Hey Pandas, What’s Something Small That Everybody Takes For Granted That You’ve Always Wanted But Never Gotten? (Closed)
What's something small that everybody takes for granted that you want so badly, but have never been able to get?
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I took my confidence for granted, now that it's gone I wish I hadn't.
The ability to not care about what other people think. I spend a lot of time stressing about my image in public. I envy people who can just brush off what others say.
I used to be one of those people who didn't give a crap what others thought, I took it for granted, I regret that.
Confidence. As simple as that
I'm sorry. I took my confidence for granted and now I wish I hadn't
I think people take being naturally thin/skinny for granted. I've always been big and you are more likely to here "wow he's fat" than "wow he's thin". Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like people take that for granted.
I've always been a big guy, played soccer for years, so I'm not inactive or lazy...I'm just big.
I am pretty skinny, and I actually used to get teased about it a lot. I've always weighed less than My friends and been the shortest in the group, so they used to make me do dares and things that only small people could do. Also, since I'm used to being small when j do gain weight, I freak out about it (I'm still a teen so it's good that I'm growing but still).
Being socially confident. No idea how people do it.
I used to be socially confident. I wish I never took it for granted.
A PHONE. I was not allowed to get a phone til I was fourteen (fifteen now) and literally all of my friends had phones and kids younger than I had phones and the most tech I had was a fit bit. I felt really left out sometimes.
i was going to post smth like this but i see you beat me to it! except i don't have one yet and idk when I'll be able to get one :/
A perfect body. I’m always called ‘the fatty’ in my life, and I’ve always wanted a slimmer body 🥲
Being able to live slightly normally
Probably being an only child. I’m practically the oldest of five (I have a twin who’s technically older by three minutes but he’s so immature so I’m pretty much the oldest) and so I’m kind of ignored a lot, or at least have less attention. It’s also so loud a lot. I like quiet, as kind as its not to quiet, I always have some noise because of my fish tank but I hate it being to loud and chaotic. If I was an only child I think it would be different. But I have only child friends who always say they’re lonely so pros and cons.
That was more of a big thing than a small one I guess. Sorry
I hate that the oldest child is always ignored. It's sad. (I am also an oldest child)
good mental health
Same, I wish I could go back to the times where I had fine mental health and learn to not take it for granted
I have really fast metabolism. I also eat a lot. So it works out, but Im getting older so it might go away. Whch is kinda a win, because Im super skinny.
Being able to eat anything you want to. I used to be able to eat without any problems now I am lactose intolerant, can't eat spicy food, can't overeat because of acid reflux beside other GI problems. My body hates me.
Being frickin cisgender! Holy shoot, you people don't realize how lucky you are to be happy with your body and the way people see you. I've always wanted to be born a guy (I'm non binary) because I want a flat chest and deep voice. Seriously, if you are cis, embrace it. At least you don't feel trapped in the prison that is your biological sex.
exactlyyy, its even worse when you don't have the choice to change or if you don't know what you want (like me), you want to be a girl and you want to be a boy, and you want to be both and neither at the same time. And if you're scared of change/losing your good reputation it makes everything worse.
Another thing I just thought of: Being able to be a little late for something without having a panic attack and starting to cry. I have to be at least ten minutes early for everything I do, or else I burst into tears.
A perfect attendance award.
It's not fair, there are kids (like me) with health issues that mean they need to go to the hospital a lot to make sure they're not going to DIE, and who can't go to school if someone has a cold because we don't want to get super sick.
My brother gets perfect attendance every year and he always rubs it in my face that I've never gotten a perfect attendance award before, and tells me it's all my fault, I need to be more responsible (which isnt true but it feels like that sometimes)
If one of my friends made me a perfect attendance award I would be so freaking happy you have no idea
in 5th grade my school had safety patrol but i couldn't join because i missed almost a month of school because I WAS HAVING MAJOR SURGERY THAT IF I DIDN'T I WOULD MOST LIKELY DIE BY AGE 20. so yeah i understand you. also i'm in finishing 6th. i also never got perfect attendance cause i would leave to visit my mom and dad (i'm in foster care), go to therapy, go to the hospital for a doctors appointment and other stuff.
Wow, everyone is over here like "i want some self esteem, some good mental health, some confidence-" and im like "cAn i hAvE a pErFeCt aTtEnDaNcE aWaRd pLeAsE"
Wow, everyone is over here like "i want some self esteem, some good mental health, some confidence-" and im like "cAn i hAvE a pErFeCt aTtEnDaNcE aWaRd pLeAsE"