Just wondering. Don’t worry, there will be unsee juice


Gender reveal parties and forcing kids to have every single they own gendered and either pink or blue?! The kid might hate those colours. Also telling kids ‘no you can’t have this toy its ONLY for girls/boys’, is silly, theyre just toys and every child has different taste. I had a dolls house filled with dinosaurs 😂


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Happi doggi (all pronouns)
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Gender reveal parties make no sense. Just say “sex reveal party” and if you’re uncomfortable with it DONT HAVE A FRIKIN PARTY ANNOUNCING IT!

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    Covidiots. Nasty bunch.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wait. In which sense do you think "covididiots"? This term can be interpreted in a number of ways.

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    When people smack when eating and chew with their mouth open


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    Lovin' Life
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I genuinely want to stab that person with my fork. It drives me nuts

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    People doing tik tok dances in the school bathroom. It's weird. Don't do it. It's a school bathroom, not a stage.



    I'm sorry, I might get hate for this, let the downvotes begin, but modern day feminism. "AlL mEn ArE pIgS, wOmEn BefOr Men!!" Stfu.

    Also, the stupid fact that some women are like "A man must be at least 6'8, have a penis bigger that 5 inches, and have abs. " But if a man says "I don't want a women that's fat, and they have to have d cups." They're both bad. They're both sexist. Women can't control there bodies, neither can men. Leave them alone. "WElL tHeY cAn gEt pLasTic sUrgEry" well, so can you. Men
    Have. Body.image. issues. To. They. To. Cannot. Control. There.bodies.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry, I didn't add if you are a feminist that actually supports equality and thinks that men and women are actually equal, then that's great, keep doing you, but the ones that are rude to men and hit them and abuse them? No. I guess I should've been more specific

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    The "Savior Complex". I remember when white, American students protested the Speedy Gonzalez character for "being offensive" to Mexicans and recently when a Japanese artist was shunned from drawing the Encanto movie characters slightly lighter. "iT'S oFfEnsiVE to oUR LaTIno BroTheRs!"
    No, they are not! And stop trying to teach me of my own culture.


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    itzybitsy 1111
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Everything is offensive nowadays. Some people do this to Asians too.




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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you cringe at the things you've done in the past, it means you've grown as a person😁

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    When people pose by sitting on the floor infront of a mirror, or in the bathroom. There they are looking a million dollars but then there's a toilet or laundry on the floor in the background.


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    Vision Jinx
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good ol' toilet selfie lol. I have a coworker that did their company photo in front of her dang shower curtain! Like why?

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    People who think social media tells the truth about anything. People don't understand how much social media lies to them.


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    People who wear their mask below their nose but over their mouth. Just wear it correctly, please!


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    Blue Sky Rhino
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Those people look Super Dumb. Every time I see someone doing that I can't help but think that wearing a facemask with your nose hanging out is as stupid as wearing a condom with the tip cut off. Why on earth would you bother?

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    I know its supposed to be beautiful and wonderful in most scenarios, but when a Disney prince/princess goes into song. It's just straight odd. Don't get me wrong though I love Disney movies (Aladdin is the best in my opinion.) The songs though, the songs.


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    Maryanna Baldridge
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well then, I highly encourage you to watch Encanto. So much singing. The cool part though is the content and dancing. Definitely an upgrade from the 90s and I am a major Disney Fanatic.

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    Trends. Like one moment something is in fashion, the other it's useless and neglected..
    Your honestly cringe stfu



    When I sprint out from the classroom 29 years ago because my friend insisted to introduce someone to me.
    My solution to every awkward social situations: run.
    And I was a gold medal sprinter for my uni.


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    Fingernails scratching carpet. I hate sound, I hate the feel. 😵‍💫



    The word panties. I have no idea why but is gives me a 'nails on the chalkboard' reaction. I remember never liking the word even as a toddler.



    Spitting. Phlegm. “Hocking a loogie”. Blowing your nose and not washing your hands. Yuck.


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    People leaving toenail clippings on the floor, yuck!


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    Tom Hardeveld
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    YES! I work as a janitor and let me tell you, no matter how nice the office, posh the people or rich the interior: there are ALWAYS nails


    I cringe a lot when I think back on my past self. Sometimes from 20 years ago, sometimes from last week.

    Specifically, and just one example of many, back when Facebook was still in its early days when I was at uni, I had a very personal flame war with some friends of mine on Facebook. It was not a private message so everyone could see it. I think it just didn't click with me at the time how public everything we wrote was.


