Hey Pandas, What’s Something That Always Makes You Cry?
Not too serious, something from a movie or show or book, or a pet peeve, or anything. Just something that has no business making you so dang sad.
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The fact that some parents actually don't love their kids.
All kids deserve parents, but not all parents deserve kids.
In the kindergarten group my kid goes to there are two kids that just absolutely break my heart. One has recently gotten into an orphanage (my best guess is that her parents are uhhmm... substance abusers) and another one is clearly ignored by her mom as much as possible (my best guess is that it's the mom's way to hurt the kid's dad because it got worse since the mom had another child by the village pusher (I wish I was kidding) and that kid gets all the attention). Those two kids break my heart every day. I just want to take them under my mom-wings and help them to have a good life. But I already have 3 kids and I just can't take care of more kids. 😥
Hurt. The song and video as done by Johnny Cash.
It's such an amazing song. The fact that Reznor pretty much said that it wasn't his [song] anymore after seeing Cash's video, says it all in my opinion. I had my own interpretation of the song before Johnny did his cover, now it's only his interpretation (or how I perceive it at least), and it's the closest I've ever come to understanding remorse. I swear, that man probably had the power to make the unfeeling feel, he damn near did it to me.
Studio Ghibli movies.....especially Spirited away, When Marnie was there, Up on poppy hill and Kiki's delivery service.....
And of course, Grave of the fireflies....
Grave of the Fireflies... One of the most depressing movie ever made
ATLA, Tales of Ba Sing Se: The Tale of Iroh
Leaves from the vine
Falling so slow
Like fragile, tiny shells
Drifting in the foam
Little soldier boy
Come marching home
Brave soldier boy
Come marching home
The Christmas cat. Details in comments, as I'm on the app.
James Herriot, Yorkshire vet, wrote books about his experiences, the animals, and all. He got a call out on Christmas morning. A farm couple with two old Basset hounds occasionally had a stray cat come visit. Once in awhile, the cat would come in and sit by the fire for about fifteen minutes, then leave. She wouldn't accept food, wouldn't be touched. She didn't even hang around the farm. Just now and then, she'd come enjoy the luxury of warmth. This particular Christmas morning, the dying cat brought her kitten to the only safe place she knew in the world. As soon as the people opened the door, she put down the kitten and died. The couple wanted Mr. (Doc.?) Herriot to examine the kitten, and to show them how to care for him. This happened 80 or 90 years ago. I was crying as I was typing it out.
" Kids. Little kids. They grow up believing that they can be a hero if they drive a sword into the heart of anything different. And I'm the monster? I don't know what's scarier. The fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart... or that sometimes, I just wanna let 'em." - Nimona (from the movie of the same name). That is a pain I understand all too well.
Bagpipes, especially when they're playing Amazing Grace, but I'll cry over Scotland the Brave, too. They just make me cry. No idea why. I've never been to Scotland or anything like that. Makes parades kinda awkward.
The ending to Book Thief (the book)
Oh god… you’re giving me flashbacks. That book is SO sad and it was almost looking a little bit happier too.
My grandparents relationship
whatever happened, I hope it becomes a healthier thing for both you and them soon x EDIT: unless theyre happy tears!
Whenever I come across one of my children sitting by themselves, contentedly playing with a toy or reading a book by themselves, just peacefully enjoying the day. I make sure to pause and drink the moment in, and it makes me all misty eyed to think of how sweet and lovely they truly are.
i cant help but tear up when I think of how old my dogs are getting
My dog is ten my cat is 4 my hedgehog is 2 and yeah they are getting old
Any video of a Vet coming home to their family. Even if it's a fur baby. Tears just start to leak.
Anger. It takes a lot to get me to there but if you've angered me to the point that I start to cry, you better run.
I have a similar thing, I cry when I’m sad but more often if I’m crying it’s because I’m angry.
Any movie in which an animal is hurt or passes.....like Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom - I CANNOT watch the clip where the Brontosaurus is standing at the edge of the water as fire encroaches.....I know it is not real but I cannot deal with it. Humans passing in films....meh, has no effect.
OMG I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!! I can't watch that scene, I don't care that it's not real, I cry every time.
Reading or hearing about abuse, whoever or whatever the victim, but especially children and animals. Heart breaking lack of empathy shown.
The movie "Hachiko" and Futuramas "Jurassic Bark". Anything sad with dogs..real or fiction.
when I can’t fall asleep on time. My parents made me get a scheduling app so now I plan my weekdays and sometimes weekends. This includes me sleeping very specifically at 10 PM or 22:00. sometimes I don’t and if the time gets too near 11, I start feeling like a growing sense of discomfort that turns into panic.
Sleeping an hour later has no business making me this uncomfortable but it does and idk why. Do any other pandas experience the same thing?
I have this feeling. It never feels good because I don't feel like I will function properly in the morning.
The movie "Schindler's List". Knowing that it is a true story made my eyes all watery. Same with "In the Name of the Father". The Guilford Four is such a sad true story.
The Color Purple, the 195 movie by Steven Spielberg. When the sisters are separated and they yell the name of each-others... Aaaaand i'm crying.
Commercials that show the horrible animal cruelty that is out there. I know they are designed to raise awareness and hopefully generate donations, but they still hurt my heart so much. I do help with rescuing around my area, and have never *bought* a pet in my life. I rescued all of mine.
