We all did stupid things when we were young share your story!
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In second grade, I tried to make an exercise YouTube video in Walmart with those dumbbells. In a dress and heels.
We have hill down our road and I would ride my bike down and yell
"ImMa GiRaFfE!!!!"In a giraffe onesie
When I was about 11 I wanted to make a realistic warlock costume like in the movies so I got some supplies and Halloween day I tried applying the make up but I didn't know what I was doing. I ended up with some large bumps on my cheeks and painted my face brown. I then topped it off with a faded and torn black hoodie.
I accidently dressed in black face for Halloween.
here's mine its not something I did but basically in grade 1 I had a friend one day he "had enough" so he came in in a giraffe onesie and started throwing chairs and flipping desks we had to evacuate the class, we where all laughing
I have a really good one, so I was maybe six or seven at the time and in third grade there was this cute girl. Everyone liked her and me being the daft six year old I am decide that I’m going to tell her I like her. So the day comes and I walk up to her ready to tell her I liked her and all I could get out of my mouth was a stuttery “ your hot” I don’t even remember what happened after I’m pretty sure it was really awkward and I ended up just walking away. But my friends won’t let me live it down. Sooo there you go
Ahaha in sixth grade I dressed only in tulle skirts, oversized glitter t shirts and rainboots without socks.... also I dyed the front of my hair (only the front and I have dark brown hair) a horrible shade of orange 😬
So when I was 10 we went to Hawaii and at our hotel we had a balcony with a glass door. (You could probably guess what happened next) I would always accidentally walk into it with a total of 8 times. But the 8th time was different I ended up running to the door and hit it and the got a bloody nose and my cousins won’t let me live it down. (I didn’t know I was a bird though.)
I used to eat the white clovers that grew around the neighborhood because the honey bees seemed to enjoy them. I ended up convincing a handful of my friends to do it to. I was 10 years old.