Hey Pandas, What’s One Encouraging Thing That You Would Tell Someone Who’s Struggling? (Closed)
What would you say?
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Keep goin... you think your alone but your not, were all in this together and if you hold on a little longer we will get through this... you are loved and people care about you... you matter and are doing amazing, dont let NO ONE make you feel otherwise.... i know your hurting, and your scared but if we stick together strong we can make it through this hardship and grow stronger together... you prolly think im making this up, how would i know... we can learn to come together and make peace, it only starts with trust... i trust you, do u trust me?
Ok grammar mistake... its supposed to say anyone* not no one
I would tell them to hang in there. Tomorrow could be the best day yet. Today is a moment in your life, just a moment, and isn’t and doesn’t have to be the sum of it.
I know the point of this is to write something motivational but instead I'm going to share an idiom my grandfather used to say: if you don't have race horse, ride jackass.
Essentially it means you won't always have the most ideal things, heck, you may have the worst possible option but it's important to make the best of a bad situation. You need to move forward, get creative and keep going.
Take a break. Maybe watch some tv or read. And remember that people care about you and love you. We are here. You've got this. Every day you get closer to the light at the end of the tunnel.
Life doesn't put you where you want to be; it puts you where you NEED to be. Accept that things are bad, but there's a reason for the struggle. It will only make you stronger and appreciate the good times more...
Keep going don't look back. There is aways a light at the end of tunnel. After the darkness the sun aways rises. If life gives you lemons make lemonade. Everything is gonna be okay.
You are not alone. We are all going through something so feel free to talk to anyone about anything. You are loved and you are beautiful.
Nothing in life lasts forever. The struggle MUST end at some point. I might be long but never forever. Just don't give up. Also I would find out what is 1 thing that I could do to make that person's life even a tiny bit better and I would do it.