Sadly you can’t rescue hedgehogs in the US but we got our dog from a person who rescued her because they couldint physically take care of her anymore now I’ve had 7-8 years with her and we got my cat from a barn
Hearing the United States National Anthem. Downvote all you want but I love my country, appreciate our fallen and current service people and am terrified of the future here for our children.
I am terrified too because bomb and gun threats are more common now I never thought it would happen to me until yesterday when it happened at my school that almost no one knows about in Michigan
The fact that my parents physically and emotionally abused me when i was super young and now wonder why i cry so much when they call me out and apologize so much. They just don't know the pain and suffering im going through
im so sorry EDIT: is there anything I can do to help?
there's this one Russian movie that translates to 'Fire', it makes me cry and I don't even know what anyone is saying besides the words 'take their shoes off'
The scene in ¨Love and Basketball¨ when the mom turns to her daughter and says, ¨When I said he could do better, I was talking about you.¨
Also, the ending of the children´s book, ¨Goldy the Dollmaker,¨ by M.B. Goffstein. Best. Book. Ever.
The movie "The Big Fish." The old man, played by Albert Finney, reminds me of my grandad. The ending makes me blubber every time.
The car scene in the sixth Sense where Cole is telling his mom about what's going on with him and he tells her the story about her mom. I've probably seen it 10 times and I bawl like a baby every single time.
"you asked her a question! And she says the answer is, 'every day' " TEARS, I start openly sobbing
When dogs die in movies
When any animal dies in movies is when the onion ninjas come out
Lots of stuff written by Neil Gaiman has caused me to cry. American Gods had me bawling, and also the poem The Hidden Chamber. Such a beautiful dark poem, even though I'm not really a poetry kind of person.
Braveheart always makes me cry, what's worse, I don't even have to see it, the soundtrack by James Horner and the song Freedom are enough for me, I know exactly what's going on during this song and it makes me want to cry.
When You Come Back Down by Nickel Creek. Also, the book The Kite Runner always makes me cry. Oh, and any time an animal is abused. There's this Pixar short on Disney+ called Kitbull that has an abused dog, and it always brings me to tears.
Hello. I am here to make you ALL sad. ALL OF YOU.
1: The ending for the Vivy series. And the end of book 3.
2: The ending of Sea of Stars.
3: The ending of Cassette Beasts.
4: Every flashback in Epistory.
5: Tunic's bad ending for some reason.
The Publix's commercial that the person is working at the hospital and can't come home for Christmas ... then she opens the door and the entire family surprised her and is decorating her apartment 😪
Any book by Nicholas Sparks or movie made from them. I stopped reading because I couldn't get to the ends without crying.
The last show of a high school play or musical. Especially if I have some senior friends who are graduating and that is the last show I’ll be doing with them 😭
Weddings. Funerals. Onions. Soldiers coming home. Some movies and books, even when it’s not the first time I see/read it. I no longer can read/watch real crimes; they make me cry too much and give me nightmares. When I’m really, really scared (doesn’t happen too often nowadays). When I did PT for a terrible accident (12 years), I was crying all the time; it hurt a lot even with pain meds. When I’m super duper happy I will also cry, like when I held my granddaughter for the first time.
Being yelled at by my mom's boyfriend. He doesn't control my life. Nothing I do is his business.
Funerals. They are just too sad, I can't go to one.
If funerals don't make you shed tears there is something wrong with you
The opening sequence of Guardians of the Galaxy. I did pretty much the same thing as young Peter Quill when my mom was dying of cancer and it hits me hard every time.
A lot of songs make me cry, especially if they involve someone's dog dying. If you need a good cry, here's a few suggestions:
"Yaad" by Bloodywood; "Cinderella" by Steven Chapman (you will cry even harder if you look up the story behind the song); "1916" by Motorhead (I love the cover by Sabaton); "Happier" by Marshmello; "How to Save A Life" by The Fray (I can't listen to or watch the video anymore, it hits too close to home).
Some movies like K19, Armageddon , The good dinosaur, which remind me of my deceased father. I miss him so much!
There is a video on youtube showing the arrival of a coffin during a funeral in New-Zealand. That was a beloved professor in a boys college. And all the students do the Haka in front of the hearse, a powerful farewell and then the silence and they let pass him.
I cried many times to this. I'm not even from New-Zealand...
Backstory: My new hyper fixation is PJO
I almost cried when Bianca passes bc she was such a sweet girl and deserved better, and Nico’s reaction left me bawling (whenever he told Percy he hated him bc he though Percy let Bianca die)
I also cried over how heartbroken Annabeth was when Luke committed suicide bc he needed to defeat Kronos, also bc Luke knew the right thing to do
Probably those dog breeders that set up on the side of the road and very clearly abuse their dogs
Cancer, F-Cancer. I lost my grandma and "Uncle" to cancer. My "Uncle" had just gotten a wife when he was abt 46ish and she had bone cancer but survived.
these old people selling their food of crafts on the streets. they seem like they work so hard and don't profit and they have to support a f*****g family sometimes so i always buy their things when i see them.
People doing good deeds we don’t deserve these people these people help us because they want to I don’t even deserve them. Then the people who do stuff like that on camera (example mr beast) I appreciate them and they all started somewhere I was watching some old Mr beast vids and I was like some people don’t deserve to be rich (example billionaires who donate nothing and keep it to themselves) we need more people that will help people there are a lot of people who are incapable in helping themselves for various reasons or don’t know how to help themselves but we can help them.