Hey Pandas, What’s One Thing You Love That Most People Hate? (Closed)
People give interesting answers to this question.
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The word, 'moist'.
One of my favorite subjects, along with physics and history :D
Pickles. More than 75% of the people I talk to say they hate 'em. I don't understand why; the crunch and the sourness is just perfection.
I really love Haggis (of course many Scots do as well, but for many it sounds off-putting): sheep's pluck (heart, liver, and lungs), minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock. Only realy when made from sheep, not beef or so. It is so tasty.
I do very much enjoy brussel sprouts.
I like the music Kid Rock makes. Politically we're not on the same page - but that doesn't stop me from listening to his songs.
I like math - but from a teachers perspective. As a student I wasn't fond of it.
I really like going to the dentist, especially when they use the big noisy tools (don't know the equivalent in English). Even if it hurts, I somehow found these moments 'relaxing'.
Same for surgery.
That movie 'Cloud Atlas', from the Wachowski sisters
And I love my fellow Parisian people, who are nationally and globally hated ;) .
i used to like it up until they had to floss the gaps between each of my teeth with sandpaper, to even my teeth out. they went up until my gums too
A few things i guess. I dont know if these are odd or not but my wife things im weird for this. I love corn beef and cabbage. SOS which is short for s**t on a shingle. ( its a military nickname) my dad made it with creamed chipped beef on toast. Growing up my grandma and I would eat raw potatoes.
All food. I know a lot of people with food dislikes, i am not one of those people. I will eat anything, and everything, and probably love it. (this includes pineapple pizza, cow intestines, chicken gizzards, liver, vinegar, fish eggs, sardines, and brussel sprouts)
Grocery Shopping. It's one of my favorite things. I love to walk the aisles and discover things I've never tried or collect ingredients for things I want to make.
I love you, my fellow Pandas, especially if you (like me!) hate yourself or think/feel that others around you/your family hates you. I love you. I am here for you.
Anchovis on a Pizza! *droooool*