Animals can be so funny especially when they want attention so what does your pet do?


My previous dog did many things for attention but two things stand out to me.

The first she would grab her Kong and flip her head up and howl into it. Kind of using it as a little megaphone.

She would only do this if i was talking into my laptopv either for school or discord or whatever. I'm in a voicechat, she'd sit right next to me, as close to my ear as possible and then howl into her megaphone.

She also was obsessive with bringing me 'offerings'. She knew she got praised for retrieving an bringing things to me. Somethings she was trained to bring but when she felt unduly ignored she'd kick this into overdrive and it... was legitimately funny everytime.

It would begin with every toy un the house, then abyssale was fairgame. Cans of ice tea from the fridge, a bag of frozen peas from the freezer, my slippers, panties, keys, duvet, etc.

The best ones:
A cat carrier complete with a hissing cat.

A pen from my own hand, stolen from me then she'd turn a circle and give it back

A lacy thong that she brought me while I was skyping my ultra religious grandmother.

My mum's inhaler mid asthma attack. She had shaken it to use it and my dog snatched it just before she could and brought it down to me.

Of all the dogs I had she was my favourite. Perfect for me.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

*anything was fair game. Also, I forgot to explain. After giving me her gift, if I resumed what I was doing then she'd leave to find a "better gift". I think she thought the best gifts were things other people were currently using so I'd be in the living room and hear my dad be like 'DAMNIT SMOOCH, GIVE THAT BACK!!' and she'd come down with his laptop bag. By the end of whatever I would be doing I'd just be buried under random 'treasures'


    My dog will just sit in front of me and if I dont pet him he will bark at me or nudge m hand. He will also lick my feet or hands sometimes



    My dog "Wookiees". No joke, she actually sounds like a Wookiee. This is usually accompanied by a box with her paw (she's a Boxer). If you continue to ignore her, she Wookiees louder and starts pouncing on you and wagging her tail so hard it moves her whole body.
    I don't think I've seen a dog as funny as this one.


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    Delaney Campbell
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dog looks like a wookie and also makes sounds like one! It's so funny

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    Argh, I want to post a pic to show it... but I'll try my best to describe it.

    Essentially, he does anything for attention. He realised that it makes me laugh when he makes funny faces. My dogs are crate trained so when I'm unable to watch him too much, as he is still a puppy, I put him in a cage.

    So... he's in the cage and he rubs his nose against the wire cage and then drops his head. The bars curl his lip up exposing his teeth. Then he licks but stops licking midway which fully covers his lower lip and teeth and then he stares at me to make sure I'm looking so that I laugh.

    Sometimes he does this after propping his head up on his paw. Sometimes he does this on his back. Sometimes he sits there and does it sans tongue so it just looks like he's angeily grotting his little teeth together. Meanwhile is nubby is wagging, he's having a great time.



    He stares into my soul with unblinking eyes



    My dog will slap you with her paw, and if you’re on a chair, she’ll jump on your lap and lick your face and slap you 🤣🤣🥰


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    Licks or sits on the book I’m currently reading. My cat. He’s also learned that if he scratches my furniture or drawers, I pick him up, so that’s **lovely.**


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    naylene hess
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My cat will try to eat the corner of books if i show them to him. Hes kind of an idiot 😂


    Mina (my cat) will bite my toes when he wants me to pay attention to him…


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    Shakes at me like he wants to fight. His name is Oscar. He's a fish. Despite him not being ultra-playful..fluffy...or able to walk, he's a cool guy. My main fish-bro.


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    My family member's dog destroys her toys, gets the stuffing in her mouth then goes up to you chewing it so you'll take it out of her mouth. It's a game to her. She also doesn't get played with much it's sad, so it's probably her only game.


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    Becca Kuehn
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel sad for that poor dog. She needs attention and affection.


    I have two cats, two turtles, and a Westie dog. The turtles Alice & Arthur are somehow the funniest, because they would purposely float on their backs in their tanks and make these raspy sounds. I thought they had a disease or something and took them to the vet, but they were absolutely fine. I think they figured that whenever they do it, I have to come over and stare. My cats Donut (3y-o f) and Snape (yes I actually named the poor thing that, I’m a HP fan. 3 y-o m) are very CHILL about everything. They love boxes, but for some reason they never knock stuff off tables like other cats. My Westie doggo Mint (2 y-o f) would randomly fetch stuff for attention. The worst one was when she found a LIVE mouse Donut had snuck into the house and dumped it into my lap.
    I SCREAMED, and Snape screamed too, totally scratching up everything and tumbling off and scampering away. The turtles were chill. Donut looked simply pleased with herself.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a Heeler who brought a mouse inside to my mom while she was working! She was freaked out but also looked at the dog with an expression that said "You're not a cat!"

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    My cat, Knuckles, has a really bad habit of, if I'm not awake at my usual 5.30am time, poking me in the face with his paw... But because he broke 2 toes a couple of years ago, he can't retract those claws, so he ends up stabbing me in the mouth or nose...... Every damn morning of my Christmas break!!! Sleeping in ain't an option!!!


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    When my dog wants attention, she makes Wookiee noises and starts jumping, or she nuzzles and leans against me. If I stop petting her, she just looks at me with an expression that screams, “Really, bro?”


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    I taught my dog to scratch on the door to go outside. So she scratches on everything to get my attention…wall, table, couch,etc. This when she needs to go out, wants a treat, wants to play…just short little. Scratch, scratch. But when she REALLY has to go out, I’ll hear scratch scratch… rather urgently, then the click, click, click of her nails on the floor, then she peers around the corner and LOOKS at me with an urgent look in her eyes. It’s affective and super cute. Hahaha.


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    My cat will bring me random things. For example, he brought me a plastic fork yesterday


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also, my cockatiel will scream like a baby in distress until I come and ask him what’s wrong. Most of the time he asks for pets and then bites me

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    If you are sleeping or laying down my cat, Bean, will hit you in the face, repeatedly until you follow her to her food bowl.



    Eli is a chihuahua. He does a lot of different things like licking, pawing at my arm, barking or doing a grumble next to me cause he's not supposed to bark on the couch. He'll go so far as to paw my hands off my laptop keyboard to get me to pay attention to him, or worm himself between me and what I'm doing then give me the look of 'you must love on me now'. The funniest one, which is no longer funny and I'll explain why in a second, is when he fake coughs. He learned how to do this young and it took me longer than I care to admit that it was a fake cough. Well, its not so funny or cute anymore because he has congestive heart failure. His medicine is doing wonders and he's still doing good, however coughing is a symptom of congestive heart failure. I'm constantly playing a guessing game of 'Does he want attention, or half a pill, or do I need to take him to the vet'. I love him to pieces but my eye twitches when he coughs now because I have to decipher what it is, and usually picking him up is the easiest way to figure it out - however its a vicious cycle cause in his mind it worked and he'll do it again in a few minutes.

    Sora, my Siamese, she does a lot of things. But her go to's are to get next to me and pat my face. She does this when I'm trying to sleep too. Just reaches over with her massive furry paws and gently pats the side of my face while she's doing that purr meow - no she doesn't use her claws. It will get her thrown off the bed sometimes when she does it at night. My BF didn't believe me until she did it to him. Sometimes she circles the living room meowing. She'll rub against me and then keep doing her circuit. Sometimes she just jumps up and waits for me to pet her. Really just depends on what she want's to be honest.


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