Any little thing that made your day a bit better.


I recently went to a camp that owned a cat, and it jumped up on my shoulders and purred. :)



    So I was walking and talking to my best friend about how I have to do stupid drivers Ed over summer, and she said "Maybe you'll get a new best friend. Actually, don't because that would be sad for me." This made me so happy because that's the first time she's referred to us as best friends and now I feel like I can officially say we're best friends like I've wanted to for so long. I've been so worried she doesn't think I'm her best friend, but now that I know she does I feel great.



    My 25 year old brother got me a cupcake.


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    This is probably pretty silly.... but my teenage daughter with mild/moderate autism has a compulsion to rock back and forth. I imagine it is very soothing to her. We have a recliner that she sits in everyday. She rocks to and fro in an aggressive manor. Well about a week ago the recliner got stuck in the reclining position and she could no longer rock. It broke my heart because I would look over and see her sitting on our very stationary couch rocking herself.

    Unfortunately as a single mother of 3 (2 of which are autistic) I didn't have the funds to replace it. So, I had my ex ( who is quite handy) take a look at it, but to no avail..... it was downright stuck.

    Several days later I couldn't stand to watch her rocking herself any longer. I could see the anxiety mounting in her eyes. So I got down with a flashlight underneath the chair and had her help me by attempting to fold the chair back in over and over so that I could determine what was going on. Well I finally figured out that one of the springs got dislodged and she was able to fold it back down. But the look on her face when it went down was pure relief and joy! Those are rare moments for her. She was so happy she danced around and gave me a high five ( she never does things like that!!!) As weird as it sounds, it was a real bonding moment for us.


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    Joshua Moore
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm a single dad of an autistic son and he loves my recliner that rocks, for the very same reason. It helps sooth him. I'm so happy that you were able to get it fixed for her. It is the small triumphs that mean the world. 😃

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    At every family gathering, my 2 year old nephew who's very shy and doesn't move away from his mom, gets very excited to see me.
    He drags me closer to his mom & then proceeds to show me his favourite car toy and then we talk about dinosaurs and zebras for the rest of the time :)


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The trust of a child is a gift - this would give me joy too. 🙂

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    Put my 3 kids to bed, then I went outside and floated in our small pop up pool by myself in peace! :)



    My 5yo son is obsessed with orange juice. He likes it when we call one of his favourites "dinosaur juice" and recently I bought him one when he was in bed to surprise him the next say. When he found it in the fridge, he took it out, ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug he's ever given me and told me he loved me so much for buying him dinosaur juice. I've been going through a tough time mentally lately so to hear that really made my day. Just a small gesture of orange juice was the best thing in the world to that beauty 😍



    I was having a really shitty day. Went to the bakery across the street to get a hot chocolate. My neighbour who works there saw that I had been crying and gave me the hot chocolate for free, saying "What are neighbours for?" She also tried to cheer me up with little jokes. We don't really know each other, so that was a really sweet thing to do ♥️



    I finally submitted a missing assignment, and my grade went from a 79% to and 86%



    I have an older, large dog (Shar pei/ridgeback mix) and normally when I pick her up she just sits stiff in my arms as if unsure what's happening. The other day I came home after being gone all day and picked her up because she was jumping around me. For the first time, she actually snuggled into me when I did it.



    This is pretty insignificant but when I was on the road I saw a bit of painting on the walls which looked like one of an incomplete pride flag. It kind of made me happy even though I knew it wasn’t really a pride flag


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't think that anything that gives us a moment of joy is insignificant. 🙂

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    Simply sitting outside on my back patio. Everything is so green and beautiful. There’s something very therapeutic about relaxing outside enjoying nature.


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    There's a robin's nest in the bushes outside of my apartment window. I noticed that a male and female were feathering their nest one day and now I see that mama bird is sitting on her eggs. She only leaves to get some food and when I'm outside she waits for me to walk by before flying back to her nest in the bushes. I'm very protective of them and check on them every day! They make me so happy!


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    My plant his name is Bob-Jerry



    I was biking and this boy, maybe 6th or 7th grade, presses the crosswalk button for me because I was struggling. Nothing was said, he was with his friends and just did it.


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    My dog is just very cute! Also, just music in general ^^


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    Stardust she/her
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Music also makes me happy. Music makes everyone happy. If you don’t mind me asking, who is your favourite artist in music?

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    My dog held my hand


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    I finally talked to my friend about how touch starved I am. And other small problems too


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    Stardust she/her
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It must’ve felt so good to get it all off your chest. Getting the courage to talk to anyone about your feelings is pretty hard so congrats for having that courage


    My son is 5 and has adhd and autism. It's really hard sometimes as a single mom and him asking a lot of time and energie. He just started to say things like Hello Handsome and I love you when he wants my attention. It's just so sweet.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I have a new dog who we adopted about two months ago- she's still settling in and getting used to us so sometimes we think she likes us and sometimes we think she couldn't care less. Recently, though, she's changed her behavior- she always lays on the foot of the bed and watches us get ready to go to sleep. Now, when I get in bed, she gets up and comes up to the pillows, where I'm sitting, and curls up against me. She sometimes lays her head against my leg. I think she's starting to feel like we're "her" people and to understand that she's here for good.



    My mom got me a stress ball, made me really happy :)


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    I go to a 1) Christian 2) Conservative


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    WELP. So as stated above, my school (kinda) is very right leaning. Very. Soooo as a fairly closeted lesbian, I felt a little outcasted, even though no one knew. Well anyway, I came to school on the last day wearing a pride pin because- to heII with it I’m graduating. One of the girls that I’d somewhat known for a few years came up to me and I totally expected her to go off about the pin. However, she did not. This girl gave me a sorta secretive smile and told me she liked my pin and that she had a matching one at home.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My paycheck because I love paycheck to paycheck.



    There's this comic shop I go to pretty regularly, and they always have a sign on the door to make sure it shuts so the cats don't escape. I had never seen the cats before, but one fateful yesterday, while I was buying my Iron Man's, I saw one! It was really cute and tried to eat my mom.



    I guess you can say it made me happy, but I told one of my friends that I have had a crush on one of our classmates for a while and it felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders and I just felt happier since then. Yk?



    My cat


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    My daughter told me she is proud of me. I don't know why it made me cry. I am always telling her how special she is and how proud I am of her. She said it the other day when I was feeling down and it was like the best medicine ever.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My mom will sometimes randomly turn to me and tell me I'm the best thing she ever did and she's so glad I'm her daughter or I'm the best daughter she could ask for. Im 45 and I still love hearing that. My mom is the best. You are lucky to have that kind of special relationship with your daughter.

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    Whenever we wake up Brutus Augustus by taking the covers off his head, he is always smiling and telling us “Good Morning!”


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    Ketchup Worm
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Whoever the f**k Brutus Augustus is, I need to meet him. MORNING PEOPLE AREN'T A MYTH?!?!?! :)

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    The unbridled joy of my German Shepherd staring down a very large bull in the field behind out house. Didn't bark, didn't growl, but they stared at each other for an hour. It made him happy. So it made me happy...


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    Whenever we wake up Brutus Augustus by taking the covers off his head, he is always smiling and telling us “Good Morning!”


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I was covering for a colleague (horse riding) and her riders love my lessons...

    I'm the new instructor at the stables and a bit the odd one so this made confident grow instantly



    I finally submitted a missing assignment, and my grade went from a 79% to and 86%


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