Lillian Jimenez
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    YESSSS. Hercules is the ROMAN NAME. It's technically HERACLES. He is the son of Zeus and a MORTAL WOMAN. Disney is feeding children lies.

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    okay...here it goes



    I could go on for hours about how Ghost Rider is the strongest Marvel Character.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    YES! Ghostrider is my FAVOURITE Marvel hero (but out of them all, I like Taskmaster best)!


    Honestly, I can rant about a lot of things, but a big one for me is inequality in the workforce. I’m studying to be a journalist and double majoring in English and music and what has really hit me since starting college is how much women and girls are downgraded, ignored, and interrupted constantly. I have multiple male professors that have all but ignored women in their classes while calling on men whose answers are inadequate. I have also contacted multiple people for sources on papers and such who have refused comment because I identify as non-binary and a few more who have insisted on calling me she/her pronouns after being corrected because that’s the way they want it. I feel like life might be harder for me and other non-binaries and girls and honestly, that makes me sick. It’s 2020, so why are we still hanging onto prejudice? I will never understand it and every time something like this is mentioned, I go into a rant. Thank you for your time.


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    Pearl Of the SeaWing RainWings
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hey, ranting is pretty much the point of this post! No worries:) and that sounds super awful, I like to rant about that too

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    Why people seem to think that freedom of speech (in the US at least) extends to non-government sites or platforms...Just because you are entitled to your own opinion doesn't mean you are entitled to not getting kicked off a platform for being a homophobic racist idiot.


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    Aj Grimes (them/they)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OMG YES LIKE THE GENDERPHOBIC PEOPLE ALSO PISS ME OFF ( gender phobic means u only believe that there are only 2 genders. They also say u can't be a different gender or I'll go to hell.)


    I can rant about so many things. Book series, like Wings of Fire and Skulduggery Pleasant, TV shows, like Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts, ATLA, and The Legend of Korra, Video Games, like Pokemon, and other things. I mostly rant about things like LGBTQ+ Rights, BLM, and politics.



    How bad the Bulls are.

    Also how Jordan is better than LeBron (this one is bound to start an argument in the comments)



    Animaniacs, twenty one pilots, and slapstick cartoons. I can’t rant it out here because it would take up an entire very long boredpanda article.


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    I like to rant about how pets and animals are awesome. Btw. pets are the best


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    my boyfriend, my best friend, my household, my stupid brother. yea, normal teenager things like that


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Stories. Stories I have heard, have experienced, and more.



    I like to rant about the Minecraft 1.17 update and how it's amazing


    See Also on Bored Panda

    My teacher, now I'm not rude to her or anything but I do get angry. A little background... so my school has a choice of going to school and staying home, I stayed home, and my teacher forgets about me I have to email them everyday for the assignment and they don't respond till the end of the week! And one time she got mad at me for not doing an assignment, she said she emailed it to me...I checked she didn't so she faked forwarded it to me and now my assignment is late.... (fake forward means she didn't actually forward the email to me she just put fwd: in the description.) And she doesn't teach me so I might fail an assignment because I have to Google it. (they don't teach just assign work and we do it ourselves) so... ya I just home i pass this year..


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Ok I have way more pet peeves than a normal person but here's one of my biggest ones. Have you ever been sitting next to someone, they take a deep breath through their nose, and it squeaks whistles. I have no clue why but just that shrill, piercing whistle just drives me crazy.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I could go on for HOURS about book to movie inaccuracies.
    My best friend and I do the Grey's Anatomy thing where we rant about totally separate things simultaneously and then react.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I always rant about stupid people! If it's customers or just people I meet on the bus, street or in the store. Sometimes I just can't believe how little respect some people have for others and their sorrounding. It's not just about not wearing masks or wearing them wrong. Pisses me off to but for me it's stuff like standing in the middle of the store with the shoppingcard blocking the walk way. Putting bags on bus seats when elderly persons are standing next to them. It's the being rude to hard working people, because they think they don't do the job right. It's the being know-it-all when they have know clue about the topic, it's the judging other people for how they look, who they love and what they decided works best for them. It's not your life Susan so shut up. And all of the above is the reason I like dogs way more than humans. They are nice, fluffy, lovely, aren't rude and love you no matter what. We don't deserve doggos. Thanks for the attention :D


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Easy, toxic parents and the kind of snakes some of my fellow college kids can be.



