There are countless tips that have saved people’s lives, which you can find/share here!


righty tighty; lefty loosey


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Rachel Reynolds
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm a real-life certified mechanic and the number of times per day that I whisper this to myself is embarrassing.

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    You know that weird feeling you get in your gut when something/someone/a situation doesn’t feel right? Never ignore it.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    mhm, i did that once when i met my abusive bestie i ignored it and guess who got abused for 5 years, ouch

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    Only lend money if you can afford to lose it



    Know when to just shut up and let a statement sit heavily in the air while looking whomever your talking to dead in the eye. Wait time, people. Processing time. Allow it. Makes for better listening and speaking.



    Never trust a fart!



    Righty Tighty- Lefty Loosey!

    source Report


    Breathe first. If you take a deep breath before reacting, especially to something that's frustrating, it's easier to make a logical decision/response.


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    In a crisis, you will not “rise to the occasion.” Instead, you will fall to your level of training.

    This is because when things get crazy, you simply do not have spare time to analyze scenarios and think things through. You need to act, and you will do exactly what you were trained to do, in exactly the way you were trained to do it.

    So if you need training in some area, better get it now.


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    Kristi Wozniak
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow- I screenshot this advice- and will pass on to my kids. It's good advice. It really is!


    never ignore your dog.if it barks when nobody is there,always double check.



    Enjoy your children; they grow up way too fast.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My oldest will start school next year and it seriously feels like it's a very important milestone. I have to REALLY stay focused not to buy her all the awesome school-stuff I see in all the stores. Lol! It also still feels like just yesterday that I called my bf at work to tell him he was gonna be a dad 😊

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    Listen to understand; not just to reply.


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    Sleep on it one night before you send off a potentially offensive, controversial or offending email or letter.


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    Alexandria Z
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So true and besides if you do it in haste, You will probably send it to the wrong person and cause all sorts of problems.


    For those who seek external validation. Don't let anyone tell you who you are.


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    Alexandria Z
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They usually are trying to make themselves look more important.


    per usual, people will offer advice on child rearing whether you ask them for it or not. i have two pieces of advice that i received that helped me throughout the time i was raising my child. the first was from my obstetrician on the day after i had my son. he had 10 kids of his own so, yes, i did pay attention. he told me this: the beginning is hard and in some ways it never gets easy because kids are always changing. but, remember that you are not only mother but also a person. it's okay to resent your child at time. it's okay to be angry at your child. the difference between discipline and abuse is thought and action. just remember to breathe and if, when your child is 18 you can look in the mirror and call yourself sane - you did a good job.

    the other piece came from my mom. it much shorter and came during the teen years: it's always important to be able to talk to your child in all circumstances. but, it is more important to shut up sometimes and just listen.

    the result of these pearls of wisdom: my son is now 43 and we are close. in fact, he lives next door. then again, my dad lives on the other side of me so i guess he did a good job too.



    Take it’ll work soon

    If you give up now, you’ll never reach your goal


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    Adapt. Improvise. Overcome.


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    If you expect the unexpected, it becomes expected. So if it's expected, then you can be prepared for the expected.


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    Natalie H
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unless you have kids. That’s in a class all its own, and you Will be defeated. In ways you could never imagine. Good luck 🍀 😉

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    Never borrow trouble.


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    Alexandria Z
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We can and sometimes do make enough of our own so who needs more.


    Find something fun to do on Wednesday, then you'll have something to look forward to in the middle of the week


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    Bob La Capra
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In my working days, I used to go with a group of friends / coworkers on Wednesday for this reason. If we went on another day because Wednesday didn't work it didn't seem the same


    If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. Just keep on walking. Or as my husband and I say " Just smile and Wave" Can't Tell how many times I've ignored my own rule.


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    Earl Grey
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes. I learned that it is indeed perfectly acceptable to have an unexpressed thought every now and then.

