Be appropriate, please. Also, feel free to tell us how we can support these things. Have fun!


"Firefly" and "Angel".... Over 20 years and still bloody annoyed that they both got canned!!!



    The Pizza Hut pizza buffet! In the red roofed restaurant with the little two-player Pac-Man table video games and pitchers of soda. Ahhhh, yesteryear.


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    Mr Old School Cool
    Community Member
    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I met numerous Space Invaders eating Sunday dinner at Pizza Hut. You had two choices of crust: thin & crispy or thick & chewy. It was like being asked if you wanted “fries with that”

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    Net neutrality. I hate what the internet has become when search engines don't return the best results, just the ones on websites that paid the biggest bribes to appear first.



    Caramel. Not this salted caramel nonsense. Regular caramel. Nobody does it anymore. If I wanted salt, I'd have a savoury dish.



    The potato cakes at Arby's. I considered them the best thing on the menu, and probably won't be going back.

    Also, Mountain Dew "White Out".


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    jolie laide
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ooh, I miss them from Arby's. I also miss the potato wedges from KFC.

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    Fewer subscriptions! It was like overnight and suddenly paywalls were popping up everywhere and networks and tech companies started up their own streaming services and claimed their content, splintering into several competitors and bleeding customers. So many app/streamer/website monthly fees are low enough that they often go unnoticed, but they add up. As for streaming services, a lot of people I know subscribe just for as long as the show they like airs (or waits until the season has aired and signs up for a free trial or just one month, binges it) and then bails. The wealth of content means more good stuff being published and and produced than before but also a lot of rubbish, too. And in the end, we’re paying more when you add it all up, yet often feeling dissatisfied, meanwhile it seems every service is drowning because the subscription model isn’t enough to keep afloat.


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    The teen titans

    Left on a cliff hanger than was cancelled

    Then they had the nerve to throw that garbage at us (teen titans go)

    Plss bring back teen titans :>



    "Ripper Street". It was a show that ended on a cliffhanger, of sorts.


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    Crescent 3
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Absolutely LOVED "Ripper Street". I'm a big fan of the period crime drama genre. Some of my other favorites are "Murdoch Mysteries", "The Alienist", "Boardwalk Empire", "Penny Dreadful", and "The Frankenstein Chronicles." I was so excited to see Matthew MacFayden in "Succession".

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    Dirk Gently.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dirk Gently was the best adaptation of a book I've ever seen. It completely got the vibe of the protagonist spot on. In adapting the nature of the original book's holistic detective agency idea, it completely ignores the original plot of it but nails the underlying theme. It made Twin Peaks look like a boring, predictable who-done-it.

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    Pudding Pops. I miss them so much.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was just scrolling to the bottom to add this. I participated in the original marketing survey. They gave me a free box. They then came back and asked how many I wanted to order at a specified price and I said six. Then they came back a final time and told me they couldn't fill the order and gave me a complimentary box. I was both thrilled and disappointed at the same time.


    "Lovecraft Country" was incredible. To cancel it after one season was criminal. There is so much more story to tell. I feel somewhat the same about "Watchmen" on HBO, but they did such a masterful job with that, doing any more might be messing with perfection.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel your pain. watched it with my husband and he didn't fall asleep on it


    I know this sounds weird, but McDonald Land cookies! They were the best!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Actually, McDonaldLand in general :-/ (and seein' Mr. Meth Tree in the dining area) had a birthday in a Playland when I was 5 or so <3

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    Choco Taco


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    Squeez-its, fruit string thing, that band aid gum, all the bubbilicious flavors, SNICK, TGIF


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    Uncharted- video game series by Naughty Dog. Such a fun game.
    Hostess chocolate pudding pies. Maybe they’re still out there but I haven’t seen one in ages.


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    A B
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    TastyKake makes a version that is still out there. I saw one in 7-11 yesterday and was tempted to buy it but my blood glucose level said NO :-P

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    Jello Pudding Pops - food

    My Name is Earl - TV Show (Got cancelled and left on cliffhanger!)



