Tell us what you fear that seems rather weird to be afraid of.


Crowds. Crowds of people bumping up against me and so much noise from all the people. I don't like it. I get anxious and start to have a panic attack. Then I have to find a way out and away from all the people.


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    Going under anestisea.. i could be "sleep" and be in intense pain and youd never know until i wake up and slap u silly



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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm more scared of partial sedation, I'm terrified I'll say something stupid and incriminate myself (I'm gonna go smoke a big bowl after this or some s**t)

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    I am afraid of fish. (Unfortunately, I found this out when I entered university to study Marine Biology.) While some people are afraid of snakes (no problem with nope ropes here!), spiders (just catch them in a jar and put them outside), or mice (get a cat!) -- fish are truly terrifying! They really are slimy. That flopping around they do when you pull them from the water. Most of them have very sharp teeth or spines, which they intend to use to stab you. They smell disgusting.

    Just all around a big NOPE.



    Climbing safety equipment. If I don’t have it I will climb up anything, but if I have it I can’t seem to do anything


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    Balloons and glass


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    crowspectre (he/they)
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You're the only other person I know who fears glass, that's cool. Is it for any specific reason?

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    Other peoples spit and old food. It makes me so light headed when I have to wash the dishes. But I can bathrooms and take out the trash just fine.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'll gag if there's a slight odour from old food. Spitting is just disgusting and may well land you in gaol these days


    My strangest natural fear is horses- I know that they won't hurt me and theyre pretty cool anyways, but they just scare me. They're just too big idk

    My actual weirdest fear is glass, specifically flat panes of glass such as windows. It only triggers when I'm touching them, especially with my left palm flat against the glass. That's mostly due to 11 hours in the ER on my 13th birthday. Not the most fun of experiences


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    Julia Piper
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My sister pushed me through a glass door. I still don’t want anyone behind me while I’m near glass

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    (tw, self harm mentioned )Quora. Long story. I left my phone with my parents by accident and I was getting loads of notifications. So my mum went into my phone and put it on silent. The page it opened up onto was a quora page on how to stop self harm. She told me never to go on there again, and got me to talk to the school counsellor who is useless. Now every time I see quora mentioned somewhere I immediately have to shut down whatever app I'm on so I don't have a panic attack. Thanks mum


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your mum sucks. I’m sorry. I get she was trying to help but that is NOT the way to do it.

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    Escalators. I got caught in one when ib was 3 and would have been seriously injured had a stranger not happened to see my foot getting pulled into it and got my foot out of my shoe then it may have turned out worse. Since then i've been afraid of escalators. Apparently 4 people die from escalator accidemts every year- more than that of sharks so... maybe it's not as unfounded as it sounds.


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    Porcelain dolls, I had some in my room and I’m 99% sure they were haunted by an evil presence, because they actually gave me nightmares, but the moment they were gone, I didn’t have any more nightmares. One of my nightmares involved one falling on me and attacking me, and its teeth were razor sharp, and it bit me, and I flung it off of me and it broke, but it still attacked me even though it was broken, it was bleeding for some reason and it made a blood curdling screech, and then it finally died, and the bite mark made me turn into a porcelain doll.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    HOLY CR@P! I was probably in kindergarden, and some lady in a green dress put her necklace(Emerald cushion cut, fairly large) on it, then it came to life with razor teeth and chased me. Then I flung it out a window and it started bleeding. The lady in the green dress got so mad she threw me out the window with it. I don't know how I still remember it, but I do.

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    I’m scared of having someone i trust suddenly betraying/ ganging up on me. Also, I always am scared if the words I’m saying to someone are gonna be my last to them, so I rarely leave on a fight or something I didn’t wanna say. I know I know they sound regular, but I’ve never heard of someone having these fears.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don’t blame you, especially for the first one. I had a “friend” do that to me a couple years ago.


    robot voices. usually if it's a human based voice, like siri or that one tiktok voice, it's fine. but voicemails? nope. that lockdown drill dude? heck no. ever since i was little i've been scared of those voices. they give me an anxiety attack almost every time. and included in this is that radio weather alert sound and the amber alert sound. i've never met anyone else except my ex that has this fear


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not a specific phobia for me but I think it's safe to say that those automated voices are definitely overly creepy.


