Life is full of valuable lessons that shape who we are. What’s one important life lesson you believe everyone should know?
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Sex doesn't mean Love.
"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. Thats not a weakness, thats life".
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
You are not your mistakes.
You are not "stupid", "unworthy", "undeserving" etc. just because a decision you made at some point turned out not to be the best.
Learn from your mistakes and leave them behind.
Don't put unpleasant things off. Whether it's finishing a project, having an unpleasant conversation, cleaning your house, etc. If it's on your mind, you'll feel so much better and freer when it's done.
Don't buy too much into the ideas of masculinity and femininity. There's nothing inherently masculine about exercise, car repair, sports or any number of other "manly" things.
There's also nothing inherently feminine about cooking, cleaning, or the arts.
There's nothing wrong with a woman knowing how to change the oil in her car, or a man who can appreciate the beauty of field of flowers.
People say there's no masculinity and femininity as if it's something to be avoided or bad, or even that it doesn't exist. I see what you're saying, but I believe the message should be that there's nothing wrong with anyone getting in touch with their feminine and masculine sides, and traditional gender roles are okay, too, if that's what you want to do.
One of the best lessons in life that you need to learn in life is setting healthy boundaries especially if you are around toxic people.
Regardless of whether they are family members, or co-workers, being around toxic people leads to arguments, high blood pressure, and a negative attitude. If toxic people have to be in your life, you need to limit the capacity. Setting healthy boundaries and sticking to them will pay off in the long run.
There are people in your life right now who love you for who you are. And if the "you" they love changes, they may well choose to abandon that love. It's cold, but it can happen even with the people you have been closest to for the longest time.
Pay less attention to what people and organizations claim to be, and a lot more to what they do. Telling lies and tricking people is easy. Actions are reality.
Self-reliance is the most valuable trait you can have. Learn how to take care of yourself and address your needs. DO NOT put yourself in a position where you have to depend on others to make you or your life better. Learn how to enjoy your own company, like going to movies, etc. alone. Your ability to have a good day should not be hampered because there is not another person with you at the moment. Make yourself responsible for your contentment and happiness.
If you have a car accident and your neck hurts, don't be brave: SAY IT! Tell the police and paramedics. The sooner you have a cervical collar, the sooner you will heal and you will not have complications later. And THAT is not something we are taught at school.
HR are not your friend, they are not to be trusted in any way. They do not have your interests at heart, not do they have the company's interests at heart: they exist to curry favour with senior management.
Nah not quite true in South Africa. In SA, HR's job is to protect your rights. We have strong workers' rights described in our Labour Relations Act, and we have unions for everything. HR's job is to make sure that you are reasonably happy so as to avoid bringing union wrath. However, and this is a big one, if you report sexual harassment, it might not be taken seriously, especially as a black woman. That's a big problem we are dealing with ATM.
If you have a person in your life who is wonderful to you, but mean or thoughtless with other people, look out. Sooner or later that person will do it to you.
I don't know why people don't call out their friends when they see them being mean towards other people. There could be an underlying issue they don't realize needs to be addressed. js
Save money. Save it when you can. Differentiate between things you want and things you need. Spend money on the necessities, everything else you can think about, you can wait on.
Learn to cook, at least the basics. Everybody eats so everybody needs to cook. Mac and cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, just about every sandwich can be grilled to avoid being a boring sandwich. It's nice being able to whip up a tasty meal.
Don't be afraid to experiment and discover new tastes. Recipes don't have to be followed to a T, you can find out how to substitute ingredients and add or leave something out you don't like or have. Explore the grocery store and try foods you've never had before, or different dishes. Invent your own.
Things are rarely black and white and there is always a huge grey zone dictacted by circumstances surrounding them.
Nowadays we have the means to inform us about basically everything through access to the internet and gathering validated facts before forming an opinion on something is easier than ever. My advise would be that doing that should become a more common practice overall, especially if it comes to social and political topics (for ALL sides of the spectrum).
Speaking of politics: It's OK to have different opinions on different topics, too - Being conservative about one thing doesn't mean not having a liberal opinion about another. Seperating different subjects instead of generalising them under one mindset should be something people should do more as well instead of seeing everybody disagreeing on one thing as absolute enemy in all regards.
If you do something stupid and/or embarrassing in front of people, learn to laugh it off. I once walked into the business manager's office at the small agency I worked at to ask him a question. The head of the agency happened to be in there, too. As soon as I walked in, I let out a big fart. Mind you - I am a petite woman. I was horrified, but immediately started laughing, turned around, and walked out.
Make it a goal to do one nice thing a day. As small as a smile or as big as building a house for another. They will not go home and kick the dog, but take it for a walk instead.
You don't need friends to feel happy and satisfied in life. Sometimes you don't ask for it and you get one .At one stage of life you don't have any .Don't feel alone .You are your best friend .
Being alone is better than being surrounded by fake friends, or trying to pursue a friendship with someone who isn't interested.
If you ever feel stuck in life always remember that time always passes.It might take time but it will pass.So do not take a decision hastily ,take your time .
If you are going to use the same tissue to blow your nose and clean your eyeglasses, you should clean your glasses first.
Don't take everything so personal. Often enough it's just people expressing their emotions in a bad way, without even realizing it. Especially when it is a child doing this. Be the adult. Stay calm and explain the effects of their actions/words on you and if possible, help them find a better way to cope.