    Rottmnt - Rise of the TMNT

    it got crapped upon by nickelodeon. it also was reveiw bombed by older tmnt fans as well. probably because it was the first tmnt series who dared to be different. But people started realizing how sick this show is, from the plot to the animation(did i say animation? probably the best in tmnt history). season 3 was cancelled and season 2 was cut short, and they only had 6 weeks to make it(they did an amazingly good job, for 6 weeks btw). Ik i talk about it a lot on this platform and it might be getting on some peoples nerves lol.

    if you wanna give it a try/ help save it:

    you can watch season 1 and the movie on netflix
    you can watch both season on paramount plus/youtube
    there are a bunch of stuff you could sign
    use hashtags: #saverottmnt/#saveriseofthetmnt

    hope i am not annoying you guys with my tmnt obsession😅
    i just rlly want it to come back😭



    Roller rinks. The big ones where that's what it was all about. Apparently there's still one roller rink in my city, but it's more of a family fun centre and the rink is not as big. There used to be 3 rinks in the city. All awesome. All had their own games for skaters. Played Limbo, Chicken Dance, speed skating time to AC/DC and couples skate time. There were black lights, arcades and the canteen. One rink had an all nighter every week. You go and skate for as late as you wanted. That rink closed and the building has been demolished and replaced by some boring building.


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    Huddo's sister
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I just looked up the one I used to go to and it's still open! Celebrating 40 years (which isn't really that old considering the peak tie of roller rinks was the 70s)


    *The venus vibrance razor
    *McDonalds Fried Apple Pie
    *Choco Taco
    *Myspace 😂



    Clam dip. How come no one makes it anymore?



    NexoKnights Lego series.

    Seriously, I have a few sets but the whole line has been discontinued. Arggghhh!!!

    Sorry, not sorry for being a big child and Lego enthusiast.



    •My rafting trip was cancelled because the river water levels were so low.

    • I’m a horror fan and I was disappointed when Archive 81 season 2 was cancelled.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do hope that you get to go on another rafting trip in the near future as they are an incredible amount of fun!


    Pepper Jack flavored Doritos. I seem to be the only person that remembers these existed. Early 2000s they were on the shelves and I'd buy them whenever I had the money. Then they were gone and forgotten.


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    Lindsey Rose
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh man, the peanut butter cookie pop tarts. NOT the chocolate peanut butter kind. Oh No. I'm talking about the most perfect pop tart EVER. These fluffy beauties had only a light dusting of granulated sugar on their tops and they were glorious straight out the box.. (sniffle and a single tear) yum.

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    I miss watching Umbrella Academy. Also, The Finder was an awesome show



    Wax harmonicas for Halloween


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    Mars candy bars.
    Red Dog beer.
    Windows 7.


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    Lee Henderson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Windows 7 was a solid operating system. I liked that much better than 10 or 11.

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    Matador beef jerky sticks. They disappeared this past year.

    Slim Jim's are okay, but mostly Jack Links are everywhere, tons of flavors, and I've tried them but really don't like them. Matadors were by far the best imo. I work on the road so beef jerky is a quick protein gas station snack I can easily grab while I'm working until I can break for a real meal, so this is something I feel sad about multiple times per week when I frown and settle for Slim Jims. I do jerky to avoid sugary snacks or giant chip bags. i know it's only marginally better lol. Still, I miss Matador.


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    Bruce Robb
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't know how much you eat them, but be aware of your sodium intake.


    Im sad they cancelled Person Of Interest. Also, I loved Nestlé's Peelin' Pops. They were banana popsicles that had some kind of skin that you could peel and eat. So good but they got discontinued I think.



    Kelloggs used to make a cereal called Frosties. There was a Tiger on the box. Key part of my childhood and now it's no longer



    Four Food Items:
    1. The original Frosted Apple Pop Tarts.
    2. Keebler Chocolate Creme Sandwich Cookies
    3. Apple Flavored Kool-Aid
    4. Sunshine Lemon Cooler Cookies



    The tv show Defiance. I will never not be mad about that.


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    Nabisco Waffle Cream Cookies

    Not the real thin ones they have now, but the ones that looked like Belgian Waffles, with a frosty filling.
    They stopped making them about 20 years ago, I think, but I still look in the cookie section of the Grocery every time I am in the store.



    Jujubes candy


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    Mr Old School Cool
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Are these gone? I literally just ate real jujubes off a tree this week, remembered the candy


    The OA - season two really turned it into something amazing then it got cancelled. Also mint chic chip squares used to be a favourite snack of mine


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    American Gothic 1995, canceled after one season. The anti-Andy Griffith cop show.

