Hey Pandas, What’s Something That Your Significant Other Did That Made Realize That They’re The One? (Closed)
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He wanted to sleep with me, I mean “sleep.” He spooned me all night, whispered to me, and kissed me gently, but made absolutely NO attempt to have sex. This went on for several nights. When he first made love to me it was spectacular and unforgettable.
This is a big one for me. I never wanted to get married and I really sucked at emotional connections. I have alot of trauma and mental illness that makes me very difficult to deal with at times when it becomes too much to handle. I am chaos and volatile at times. He is the calm in the storm. I made sure I pulled out every stop to try and scare him off. He is a healthy well adjusted not mentally unstable person and not toxic. The moment I told him he should just cut his losses and leave before I hurt him or ruined things he looked me dead in my eyes and told me shut the f*k up I'm not going anywhere. He has been by my side everyday since through all of my bs. I even married him and really started dealing with my issues in healthier ways thanks to him. He literally saved me from myself without trying to.
Drove down to the nearest nursery, bought a bag of grass seeds and proceeded to sprinkle them on the top of the soil covered grave where we buried my ex. I knew at that moment that her green thumb was more special than my ex’s blue thumb.
We were at his place watching a movie in bed. He got up, took a blanket and put it on top of my feet, with all the care in the world to make sure that I was comfortable and warm. It was a small gesture but it showed me how much he cared for me.
He invited me to the lake for a day of fun in the sun and for lunch he offered me a tomato sandwich. Little did he know that a tomato sandwich on white bread with lots of mayo is my all time favorite summer time sandwich in the world! We've been married 37 years. We're both as unpretentious now as we were then.
As I read my entry, I should have said we are both still simple people. I just love that about us!
That she has her own life (with her young daughter) and is in no way dependent on anyone or anything. She is financially independent, has a loving family, does everything for her daughter, has a good job, takes care of herself, has a meaning to things that are going on erc I feel gifted when she is able to manage a day „off“ and spends time with me. Sounds kinda weird maybe, because that all should be obvious, but I meet so many women who don’t care about what they to with their lives and think, that is the partners job to keep them on their feet. I never had the feeling that they could catch me if I’m falling if you know what I mean. But with this girl I’m so sure about everything.
Strong and independent women are so damn attractive.
I met a guy in the Navy, and 3 weeks later, he shipped out. Shortly after that, I was laid off from my job. We were writing to each other, so I told him I'd been laid off and was looking for a new job.
He answered by sending me the key to his house and a letter of introduction to his roommates, so that if needed, I would have a place to live.
That kindness and trust blew me away. We've now been married for 42 years.
He made me smile and laugh every single day, he showed me so much respect and boosted my self worth
He was a widower , I was newly divorced. He washed his son's clothes (that no longer fit) and folded them. He gave them to me for my youngest child to wear because he knew money was tight for us. We've been married 32 years now. He's still big-hearted.
He made me smile and laugh every single day, he showed me so much respect and boosted my self worth
He was a widower , I was newly divorced. He washed his son's clothes (that no longer fit) and folded them. He gave them to me for my youngest child to wear because he knew money was tight for us. We've been married 32 years now. He's still big-hearted.