Hey, questions and curiosity are a natural part of life. It's lead to some amazing discoveries, but questions can also seem rude. So today, ask your questions anonymously and get them answered!
NOTE: Do NOT shame someone because of a question. This article is for those questions that might seem rude, but keep the questions civil! Nothing that could make someone feel unwanted or upset. And if you want to answer a question, make sure you are 100% positive you know what to say.
But hey, enjoy!
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Do mute people talk with themselves in their minds? I just don't know. For me, it's always interesting to know how the mind works if some senses are deprived and if they retain some semblance of those senses in their mind.
I’d ask Trump why he’s such an insufferable, hateful, moronic twat.
He would then launch into a non-sensical rant about "Chhhhy Na", the radical left, patriotism and that no-one is a better, more successful "insufferable, hateful, moronic twat" than him... while continuing to be completely unaware... of... well, everything. He would then try to f**k his daughter and get mexico to pay for... ? something so bizarre i cant even think of it ?
What do blind people think every thing looks like?
My mother went blind as a young baby so had no memory or concept of sight. She went by what other people told her - for example, associating colours with emotions/sensations like red is warm, blue is cool etc. She thought clouds were solid, like cotton balls, and imagined the internet as like entering a giant, echoing hall. Some of her analogies were very strange until you realised that she was coming from a completely different perspective. She said she didn't need to know what her daughters looked like as she already knew that we were beautiful people. And no, she did not dream in vision as it meant nothing to her - no frame of reference.
What does Jeff Bezos feel when he sees vids and pictures of starving children
in Jemen? How can someone who is so filthy rich and powerful that he has the means to actually stop famine worldwide (twice!) choose just not to do it?
In truth, we all have a small-scale Jeff Bezos inside us. For example, when your daughter wants a stunning prom dress when she already has a decent dress, you buy her one. You don't think of how she already had one. You don't think about how those 80$ could have fed a poor family in Africa for a week. When you feel tired and exhausted and take your family on a vacation to Hawaii, you don't think of how others could have benefited from those hundreds of dollars you spent on your leisure time. You don't think of the other people who have it worse. When you wear make-up, you don't think about a mineral called "mica" hidden inside it., which makes it shimmer. You don't think about poor kids in India working in dangerous mica mines so you can keep your youthful shimmer. You think about you. You do all these things BECAUSE you can afford it. Please comment on this comment. I want to know your thoughts about the facts I stated!
Why do professional athletes make so much money when I am a 2nd grade teacher and have to buy all of my own school supplies for my class?
Supply and demand. Free market. I might get downvoted because people hate that reality, but if you're sincerely asking, there's the answer. I say that as a member of a profession that matters a lot, gets paid poorly, and particularly for the amount of education it requires. But lots of people are drawn to it as a career.
How to write a formatted answer in Bored Panda.
I think they format for you sometimes. Like, if you put in paragraph breaks, they will eventually come up after they check your work. I think that's how it is.
Why don’t all these multi- millionaires (ahem BEZOS) use their money for good stuff. Or even just pay their employees (ahem BEZOS) a reasonable wage? I simply would like to spend a day in their shoes and figure out why they don’t use their money on good.
1) Good and evil are not universally accepted terms and black/white positions like children's movies make them out to be. Everyone has unique motivations and inspirations. To him, bringing space travel from a select few highly-trained scientists to any upper class people may be more important than bringing food from middle to lower class people. 2) Nobody gets rich by giving money away. It's foolish to think that the person who is an expert at amassing money is the same person who frequently gives their money away. Now there are countless people out there who have amassed fortunes and then donated the majority of it, but those fortunes are 5, 6 or occasionally 7 figures, not 12 figures, which is why they don't make the news.
How does the neurotypical mind actually work? All of the accounts I see explain it from the perspective of the neurotypical mind, which is not that helpful to me. It's also admittedly kind of an expected issue, much like how it's so hard to explain the autistic mind to a neurotypical, but I still wonder.
I need to clarify if you are asking about the biology or the way it functions. In other words, do you want to know how the house is built or do you want to know how we decorate it?
How do people afford to buy so much stuff? And I'm not talking about rich people, just normal people (ok, in a 1st world country, that is). Everyone seems to have multiple cars, at least one SUV/4WD, lots of kids that they send to school and university that costs heaps, then they go on holiday overseas (when there is no pandemic) and everyone has the latest big screen TV, and quite often drink lots of bottles of wine every week, and maybe smoke cigarettes every day. Where is all the money coming from?
