Hey Pandas, What’s One Time Were You Really Stuffed Up And Didn’t Tell Anyone About It?

Community member
Ok, I know for a fact everybody has at least 1 thing they have done that they want to get off their chest...right?
Well here you go, don’t be shy let us know... this is a judgement free zone:)
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Hey guys:) Name: you can call me ethereal goddess, D-money, or the OG.😆 Dream job: Voodoo witch or necromancer Age: most likely deemed immature for my dream job aspirations (too old, yet not old at all) Hobbies: reading, eating…..reading Fun fact: I come from a land down under (Australia for anyone who doesn’t get the reference) Quote I love: “you don’t need Givenchy, you need jesus” -Jack Harlow. Extra info: HARDCORE lotr fan. I love Drake. Jane Eyre is my favourite book. Sushi is the best food to exist. I am the funniest person to exist:) EDIT: hey pandas. For some strange reason (dumb downvotes for no good reason) I have been permanently banned from commenting on posts. Which is really upsetting :( I might create a new acc now.
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June’s Very Own
Author, Community member
Hey guys:) Name: you can call me ethereal goddess, D-money, or the OG.😆 Dream job: Voodoo witch or necromancer Age: most likely deemed immature for my dream job aspirations (too old, yet not old at all) Hobbies: reading, eating…..reading Fun fact: I come from a land down under (Australia for anyone who doesn’t get the reference) Quote I love: “you don’t need Givenchy, you need jesus” -Jack Harlow. Extra info: HARDCORE lotr fan. I love Drake. Jane Eyre is my favourite book. Sushi is the best food to exist. I am the funniest person to exist:) EDIT: hey pandas. For some strange reason (dumb downvotes for no good reason) I have been permanently banned from commenting on posts. Which is really upsetting :( I might create a new acc now.

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My name is Aelita and I have been an Editor for Bored Panda since 2019. I spend my days working with my amazing team and making articles the best they can be. Fantasy and magic have always ruled over my world, from movies to TV shows, to Video Games to tabletop games like Dungeos and Dragons, I try to find magic in every part of my life. Writing is a big part of me too, I hope to publish a fantasy novel one day. I also enjoy playing guitar and singing, as music always help me to get in a great mood. I have an adorable German Shepherd named Hela and we get into all kinds of adventures together.
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Aelita Senvaitytė
BoredPanda staff
My name is Aelita and I have been an Editor for Bored Panda since 2019. I spend my days working with my amazing team and making articles the best they can be. Fantasy and magic have always ruled over my world, from movies to TV shows, to Video Games to tabletop games like Dungeos and Dragons, I try to find magic in every part of my life. Writing is a big part of me too, I hope to publish a fantasy novel one day. I also enjoy playing guitar and singing, as music always help me to get in a great mood. I have an adorable German Shepherd named Hela and we get into all kinds of adventures together.