Hey Pandas, What’s One Simple, Little Thing You’ve Witnessed That Ruined Someone’s Christmas? (Closed)
As an example, this is what I witnessed a few years ago. (Yes, this really happened!)
When my grandsons were still little (ages 7, 3, and 2)my parents had sent them Lego sets for Christmas. My (now former)son-in-law "helped" pick up the living room....by throwing ALL the Legos into the toy box. My oldest grandson was devastated!
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My sisters cat got a paralysis tick this Christmas. She went in to find him in a catatonic state so she rushed him to the vets and after twelve hours and over two thousand dollars later I’m happy to say that Koda the cat slowly recovering at home
My grandpa’s girlfriend would practically throw presents at you then tell you exactly what it was. She also liked to go to the neighbors houses and wake them up at 6:30 am
friends grandpa died christmas day. in the middle of presents