    I insist that you go in completely blind if you check it out, and please - begin with the two-part pilot episode/s



    Upgradeable apple laptops. The last ones you could seriously upgrade without taking it to a certified engineer or some s**t, was like 2011. Nuisance. Now they insult you by charging like


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ... a million dollars for a laptop with sub-par specs. Sorry, I hit post before finishing the post. Tired, brain not work so good.

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    i'm not okay with this on netflix. it ended on such a cliffhanger and i miss it


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    Bruce Robb
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I haven't heard about the show "this" on Netflix. Can you please tell us what it's about?

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    Not technically canceled but I'm still mad about Netflix removing Sherlock


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    Surge soda!
    Red Grape Malt Duck (not really but I drank a lot of it as a teen).


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    Vinyl cancelled after one season. When the executive producers are Martin Scorsese and Mick Jagger, chances are its a good show, and it was.


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    Swiss Miss pudding cups! The Jello ones aren’t nearly as creamy good.


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    Gravity Falls
    I'm happy with the ending, but it was so good that I want more. I've watched the series over and over agian, and miss it ever day.


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    Hannibal tv series, although not technically cancelled, but I do not think it will continue.



    My fav show model 😭 Nothing looks or feels more comfortable and they discontinued it, I've had it for over two years



    I’m still annoyed about the Wings of Fire Netflix series. Oh also The Mysterious Benedict Society TV show.



    Wendy's breadsticks


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    McCormick Pepper Season All. It was the best thing to sprinkle on eggs.


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    A B
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Tajin became my go-to for sprinkling on eggs. Give it a try :-)


    -Moesha! it left on such a big cliffhanger! (also, I may or may not have watched it 2 or 3 times heheh..)
    -This may sound odd, but airplane peanuts!!!!! I can't find any that taste similar and I LOVED them 😅


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I thought those were just honey roasted peanuts. No?


    There's a particular sneaker (Dunlop KT26) that I used to buy regularly, at least once a year, that suddenly was no longer available. They had been around for years and years and now 'Boom' just like that; gone. They were just soooo comfortable for me.


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    Kotex Tampons. Need i say more?



    ok, ik this is so random but there was the best tea i have ever drank. it was from Trader Joe's. it was called "Vanilla and Cinnamon Black Tea", aka "Lemur Tea". it was glorious, i miss it every day :..


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Totally off the topic, but I'm blaming it on the Lemur Tea. I was so disappointed when I found out that monkey-picked tea wasn't picked by monkeys.


    "Reaper" used to be on the CW


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    Anne with an E


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    Huddo's sister
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was so sad when I found out it had been cancelled! I think the third season might have been my favourite.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    The brilliant show: The Owl House that was on Disney for 3 seasons. It has been praised for its diverse characters, and inclusive LGBTQ+ characters and storylines. Canceled because it didn't fit the Disney brand and didn't seem to mesh with some of the studio executives in charge. I hope this show finds another "home" to continue.


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    Fly_Agaric_Frog (They/Them)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    YES!! We need to see them after the "ending"! I loved this show but, of course, Disney didn't like it. :/

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    Flash (SWF). Back then the internet was a playground of experimentation. Everything is cookie-cutter now.


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    Marvel's Inhumans

    Sure, the special effects weren't great, but Inhumans had an awesome ensamble cast, uniquely morally gray storyline, and captivating fights!

    And don't forget Lockjaw, that huge but cuddly bulldog helping the team!


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    The Apprentice was a strong guilty pleasure of mine. It was a world full of ambitious people tripping on themselves as much as they were playing a cutthroat competition. I loved the tension that came with the weakest link about to be selected.

    The only reason it was dropped when the host left for politics and the bodybuilder governor who replaced him just couldn't carry the torch.


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    So many tv shows

    Deadly class
    The irregulars
    Jupiters legacy
    The Nevers
    Alaska daily
    It goes on and on



    Post Fortified Oat Flakes cereal was so delicious! Also miss Surge soda and Rondo soda.


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    More recently The Alienists


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    When I was little, Chef Boyardee made this chicken ravioli in a cream sauce that I loved. They discontinued it and I was so disappointed I wrote them a letter asking them not to. Alas, that did not change their minds.