    Two words. Johnny Depp. HE stood up to claims saying that he was "abusive" to a person(don't want to say something bad) who is ABUSIVE towards him, whom this lady leeches off of him, and even went as far as "People are being paid to go against me". Amber Heard got Johnny Depp fired from Warner Bros. and I don't understand the people that are yelling ""men don't get abused, he's lying" when men actually muster up the courage to call out when they are/were being treated unfairly in a relationship.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    The election (Trump 🤮), Covid and ppl who don’t wear masks, and I absolutely HATE racists and homophobes.



    I rant about how my neighbor's 6-year-old daughter holds cats... she literally GRABS them, holds them WITHOUT supporting their butts. It clearly hurts the cats, and they scramble and try to get down. Piper never lets them. When this is constantly done to the poor cat over and over again, the cat puts being held together with pain. When I try to gently correct her, she starts sassing me and saying things like "You cant tell me what to do." Even worse, her Mom sees her holding a cat in a Very bad position, and the cat is trying its best to escape. Guess what? The Mom does not care a BIT.

    This may not seem to bad, but let me give you a example.

    This girl literally held a cat UPSIDE DOWN, gripping it BY ItS ARMPITS.
    I want to report her to her mom, but the mom HATES MY GUTS, and DOES NOT CARE.
    So yeah... that is what I rant about.


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    About how I will get in trouble with the teachers in school yes i know I try to be a perfect student


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    Religious assholes and even nonreligious assholes who tell me that my spirituality is wrong and they are right and I am delusional. It makes me just wanna curl up in a ball and cry just even THINKING about mentioning it in conversations like this. It is very hard to put a label on it because I just trust my intuition and what I believe in my heart. I won't say exactly what I believe but I just hate people of any background who try to tell me that my beliefs are wrong and theirs are right and that I'm just a crazy "New Ager" who doesn't know what they're doing and can't think for themselves. You know what bitch ever since I discovered a spiritual pathway that aligned with what I feel in my heart it freed me from depression, anxiety, poor health, etc. that had been weighing me down before and now that I have realized that I am an expression of the divine I have taught myself to harness the power within me and live a happy life that I never knew was possible to live



    I rant to homophobic and transphobic people about how I am valid and I will never change just because some people say I have to and I rant to people who say I’m gross and disgusting because I read yaoi



    Oh so many things, why people don’t believe COVID and Global warming are real. Corrupt systems, why my dad hates me and why naturalized citizens in the USA who have lived here for almost their whole life can’t be president. I care about the US and like politics. Wish I could run for president one day but a stupid law says I can’t


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    It is actually really funny you should ask because I just finished ranting about my life to myself for and hour and a half.....I don't like tic tok, or really social media, ya ya down point me, but seriously teens are getting sucked in! Watch the social dilemma on Netflix!!! I have been bullied throughout my entire life, so much so that I could be an actor! I am so good at hiding my emotions, it is a little scary.... sorry but Trump! Omg Trump,..trump... well he just Arrg! That is just me! I don't hold it against you if you like him, Heck my best friend likes him. What is more important? A friendship of 7 going on 8 years, or a president that will be gone this time in 4 years? yep and the Idiots that are not wearing masks! ok yep that is abou- WAIT!! THE FACT THAT NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THE WINGFEATHER SAGA IS! Ok that's it!


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    Pearl Of the SeaWing RainWings
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OOISITABOOK!?? I AM HAVING A BOOK SHORTAGE, THANKS I NEED IT!!! Also I despise tiktok as well


    I can rant for AGES about JoJo's Bizarre adventure. I've seen and read all of it and I'm not afraid to show it.


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    1) Avatar: The Last Airbender and how I'm still not over Zuko's beautiful redemption arc. And how cute he looked when he was 13. And Zuko, in particular.


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    Edward Hara. View their bored panda account, it’s all “Covid isn’t a threat” “being gay is wrong” and more of that stuff, I’ve ranted about ‘em to my friends all the time, but I can’t put into words how much I despise that mindset


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    Why my messed up life for one.....


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    Age has nothing to do with the potential intellect, girls can throw a dodgeball so no I'm not going to give it to you, and the US is just as good as other countries, so stop being so mean.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    lmao it is not as good as the other countries. fight me on it. i dare you.

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