Your thoughts determine your reality. If you think negative stuff all the time, you will behave in a negative way and be treated in a negative way. "Your focus determines your reality". - Master Obiwan. Really.
Do what you know you should be doing, and stop doing what you know you shouldn't.
Not necessarily. You may have been brainwashed. Example : Nazi camp guard. He thought he SHOULD continue being a camp guard.
Reading posts here on BP and in other publications I have reasoned that you can trust no one.
Family ... a.......les
Friends ... a ....les
Neighbours ... a .... les
Generic Karens ... a.... les
Seemingly harmless peoples ... a .... les.
The world is full of A-holes and you know why?............Because we let them get away with it.
Don't trust anybody.
Isn't that's too extreme? If you mean, don't blindly trust anybody, then I'd say it's reasonable.
"No! Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try"
That's like my mom saying "If you're going to do something, do it right the first time." As if you should be born mastering anything you do. Practice practice practice. At least you tried.
Learn social and table ettiquette.
Oh I now see. While scrolling back I see some Troll-like "person" has just gone through many posts and give a negative vote. Clearly this person did not get the memo regarding being graceful.
Some people will pretend to be your friend because they want to play with your toy, or want your cookie. This lesson was learned by my son in first grade.
I was so gullible all throughout school. Fell for the "If you give me your fruit roll up I'll be your friend" so many times.
If you see a homophobic comment spammer on this site, it's probably a troll
No, they may actually be a moron. A troll is trying to get a reaction but knows they are shitposting. A moron believes the shitposting.
I have a few.
It's okay to admit you feel overwhelmed. Not everyone handles stress well. Say something and take a break. It could prevent an accident. If your boss won't let you because they have to find someone to cover you when you say you need it, that's a managerial problem now, not your problem.
You are not a slave to your job. You have the freedom to quit, look for a new job. Heck, you don't have to work the 2 last weeks if you just cannot do it anymore. Never let a toxic employer make you think otherwise.
You are not below anyone and deserve to be treated with the same respect and courtesy as anyone else, regardless of position and how much is in the bank.
Humility is a hard pill to swallow and everyone experiences humility. It's important to learn lessons and feel shame. That is the universe's way of reminding you that you are not more special than anyone else. You may get some leniency or a privilege here and there, but not always.
What job you do is your business. Do not let anyone make you feel less educated, less worthy just because you work any type of job. You are not obligated to reveal that sort of information to someone just because they ask. If you want to, that's okay, too. Same with invasive questions about your pay and health.
Take care of your health. You only have one body and one life.
Clean your home regularly. The more you do simple things like, sweeping the kitchen after you wash the dishes, and vacuuming once a week, or however often you need to, taking out the trash regularly and not leaving food out, can prevent infestations for you and your neighbours.
If you do get an infestation of mice, NEVER put bait traps inside your home. Place them on the outside. Put glue traps, snap traps, live catch traps (whatever you desire) inside, all around the edges and entrances of your home. Stuff steel wool all around the baseboards, in any holes around pipes that go in the wall, check the in-wall air conditioners, and poly-fill any cracks and holes. Spray strong peppermint oil, and put lavender room freshners all around. Check under your bed and look for signs where mice could have chewed. Throw out anything that has yellow crusties. That is old mouse pee. Get pest control to put bait packets in the wall, if you are in an apartment. This will prevent birds and other creatures eating the bait.
It can take weeks to clean up, seal up and freshen up your home. Always check around the baseboards and under furniture before you vacuum. Do not vacuum or sweep up mouse droppings. Treat it as a bio-hazard. Gloves, mask, paper towel, bleach. Spray Nine is also very good at eliminating viruses and bacteria, and eliminating scent trails. Spray Nine does not ruin carpets like bleach, but you may end up wanting to replace flooring eventually. Nothing gets out mice urine stains, no matter what people claim.
Do not assume sounds in your home, such as cupboard doors opening, tapping, knocks in your closet, are because of ghosts. Seriously, check your walls and take a flashlight to the dark corners. I'm sure you'll find the real culprit.
What seems like a minor but sudden bump to the lower back can become a major, long-term injury. The sciatica nerve is delicate and agonizing when injured. It can take months to heal. Same with muscle trauma injuries. It's been over a year and my daughter is still unable to walk for long and sit comfortably. She relies on a cane and is only 22.
TLDR version from ChatGPT: Admit when you're overwhelmed; take breaks to avoid accidents. You're free to quit a toxic job; don't feel trapped. You deserve respect, no matter your job or finances. Prioritize health and cleanliness; prevent pest issues. Minor injuries can last long; take them seriously.
No matter who it is, DONT let them change what you think is right
That's bad advice, sorry. You can obviously believe false things, and be mistaken about your belief. Take this example. Hitler believed the jews were "inferior". No-one could persuade him otherwise. He went on to ensure they were genocided. If he had been amenable to evidence and counter-arguments, he would perhaps have not done that. He thought he was doing the right thing, or, to quote him, "God's work" (really, google that). So no, you SHOULD be open to having someone correct you on what you think is right. Another example: Trump thinks most mexicans are "criminals and r@pists". Really? He should be allowed to continue to think that that is right?!?!