Hey Pandas, What’s One Thing About The World You Would Change Right Now, If You Could? (Closed)
What about the world do you hate so much you would do anything to change?
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The beauty standards. Everyone is beautiful
Racism , it is the most stupid thing in the world. Every culture has something beautiful. We should embrace all our differences.
Racism. You are not born with it, it is taught. Put two babies with two completely different bakgrounds, cultures, even languages together, and soon they will be playing and hugging as if they knew each other since birth.
Take your pick.
Hold billionaires accountable or tax them properly. If you make over a certain income, you should be legally obligated to use some of it to benefit others or the local community.
Get our government (or any government, really) to give two f***s about us killing our planet and likely all being dead within the next 50 years.
A one child policy (I know it sounds draconian but I don't care) - we can't continue to support this many people.
Hold politicians actually accountable for their actions.
Toxic beauty standards that convince young men and women that they're ugly/inferior/fat etc.
Littering and fly tipping. Seriously, if I see you doing this, you'll be hearing exactly what I think.
Religion. If there's even one hateful thing in their writings, that religion needs to die.
Finally, get Elon Musk to spend his money on something that actually f*****g matters instead of buying Twitter or trying to get to Mars when our own planet is slowly burning. I hate that guy.
The foster care system in the US. It's so corrupted sometimes I just wanna cry.
The foster parents don't have any say in anything about the child. In some cases the child is put in care multiple times (like my brothers and I.)
The kids who really need a lot of help don't get it because it's almost impossible to get.
Siblings who have a very toxic relationship are fought to be put together. My family does foster care and we've seen at least four cases like this.
Some workers don't really care about the child. (Not all, just some workers.)
Some children are passed from home to home because of behavior. Before I was adopted, I was in a total of 8 homes in six years. Between that was ten months with my birth father.
When they can't find a placement for the night, all the kids are put in a room together (all ages, all sexes) with little to none supervision.
It is a problem. My wife and tried to adopt for a couple of years, but their staff psychologist (not a psychiatrist) couldn't see past her bipolar condition. They would rather the kids be living in a crowded foster system than actually living in a loving home with someone that they consider "less than perfect"...
Nuclear... Just creates fear. In australia we ain't scared of Russia, not scared of north Korea (F.U),... But we are afraid of china. Its been only 50 years since humanity first got the ability to deciminate itself with the rest of the world anyway...
TW: mentions of body image, weight, ED, SH
I can think about 3 off the top of my head, but the most important one is abolishing diet culture. Ever since I was 9 i always struggled with body image, I was ashamed of myself so I started SH, I developed an ed when I was 12, and I got help 6 months in. I relapsed once, I ate normally for a while and relapsed again. Nobody saw my relapses because diet culture said that if a 104lb 12y/o female lost weight, it was good.
50% of females will also struggle with an ED.
33% of males will too.
Fight diet culture.
Indifference to homelessness and poverty. I don't think people truly realize how many people live in this situation all over the world.
Tax the rich
I would add indifference as part of crimes against humanity.
I would force The Hague to make the phrase “i was just following orders” an automatic guilty plea punishable by a minimum of 10 years for every innocent life taken.
the governmental reaction surrounding LGBTIQ + they do just enough to make us not able to press charges on schools restraunts etc. but it's not ok .let people be who they are. it's not right its simply disgusting if you think putting a innocent child in fear and in the shadows to be bullied by their teacher and classmates because Him /Her/There sexual preferences is unjust and simply wrong we should praise and help these individuals with coming out and trusting us to protect them from this and having teachers treat kids (and adults )differently by there gender / sexuality is borderline prejudice.
Take away the concepts of money, national borders, and religion. Let everyone do what they enjoy as long as it's for the betterment of society as a whole...
That more people actually cared about han beings as a living breathing thing! You would think some people do of how they act around some people or online. I've seen people act better toward animals than a human being. Now don't get me wrong animals deserve love to and to be cared about. And humans are sometimes rough around the edges but I have more than once maybe even thousand time seen people who are "christians" who act like they would help people not give a damn about anyone. I think we should show compassion and love in everyday life. Someday you may need someones compassion oh expect you expect that when your there in that place. But what about that person over there? Have a big heart and no I not talk about how bo or people like that normal people! An maybe even hole bo. I have aways believed if you help someone it will come out in long run coming back to you.
Christianity. other religions have their issues but Christianity is the one with the current most
It is the misinterpretation of the texts that make the so called leaders teach the followers wrong. The Bible states that God is love. Love the sinner, hate the sin. But some Christians can be the biggest bigots, gay-bashers and hate-filled a$$holes I have met. That is why I don't go to church anymore, my family and I worship in the privacy of our home.
Where to start, where to start...
Nuclear war-gone.
Free healthcare-coming to an America near you.
Xenophobia in almost all of its forms-gone.
Beauty standards-gone.
Animal abuse-F*****G GONE.
Having kids wouldn't be a biological right anymore. To have them, you'd have to go through the same process as you have to when you want to adopt. Plus therapy.
Eating animals would be outlawed and animal abuse, like whatever you did to abuse the animal, you would have done to you.
Eating animals would be outlawed and animal abuse, like whatever you did to abuse the animal, you would have done to you.