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    Everything is negotiable.
    Was told that very early on in my career and carried that into every job offer and salary review. Also using that advice very heavily when shopping for big ticket items.
    Note: This is not a blanket excuse for arguing or quibbling about details, but rather the mindset to be prepared with facts, know your worth and be prepared to stand up for your value.


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    > Know that you cannot change people's mind, their behavior or the way they think. So, don't bother yourself or get upset.

    > Karma is real. Good for good, bad for bad.

    > Stop with expectations. It really helps.

    > Be grateful. Feel blessed to live another day. Instant mood lifter.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I use the first one whenever someone has an offensive thing to say or I don't agree with them. You can't change their point of view if they aren't open to it. So call them out but don't go any further

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    If you need help (injury, harrassment, etc) - be loud about it so someone can hear you. If there is a crowd ask for help directly ("you there! Blue jacket! Call the ambulance/police/[...]")


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    Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you never make a mistake you'll never make anything x


    If you don't know how to cook, make it smell like you do



    Everything is not right now.



    If someone is being a bad friend repeatedly, leave them. It won't change if you stay. If you leave they might realize that people won't be around them if they are like that. Maybe they will change for the better.


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    Sometimes you have to make "meant to be" happen.

    *put in the work, just dont sit and wait. :)


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    When my partner and I are fighting, to remember why I said yes. That and to go hold his hand. It's almost impossible to stay mad when you're holding hands.


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    My dad reminded me, "The only one you can truly change is yourself"


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    "Now, my own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose..." J.B.S. Haldane

    This quote reminds me that I'm not meant to understand everything and everyone. Sometimes I have to just accept things as they are.

    *Also that the universe is bigger than human comprehension so I'm not really all that special or important in the large scheme of things. Sometimes it can be comforting to know we're not as important as we think we are.


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    I have two. 1. Plan your work and work your plan. 2. A place for everything and everything in its place.


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    How to never get “to” and “too” wrong again…
    There are too many O’s in too.



    You can't argue by yourself.


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    "It's better to do something badly than to not do it at all." I read it on the Internet, very likely here on bored panda, on a list of advice from therapists and it has helped me so much when it comes to my psychological issues. Like brushing my teeth for thirty seconds is better than skipping it completely, taking a short lazy shower and not washing my hair is better than not showering at all, moving dirty plates to the kitchen even if I don't wash them is better than nothing. Often just being able to start a chore helps with doing it properly, and even if I do it badly it's still much more work done than if I'd waited until I could do it properly.


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    if something seems too good to be true, it isn't good or true


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    It is better to remain silent and be considered a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.


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    Sometimes life can be as bitter as dragon tears. But whether dragon tears are bitter or sweat depends entirely on how each man perceives them.


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is a huge difference between the word sweet and sweat


    As of own experience with the autorities (Germany) - Know your rights:

    > Nobody is allowed to enter your home without your permission or a search warrant.
    - If there is one:
    Read it carefully, before allowing access and only let them look up to what is written down. (e.g. search warrant: living room & personal Notebook = no access to any other room & no access to any other device - the Notebook isnˋt with you? Demand them to come with you, stay at the door & give it to them.)

    - If youˋre sharing the flat and itˋs not your name on the warrant - no access. They have to wait outside for the one the warrant is for.

    > Nobody is allowed to look into your backpack/purse/bag (same as above)

    > If you are advised to show your ID - demand theirs first (and not these flip out and stuff back like in the movies, but properly, just like youˋre requested to do)

    Donˋt trust someone just because they have a nice uniform - know your rights

    @ anyone here who works for the autorities - I know that almost all of you take pride in your work and bend backwards to help. I apologise, but I learned the hard way to be suspicious of your colleagues, and Iˋm glad for anyone of you who proves me wrong of my suspicion.


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    This was one of my dad's favorite sayings to my siblings and me: "No hurry in life".

    I never really understood it until I got older but now, I say it to myself when it seems things are going as fast as I want them to.



    When it comes to middle of the night bottle feedings, never make your baby drink alone.


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    I have a few, actually!

