Hey Pandas, What’s One Joke That Got Over Your Head As A Kid But You Understand It Now?
it can also be from a cartoon!
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When I was about 6 or 7. I was with brother and 2 sisters, all over 17 years old. My sister called me a fruit cake, can't remember why, but I responded "" If I'm a fruit cake then eat me." My siblings were laughing hysterically. When I was about 13 I realized why they were laughing so hard.😅
The 8-year-old brother is sitting in front of the TV. His 6-year-old brother comes in excitedly and says, »Come along, there's a warm condom lying behind the little transformer house.«, and the older brother asks, »What's that, a transformer house?«🔌 🤹🏽 ⚡
This one might be for the older folks in the crowd. Not a joke, but a series of jokes. - When I was around 10 or 11 years old I used to watch the show, Night Court. I thought the bald guy, Bull, was funny. One time I watched the show again as a grown up. Holy ----! That show was full of dirty jokes and sexual innuendo. I couldn't believe my parents let me watch it. I had no idea how raunchy it was as a kid though because all the sex stuff went completely over my head. Watching again as an adult, I was shocked. Kids definitely perceive things differently.
Nearly all jokes from Animaniacs. But the one that took longest was the "finger prince/prints" one xD