Do you have a fun fact that you were probably better off not knowing? You have come to the right place!
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Most of the things we know about how chemicals affect the human body was discovered by the Nazis. They did experiments on the prisoners of camp, my mother had to study their papers to get her degree, the ethics of it made her very uncomfortable for obvious reasons
Human meat purportedly tastes like pork. I don't know about you, but I certainly didn't need to know that.
When a person undergoes a kidney transplant they end up with 3 kidneys … the new kidney is added lower down
when you die you hear everything around you for 8 minutes?!?! IDK HOW THIS IS KNOWN OR HOW THIS WORKS.
It is generally accepted that the tiny crispy things in figs (such as in Fig Newton cookies) are seeds, like strawberry seeds. They are actually spent wasp egg casings. I used to love Fig Newtons.
There are teeny tiny bugs that live in your eyelashes. They keep some things out of your eyes that could possibly cause harm to your eyes. That is why women shouldn't use a tube do mascara more than a month but I don't know anyone that follows that.
There are teeny tiny bugs that live in your eyelashes. They keep some things out of your eyes that could possibly cause harm to your eyes. That is why women shouldn't use a tube do mascara more than a month but I don't know anyone that follows that.