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    I was playing the naked game (bad idea) with my male cousin (WORSE IDEA). He asked me, and I quote “oh, did someone eat your mushroom?” AND HE WAS SO CALM! I just screamed “YOURE DYING! YOURE DYING!”




    Nails on a blackboard.



    Tom Brady. Sadly a Patriots fan here.


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    when i talk to someone of the opposite gender for 0.77 seconds and someones all like “OoOoOo Is ThAt YoUr Bf?” like omg. its even worse since im literally queer



    People wearing their mouth-mask on their chin, not covering the nose or worse, not covering anything.
    "I am wearing my mask tho..." No. No you are not. I don't wear my hat if I shove it up my foot, you are NOT wearing your mask.


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    bored panda posts that normalize trauma and unhealthy behavior.


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    Also public displays of affection.



    When people lick their fingers after eating..



    mukbang, its not cool its disgusting and the people who do mukbangs are shitty people



    Political agendas


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    when you scrape your teeth on a Popsicle stick


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    Wind chimes


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would really like to know why, if you don't mind sharing!! :)


    Spiders, i found one while i was in the bathroom taking a bath, it was a tarantula. A TARANTULA!! And i just kiled it with water.



    Live improv and stand up comedy


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    Hair. Even my own. I love a nice mane while it's on someone's head but once a hair falls out it becomes disgusting to me. Yes, it's odd. Doesn't mean I can change it. I clean out the drain after I wash my hair because it would clog it up if I didn't, but I swear I'm gagging while doing it. It's only hair, and it was part of me 5 seconds ago. But I hate touching or even seeing it when it's detached. At one point I was a live in nanny for an Indian family, with 2 grown women with loooong, strong black hair (beautiful BTW) and a baby girl with hair that was quickly becoming the same, plus my own long hair. Hair, hair, hair everywhere...


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    When people are trying to hard to be cool.


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    When Amazon emails you saying your not using all of your prime benefits or Netflix emails you to ask if your going to finish watching that show you started. I find this creepy and cringe worthy and make me consider cancelling my subscription.


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    I really hate when people end a statement with, "right?". It's so cloying and just reeks of insecurity. It's like saying, "You agree with me, don't you?" Ugh.


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    Strangers touching my hair. I can't begin to count the times people just walk up and pet my hair while giving the back handed compliment "Oh its so soft. Not nappy and course like I thought." I'm waiting for the glorious moment when someone's ring or watch gets caught in my hair.


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People will just go up to me and go "SNIFFFFFF! Your hair smells good. :) " Like so casually like bro

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    Nails on a black board. HATE that sound.
    People who obviously know how to speak/write correctly, but talk like they don't know how, or don't use punctuation. . Ex: Yous be like it ain't matter. I know you home.
    Anti-vaxxers who try to make you look bad for getting yourself and your family vaccines. You want to be ignorant, fine. But keep your opinions to yourself


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Cannot stand nails on a chalkboard. BUT, have you ever heard nails on Styrofoam? Don't.


    two stories one long one short.
    SHORT: Once someone said 'Wow I've never seen you with your hair Infront of your face before' IDK why but that has been in my head for 3 years now.😑

    LONG: My family has two houses at the moment, one we live in and one WIP. so new house means new neighbors, they couple have all boys so as the child i am i went over to chat and pet their chickens (they have a lot) That day only one boy was out (15) chilling with the chickens. so i run over and strike up a conversation that lasted about 15 minutes. soon his parents come outside i notice me and for SOME FRICKING REASON I RAN AWAY!!!! IDK WHY BUT I BOLTED OFF INTO THE WOODS AND RAN TO THE WIP HOUSE. NOW YOU CAN NOT TELL ME THAT WASN'T SUS!!! A 13 girl alone with a 15 boy outside out of view from anyone! I regret doing that every day..../ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ


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    Men who claim to be feminists. Some maybe with virtue, most I think are clueless.


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    The words "preggo", "baby mama" and "baby daddy". And the word "lube"!


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    Seeing someone get injured or injuries in general always makes me cringe >.>


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    Tee Witt
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When this happens and people laugh, not funny most of the time, not at all.


    The sound of someone clipping their nails.


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    The new trend of saying 'listen' in front of a statement/answer.


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    Papercuts in general... Like, I physically cringe thinking about it. And also I mean this in a way that it's not cringey it just makes my entire spine shiver


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    The phrase "a water". This usually is meant to mean a drink or serving of water (I guess). But it sounds all wrong. You can have some water, a tiny and transient portion of the great, constantly recycling planet-full of water, but you can't have "a" water. There is no "a" water. It is all one thing



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