Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Like That Everyone Else Seems To Hate? (Closed)
What're somethings you like but everyone you asked says they hate it f.e. I like rats but most people say they think they're gross :(
So what're some things you like but everyone else hates?
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Hear me out. I love those sugar cookies you can get at Wallymart. The ones that look like dough and crumbles easily. Their frosting crumbles too. And the sprinkles are kinda melted. They come in plastic containers of 10 I think.
I LOVE them
But a lot of people hate them and are grossed out I like them
Pineapple on pizza
With green peppers and bbq sauce instead of marinara! Live a little, it’s just pizza 😝
Heres a weird short list of em..
-old stuff, like flip phones
-some bugs and rodents (wormz r not invited)
I love rats too! All the animals prople generally dont like are my favourite like spiders, sharks and snakes, i think they’re cool
Just being able to yell it all out, like when its building up in you. everyone around me hates it even when I ask them
Metal & rock music. I also love spiders and do weird art
Reptiles, especially lizards and snakes. I've always been the one to catch and relocate snakes for neighbors. Having large carnivorous lizards keeps guest stays to a minimum.
Those sugar cookies,
Yes the cookie alone tastes bad but that’s why it has frosting! Most people don’t like them but I think they’re DELICIOUS
Furbys. :')
For some context, I live in a landlocked desert state where the nearest body of water is hours away, one where you can actually get seafood from over a day's drive away.
I really like black licorice. I always have, for as long as I can remember. Didn't have to acquire a taste to it. And I was a picky kid, too.
Fanfiction, Fanart & Fanmade crafts -- mostly I'm (beta)reading & translating FFs and recording some for a dyslexic friend.
Fanarts and Fanmade crafts have their own little place in my heart.
It's great to build up social connections all around the world through a common interest/fandom.
Food that is not hot. I will generally let my food sit for 20-30 minutes before I start eating. Makes going to restaurants interesting!
Not waste my food.
Being kind.
The little changes I can make with my efforts in keeping the planet clean.
Last but not the least, staying home.
Kind of a opposite one- I don't like Home Alone type movies, but everyone i know loves them. People getting outsmarted by a 9 year old and getting seriously hurt isn't my idea of fun. And i know it's just a goofy, slapstick movie, but still.