    I am deathly afraid of elevators. They scare me. I always always take the stairs. I'm afraid it will break down.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    AH! I thought this was just me! I fear they will just fall out of no where..


    Mimes! Those silent f***ers are just creepy. I have ADHD and talk alot. So someone completely silent is unnatural to me


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    Creepy dolls, the movie Smile, The movie old, reality, myself, dying, being alone, that squirrel girl is somehow the most powerful superhero in marvel, being embarrassed, falling, heights, a few others but that’s all I can think of rn..


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Um *clears throat aggressively* no offense but obviously Squirrel Girl IS the superior Marvel superhero... Jk, but she is my favorite, sorry DP :(

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    Animated talking animals bother me hugely. I avoid Disney films and cartoons, and those Charmin toilet paper commercials with the bears who sing about peeing and their bums are the absolute WORST. Weirdly, Muppets and Fraggles are perfectly fine.


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    Popping balloons.
    Everytime I see an unattended ballon or a child playing with one I get extremely anxious. Once my husband tried to tease me by squeezing a ballon at a party and began to cry as if he was torturing me.
    Doesn't work with foil ballons though.


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    I'm afraid of dolls. As a child, I had a nightmare that a rag doll I received as a gift tried to suffocate me. I put the doll in a cardboard box and put a lot of tape around it. I was still so scared that I threw it in the trash. Now I'm kind of scared of the Kardashian clan. I saw a nightmare where Kim took off her skin and there was a Terminator type robot underneath. Also, I have never been able to sleep in a room with a mirror, I have to cover it.


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    geckos and escalators that go down. when i was seven i fell down the latter. NEVER AGAIN.


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    Submarines! My fiance thinks it is hilarious and will tell people to ask me why I won't take a cruise! My answer is just 1 word.... SUBMARINES!


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    Bicycles. They terrify me


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    homophobes and transphobes!


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    Aroace tiger (she/they/he)
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ok ik ur a troll but it depends on how they act. Most of the time they're just irritating

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    Pop-up toasters, I'm very jumpy and hate jump scares so that's probably the reason.


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    Partially deflated or completely deflated balloons - when they're wrinkled and horrible ... Otherwise I've no problem with inflated balloons. Not sure where my fear came from but the thought of one accidentally touching me fills me with dread.


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    Okay, long list time. 1. The Weeknd, don't ask I don't know. 2. Octopi, too smart and too squishy, plus if the creature has teeth it should be limited to TWO arms, no more! 3. The original Plants vs. Zombies game-over cutscene. 4. People. 5. Oysters. 6. Giraffes. They're cute but you couldn't pay me to be near one. 7. Escalators. 8. Whales.

    So basically if it's from the ocean it's a no go for me.



    I refuse to go on any escalator that goes down, because I was at a convention once, tried to get the attention for someone on an escalator going up, and I almost fell over the escalators railing. I would have fallen pretty far if my mom hadn't noticed and grabbed my arm. I've refused to go on them since


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    Other peoples breath. It terrifies me. Sounds so weird, I know. But the idea that this air was inside them and is on me make my skin wanna turn inside out. I have to hold my breath/stop breathing when I walk by somebody, or when someone comes near me. It could also link to my OCD, but still don't know. I have never told anyone.


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    Elevators. I go to the dentist in this mall. The only way for me to get there is by elevator. It’s at least 4 or so stories. I just get nervous when I am in an elevator that I’ll be super high up and then the cord will break.


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    Airports, bus stations, and train stations. I always think I'm going to end up in the wrong place.

    I also have an irrational fear of zombies. Even Shaun of the Dead gives me nightmares and I love that movie.


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