    -when in doubt, f*ck it.
    --> if you ever wonder if you should do *that* instead of *this* and you just can't seem to make up your mind, stay with *this*.
    (I think I got it from a John Lennon song?)

    - Trust in yourself, Odin won't do it for you
    --> I know this is a saying/advice that has been modified to fit specifically for my faith. I even wrote it on the cover of my diary. Lol. It moves something in me on two levels. The secular one (believe in yourself) and a religious one (the Odin-part). It just gives me a little bit more motivation to do things that I love and develop skills that are good for me in my life. I can't quite put it into words. But it seriously moves something in me.

    -don't panic + listen to your body
    --> these two were extremely helpful all three times I gave birth. They were all very different (1st was normal as we made it to the hospital in good time and I tried a few types of pain control etc. 2nd was fast! So fast that I only arrived at the delivery room 6min before I had my baby in my arms. No pain control at all besides breathing. This was by far the best birth! 3rd was an acute c-section. It just felt so wrong and the contractions felt so out of rhythm that I couldn't breathe through them. Worst birth I had.) But listening to what my body said paid off extremely well each time! Birthing is an extremely scary thought! But trusting that your body and baby knows what's going on is worth gold! So do not panic and do what your body tells you 😊

    - The fact that anger is a secondary feeling.
    --> not really an advice, I know. But it has helped me to stop being angry fast so many times. What the fact is saying is that when you experience anger you are (99% of the time) feeling something else (irritation, tiredness, frustartion...etc) but you are not addressing that feeling so it bottles up and shows up as anger in the end. When I feel anger I think to myself "what made me feel this anger? What emotion evolved into this?" And usually when I realise what it is (usually it's about being stressed because of a deadline of some kind. Or me being tired. Or frustrated) I can do something about that and I calm down in seconds.

    I don't know if anybody will actually read all this. But if anybody does: Hello :) and thanks for reading!


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    Only 3 things can ever happen . . . . 1) It can get better , 2) It can get worse, 3) It can stay the same . . . . but in the end . . . all things pass. Tough times don't last, but tough people do!


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    I was watching a short video of BBC Earth:-

    A Lion, who is said to be the King of Jungle was roaming somewhere in his territory.

    He jumps at the other end after drinking some water.

    There were few Hyenas present at the other end already, who were unnoticed by the Lion.

    The Lion sees them for few seconds.

    A group of around 20 Hyenas starts moving towards him.

    He sense a danger and roars loud.

    The roar doesn't affect the hyenas as they were in group and Lion was sitting alone.

    Lion is called the King of jungle but he finds himself helpless at the moment.

    He is finally trapped!

    Slowly, Hyenas starts attacking the Lion from all end.

    The Lion was running for his life.

    He was exhausted after fighting for his life. His game was going to be over in no matter of time.

    Then, one of his ally come to the scene after hearing his roar.

    He runs towards the Hyenas in order to save his ally.

    Now, situation has changed to 180 degrees. Hyenas started running for their lives.

    Finally, both Lions chased away the hyenas

    You see:-

    Earlier 20 Hyenas were going for a Lion hunt but when they saw another Lion coming, whole scenario changed.

    Life is all about unity. Howsoever strong you might be in this world, you may face severe consequences sometimes from your enemies if fighting alone. Family and friends are important part of our life. They'll provide you with all kinds of support to fight the situations.

    You can't win a battle alone folks!


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    Speak loudly and carry a big Boom-Stick. - Ash Williams.


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    When you are too upset to think, try sipping some water. It can really calm you down!


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    Life is what you make of it.
    Never give up.
    Aways be yourself no matter what.
    Don't trust everyone.


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    When choosing between two options, go with the one that scares you more. You'll build confidence, and that option usually offers more opportunity for personal growth.


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    never take advice from someone who doesn't have what you want


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    Living well is the best revenge. The Holy Dalai Lama. (hint: it is not about money or possessions)


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    Learn the difference between value and cheap.


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