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    Bloodline. It was such a great series, it got canceled while still in production and they quickly tried to wrap up the story but ended up ending it in such a weird way.


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    KooKooRoo you can all have whatever other places sell chicken sandwiches and such. They’ll never live up to KKR. Ever since the last one closed, I’ve been on a quest to find a chicken sandwich even remotely as tasty. There isn’t one. (Side note to say that I looked this up in the middle of writing my entry here and apparently I’m not the only one… KKR made it on to a list of LA businesses Angelenos want to bring back from the dead that was published in 2022. I feel so seen.)


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    The Owl House!!! I love that show, but Disney forced the creator, Dana, to shorten the last season to three 44 minute specials. I really would have loved to see a full season three.



    1 - the owl house
    yes it DID have three seasons and yes it DID have a proper ending but still disney, can't we just have a dramatic, funny, gay tv show for once???

    2 - sizzler
    istg i loved sizzler SO MUCH (even if i don't remember it much lol) but it was a HUGE part of my childhood and now it's GONE
    they better damn bring it back


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    Fly_Agaric_Frog (They/Them)
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yesssss!!!! The Owl House is the best! I wish we could have seen what the OG season three was. Thanks a lot, Disney.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Ben and Jerry's Holy Cannoli ice cream - a blend of ricotta and pistachio ice creams!

    Also, what happened to the Great Value Focus Huckleberry Drink Enhancer??!!?@? The BEST flavor and a family favorite, then just -POOF- disappeared one day ... yet remains on but as unavailable! According to the reviews, there are many disappointed fans!


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    Whatever those Game of Throne books were called. Winds of something something fire?



    Literally so many shows! 10 Things I Hate About You, The Owl House, Teenage Bounty Hunters, First Kill; I could go on and on.


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    Almost anything that I like! LOL! Campell's Pepper Pot Soup... GONE! An old cereal called Kaboom!.... Gone! I've learned not to get to into any foostuff as 99% chance it's gonna go!


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    Marc Jacobs Marc Jacobs, the best perfume ever
    Pushing Daisies


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    Voltron LD. Season 8 was such a letdown...


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    The Muppets TV show.


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    Windows 98.
    I miss it crashing four or five times daily!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My vote for the worst MS operating system is Windows Millennium. When I tried to get help on the Internet, the only responses I got either made fun of the operating system or me for using it. It was special.


    Raspberry Kool Aid and Snyder's garlic toast pretzels.


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    "Young Drunk Punk" (from Bruce McCulloch from Kids in the Hall). One season and the CBC canned it. :(


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    That other great show with Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean, Blackadder), The Thin Blue Line.



    Don't Scare the Hare!

    The game show was a bit cheesy, but the competition was really tense and the giant Hare animatronic was a great sight to behold! Shame it got cancelled due to lack of advertising.

    If only there is a remake for it...


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    The wings of fire tv series.


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    I loved the new Rosanne remake. It was a very charming and heartwarming show as much as it was inspirational.

    Shame that it was cancelled over some studio squabbles.


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    Deadman Wonderland's anime series: Cancelled due to low viewership, no thanks to being in a poor timeslot, and the show ended on a cliffhanger.

    Star Wars 1313: An Uncharted-like game focusing on Boba Fett's early days as a bounty hunter. Cancelled when Disney acquired the rights to Star Wars.

    The Marvel VS Capcom series: While not fully cancelled, the game hasn't had a new entry since 2017-2018's (don't remember the release year) Marvel VS Capcom: Infinite, which was considered a series low point.

    Tekken VS Street Fighter: A plan to have Street Fighter characters appear in a Tekken styled game have been quiet for a decade plus after the lackluster Street Fighter X Tekken (where Tekken characters were brought in a Street Fighter game).


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    While I'd like to see the series being continued, I'm not sure any of my entries will continue (aside from maybe Marvel VS Capcom), as all of these haven't had any news or updates in over a decade... granted, another series I watched is getting a continuation 20-ish years after its initial run.


    Bath and Body Works "Happy Daisy" I think early OO's and sadly Sour Patch Kids Ice Cream



    Bloodline. Great series, canceled while still in production so they quickly tried to wrap up the story, and they ruined it.