I have a reasonable wage but I cannot afford any of that stuff.
They don't "afford" it at all. Most people in the US are in debt up to their ears. Very few have any savings and most have a ton of revolving debt. The best thing I ever did for my peace of mind was get down to zero debt (other than a modest mortgage and my wife's student loans). YMMV
Do you really believe prayers works? I mean you would forego surgery, treatments, medications to show your faith in prayer?
reminds me of a 'joke' i heard. == lost at sea in a raft - guy promises God if He saves him he will always do right and help others etc. - then he sees a boat and says " never mind, the Coast Guard is coming".
If some intelligent creatures from other worlds would communicate with earthlings, i would ask them, how to calculate time correctly. Time is not calculatable by seconds and hours because sometimes you feel that one day took a month...
Time is measured, correctly, like anything else. For example 1 metre could feel like nothing when driving or forever when watching a snail. It's always the same length
To the Northern Founding Fathers of the USA: "Were you ashamed of yourselves for compromising with the southerners on the matter of slavery? Wouldn't it have been more honorable to reject any compromise and form a nation without those slave states?"
They shouldn't be ashamed of compromising, if they had not compromised you would not be the united states, you would be British, French, Spanish and Dutch. They made concessions to achieve a goal, knowing that they could return to those issues once they had achieved what needed to be done. They could not fight a war against slavery while fighting for independence. The funny thing is, If the Northern founding fathers had made banning slavery their primary goal, the British would have send troops to help them achieve it. But then they would not be able to seek independence.
How do people who don’t have an internal monologue worry? Do they worry?
I used to love asking people what their heritage/ethnicity was but recently I was told it was offensive to ask such a thing. I love learning about other people’s traditions, culture, upbringing, what makes them so uniquely beautiful, etc.
I always wish I could as ultra rich people what they do for a living and how or why they are so rich.
I have so many more.
NOT rude to ask anyone what their ethnicity is...we all came from somewhere else
I would have love to have had the courage to have asked mu=y Dad why he didn't love me, but he's dead now so I guess I'll never know.
Some people are incapable of love. A mental disorder, childhood trauma, A personality disorder. Or all of the above. You didn't do anything wrong, it was all him. I've been through this as well, and it's awful. I'm sorry you're having to come to terms with it and that he's gone. But please know; it wasn't you, it was never you. It was his own shortcomings.
Is it possible for me to go into the multiverse and hop into another universe's reality, become a human that can turn into a dog on command, hop in a lady's purse in dog form and then hitch a flight to New York all the way from Aus, then shape back into a human and run all the way to The Avengers Compound and maybe meet Tony Stark and Spidey on the way? Yeah that happened in my dream last night.
Did authors see things they sworn to keep to themselves but wrote it in a book form?
Some... But they had to be proof read and censored before being allowed to be published. They are also embellished slightly. For example, it's perfectly acceptable to write a story about a secret service agent preventing a nuclear explosion by extremists because people know it's made up. To to actually write about the special operation to prevent a dirty bomb making it's way to London by boat, is not acceptable. You cannot let the public know that they were a mere few hours away from having an nuke in their city.
If you had these options which would you choose?
Wisdom, Love, Wealth, Health or Happiness?
I’m going with love on this one, call me sappy but I just want a life companion, y’know?
Why do Americans always tell people to go back to their country?
Not all Americans say that. I am one of the many who would NEVER say that to anyone. It is very rude.
What does a crush feel like?
Painful and all your bones pierce through your organs and everything turns to mush…
Does your story really make sense to yourself or are you discriminating me because of my age?
Why do 70 year old white men reading an archaic book think they should control a 20 year old Woman’s womb?
because they were told that it was the diary of a metaphysical being?
My first husband was one of three brothers. The first and third looked alike while the middle brother looked like the dad; totally different. I always wondered. Everyone is gone now but there's a story there.
Perhaps not. Try shuffling a deck of cards and dealing a few hands and count the number of hearts in each hand, it will be different. Genetics is like that but far more complex and varied
Why do 70 year old white men reading an archaic book think they should control a 20 year old Woman’s womb?
because they were told that it was the diary of a metaphysical being?
My first husband was one of three brothers. The first and third looked alike while the middle brother looked like the dad; totally different. I always wondered. Everyone is gone now but there's a story there.
Perhaps not. Try shuffling a deck of cards and dealing a few hands and count the number of hearts in each hand, it will be different. Genetics is like that but far more complex and varied