Sometimes I have nothing to do. Honestly, I just need some ideas.
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I talk to myself and make stories. Maybe its weird but then again, you dont know why Marie killed her grandfather after she found the bread loaf in her room...but i do.
Check out bored pandas.
I know, rock’n’roll lifestyle…! :-D
I've started cooking and I mean really simple stuff even some microwave recipes. I basically just look and see what's in the cupboard and google what I can make with them. I've never liked cooking or baking and always found it a chore so I get great satisfaction when I create something that's good!
This doesn’t seem the venue for my response.
Learnung another language, I have that via Duolingo. I can read basic French now which helps when reading older books. The authors always ssumed every reader was familiar with French expressions.
Cross stitch. Currently on a kick of doing house plants, but I use ridiculous color schemes to make it fun.
I also started using an app to help me get into yoga. I hate yoga, but now I do about 20mins a day just to kill time before bed.
I also started folding / rolling my underwear and socks when putting them away instead of an insane mess in the drawer. Kills a whole episode of a show and keeps me moving.
Hang drying my clothes outside now as well. Makes me actually go outside for a bit.
I like to draw, watch youtube, play with my desk fidgets, or play a relatively relaxing game like BTD6.
Usually drawing and the desk fidgets are the most entertaining to me, but the youtube wormhole or BTD6 grind can also suck me in occasionally.
I have a cat and sometimes I take a break to spend time with her whether that be cuddling or playing.
Learned how to draw with soft pastel pencils, with watercolor paint, with acrylic paint.
watercolors are so fun, i like dipping my brush on one side of one color, and then using the other side with another color. So when i use the brush it makes a cool two-color effect.
Play video games, read and write fanfic (not weird, sexual ones those are terrible I just make fun stories don’t worry lol), watch tv, look at Bored Panda and Quora, read about the Backrooms, watch stuff about the SCP Foundation
But also playing Mario Kart 8 on the Nintendo Switch with my son, from Spain to the Netherlands
But also playing Mario Kart 8 on the Nintendo Switch with my son, from Spain to the Netherlands
Play with my dog! And training him, which honestly doesn’t seem to be that different to him. I also like to read, cook and garden. I’d read more but the dog stares at me…for a really long time
Read, write, browse the internets, play my instruments, practice my Swedish and German, and make friendship bracelets
i see if i can name all fifty states in alphabetical order, see how fast i can say the alphabet backwards, count out prime numbers in order, read the dictionary. no wonder I'm single.
Online gaming mostly. Also, watching aviation videos (I don't have the brains or the nerves to be an ATC or pilot, so I live through others.)
I imagine myself in the role of a video game character, win the the battle and get the girl.
I watch shows/movies with underwater scenes and try to hold my breath for as long as the characters do. If I can't I have to wash all the dirty pots from that day by hand (otherwise those MF's go in the dishwasher for sure).
My son and I build and race riding lawn mowers. I’m a big DIY guy so it’s more of the building for me and the racing for my son. In the summer I love riding my motorcycle in NC or WV when I can get away but the winter it’s more of TV and games.
I talk to my self pretty often - only in my head and not with actual voice (at least most of the time) but with several interlocutors and often multilingual
Sometimes I try to do a philosophical or political debate with me representing both points of view
Sometimes I imagine how I would go about explaining to an ancient roman the workings of steam engine, electricity or firearms - which is pretty helpful, cause that way I see if I have actually understood it myself