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    KooKooRoo you can all have whatever other places sell chicken sandwiches and such. They’ll never live up to KKR. Ever since the last one closed, I’ve been on a quest to find a chicken sandwich even remotely as tasty. There isn’t one. (Side note to say that I looked this up in the middle of writing my entry here and apparently I’m not the only one… KKR made it on to a list of LA businesses Angelenos want to bring back from the dead that was published in 2022. I feel so seen.)


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    KooKooRoo you can all have whatever other places sell chicken sandwiches and such. They’ll never live up to KKR. Ever since the last one closed, I’ve been on a quest to find a chicken sandwich even remotely as tasty. There isn’t one. (Side note to say that I looked this up in the middle of writing my entry here and apparently I’m not the only one… KKR made it on to a list of LA businesses Angelenos want to bring back from the dead that was published in 2022. I feel so seen.)


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    Rimmel lipstick shade Fudge Brownie!
    I have ONE left (massively out of date) and never found a colour to match it. I wish they would bring it back, especially with the 90’s fashion revival.. a girl can hope…


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    Alison Marchand
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sans Serif's link works! It is indeed Rimmel Fudge Brownie, and is $9.95 with free shipping. They have 2 left! Your dreams can come true!

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    Every item of store-bought clothing that actually fits me.


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    The TV show Zoo. That ending made me throw my phone at the wall when I realized it was the last episode made.


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    The original Snow's Clam Chowder. Bumble Bee bought them out and it's very good, but the original was great!


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    Food: Tesco Potato Triangles. So nummy.

    T.V.: Angel, Dollhouse, Santa Clarita Diet.


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    I'm 60, so I've had lots of opportunities for disappointment. The ones that first come to mind are :
    1. Grape Pop-tarts
    2. Long John Silvers' Broccoli Bites (cheese and broccoli, breaded and deep-fried!)
    3. Every Avon product I ever liked
    4. Geocities
    5. The TV series "John Doe"
    6. The Lone Gunmen -- first the spinoff series, which lasted all if six episodes, and then the characters themselves, who were killed off on The X-Files!
    I'll probably think of more later.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My mom used to sell Avon. And I'm in your age group & still eat Pop-tarts, but I never had or heard of a grape pop tart. I do remember they first came out without frosting.


    Every time I find a new favourite wallflower scent at Bsth & Body Works their discontinue it.


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    Common sense!


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    The shows Carnivale and Marco Polo come to mind.


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    Nehi Blue Cream Soda, loved it as a kid and it turned your mouth and tongue a brilliant blue


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    The vegan caramel pudding Alpro made. I still got them in southern germany until 2019, but as I live in a more northern part of the country, that don't do me any. Of all their flavours, this is the best by far, and the only one I can't easily make a better version of - any vanilla or chocolate, easy to be above any premade, but caramel tends to develop ... those bumps ... half-solid pieces ...


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    Life Savers Candies. They changed the flavors in their roll back around 2005/2006. Haven't had them since.


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    Another good show - Outsiders.


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    Crash On The Run was a fun little game that they took offline :(


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    The old Studio C cast 😢


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    Seinfeld. That show had several more seasons in it. They cancelled it right when cell phones became popular and the internet went mainstream. There could have been so many crazy storylines involving cell phones, online dating, etc.


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    Coconut Lifesavers, lemon cooler cookies, My Name is Earl, Shasta Tiki punch, fried apple pies at McDonalds, the ice cream truck, Blue Bell ice cream “wedding cake” flavor, Futurama


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    "Studio Sixty on the Sunset Boulevard". The actual show suffered the same ending as the show in the series, probably for the same reason. (The show was cancelled after season one due to "disinterest," read "the show is too intelligent for audiences." )


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I really like almost everyone in the cast and I thought Sorkin was genius who couldn't write a bad script if he tried. Unfortunately, this series proved me wrong. The disinterest was because of the lazy plots and bad dialogue with 2 dimensional characters. Like Lucas on "The Phantom Menace", Sorkin had nothing but yes men around him with no one to reign him in and the product suffered. Fortunately his next project was "Charlie Wilson's War" which forced him to collaborate again. Its not my favorite piece but it at least got Sorkin going in the right direction again.

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