Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Did In 2023 That You’re Proud Of? (Closed)
It doesn't matter how big or small—whether it's conquering fear, learning a new skill, or just spending some time for yourself! Make 2024 a positive year, be proud of yourself!
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I scored really well on two important tests, and I volunteered at a charity hospital in Pakistan where I got to work with kids!
that's amazing that you volunteered at a charity hospital, and congratulations on doing well on your tests! :)
I started a new life.
After losing my husband of 44 years to cancer in Nov 2022, I packed up & moved 1800 miles to a new area. First time I've ever lived by myself.
Survived. It was a physically, professionally, and emotionally difficult year for me.
Wholesome achievement! Keep going, the world will never be the same, if you outlive something serious. But it may be better, with deeper shadows and brighter lights.
I'm not suicidal anymore🙂
i gotbon a senior dating site and found my soulmate, now partner! We're having fun!
I have finished my latest book saga, and it's probably the best thing I've written since I started writing like 13 years ago. I'm currently in the process of polishing the 1st book so I can offer it to a publisher. The chance I'll actually get published is small, but it's not zero, and it would be a dream come true.
You can always self publish. I did that, but mine isn't successful as I did not / still am not marketing it, so I think there is like... one sale, which is sad because I expected more as it is on Amazon. But, if you put effort into marketing, I'm sure it will sell.
I got sober. After 59 and a 1/2 years I finally got it together. I was in a crisis situation. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. I knew myself enough to know that if something happened to him, I'd be in trouble. I met with a great doctor that helped me stop drinking. My family has a history of alcohol abuse and I was scared I was going to go that way. It's been about 300 days without a drink. I have lost 35 pounds, I exercise like an athlete, I have 6 hours of tattoo time and I feel as if I'm 100%. I feel so good.
By far the greatest decision of my life.
- emceed (and performed but performing is pretty normal for me) for an event with about 500-1,000 people
- won a pretty big and important competition and visited another state as a result of that
yeah pretty dope :P
Earned my green belt in Karate, lost 25 to 35 pounds (and kept them off), and I started taking Kickboxing classes.
I finished the first draft of three book manuscripts and two short stories. Yes, they will be published. Over 360,000 words written.
just started to feel a little better. i'm not suicidal anymore. y'alls achievements are better but i'm learning to feel proud of this one.
I don't think your achievement is less good than the rest on this list. Most importantly to you: it's something you did for you and that is the best thing you can ever do. I don't know you but I am happy you are here and that you're feeling better than you did a year ago. *yay you!*
I guess this doesn't count, but my kid graduated from college.
It feels kind of a win for me.
Won a BBC TV quiz show (Pointless).
That's pretty impressive! One of the more difficult quiz shows. Even when we get versions of the English quiz shows in Australia, the questions are so dumbed down!
This post just gave me an idea.
I am going to write down the things that I want to be able to answer at the end of this year.
So next year, my answers will be:
1 Learned a new language
2 Mastered my jewelry making
3 Lost the weight that I've gained during Covid
4 Started having a daily routine
I'm still here.
2023. The 55"TV died. The microwave died. My printer died. My job died. Something on the car that cost $165., died. Molly's vet bills were $375. Don't want Molly to died. O! Dianne's heart nearly died. Had to get another tablet. 'cause one of our others died. and my employment insurance is going to died soon.
So I resurrected my handyman business. Got some cards, mag signs for the car, lawn sign. Traveled the town delivering business cards, in the middle of January.
Trouble is, the cars too dirty to put the mags on. The ground is to hard to put the sign in anywhere.
And this town rolls the streets up for the winter.
So what I achieved in 2023, was to get to 2024. 😊
God bless if you've got this far because I do like to talk.
guess what! i made it *almost* all the way through the year without having a complete mental breakdown!!!
I adapted to my first year in Middle school, memorized the school layout, and went to India for the first time in 10 years to see my family. I ate and became obsessed with Indian sweets, had my innocence broken, and got over an unhealthy crush!
I have been inspired by the organization called Faces of Mankind (www.facesofmankind.org) for a few years now. I wanted to join them… my goal was to open a chapter in New York City… but I never got a response from them.
A few weeks ago, I went out on my own visiting the homeless individuals and encampments in the East Village asking these people to be part of MY OWN “Faces of the East Village”.
To my surprise and delight, every one I interviewed agreed to let me photograph and paint their portraits. The subjects will be the recepients of the proceeds from the sales of the paintings.
It will take awhile, as I am alone in this…and I will have to beome a legal Not-For-Profit.
However, I am undaunted, and have begun my first painting…Eduardo.
It has been quite humbling to hear people’s stories about how they got where they are.
I hope you will check out Faces of Mankind…it is quite remarkable.
I wrote my first novel and self published it on Amazon as a paperback and ebook. It's called "If I Knew Then", by Ross Mullican. I know it probably won't take off and make me rich, lol, but I was really proud of myself for writing it (and thanks to my friend who helped edit it!)
I wrote my first novel and self published it on Amazon as a paperback and ebook. It's called "If I Knew Then", by Ross Mullican. I know it probably won't take off and make me rich, lol, but I was really proud of myself for writing it (and thanks to my friend who helped edit it!)