Title. Share one or as many as you want!
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I can draw hands really well (surprisingly), I'm double jointed in my thumb, and I am very forgetful. . . . :p
I don't want to say I'm special or anything, but I do have to give myself props, not for generally being a parent, but raising developmentally challenged kid, basically on my own with little informative support and guidance through it all.
She's an adult now with many new challenges, but she's managing herself around her hardships. We have a strong, loving, well-earned bond.
On a less cheesy note, I can whistle the opening tune in Disney's Robin Hood.
That I'm still here. Through all the büllshit, the hardships, the heartbreak, I'm still standing against all the shït the world has thrown at me. Got to mean something, doesn't it?
I worked as a technician at a VW dealership in the US around the year 2016. We kept getting ECU software updates from the MFG on "certain" models like they were tweaking something and just couldn't get it right so we half-jokingly and half-not said around the shop, "yeah they're probably trying to figure out how to cheat emission standards". After that, a lesser-known article from the university that was doing the testing came out about some "inconsistencies" with the VW diesel passenger cars. I kid y'all not, only weeks after that all of our local customers diesels had software updates again. We were in shock like, "are they serious with this?!?". So my contribution is: I was (unknowingly obviously) one of a very small number of people who physically installed the dieselgate cheating software in many, many of those cars; sometimes more than once. Then the bottom dropped out after the buybacks and we had no work and I left. 🔧
Nothing awesome. I have always been a HORRIBLE cook. I can't follow a recipe, it will turn out nothing like what I wanted. I can burn water. I can't cook. I just freaking cant, BUT yesterday I cooked myself a steak - without the help of my chef husband- and some asparagus with a hollandaise sauce and it was AH mazing. I took so many pictures and sent them out to my friends and family LOL. Anyway, it made me so happy.
I cannot think of anything in particular. I am quite tall for someone of my height! Yes. That is a joke.
I wouldn't call this "awesome", but rather a curse. Sometimes it becomes unbearable.
I'm able to feel and understand what others feel - especially if it's pain, suffering, trauma - as if it had happened to me. And to guess their immediate intentions and thoughts - most of them petty and malicious. I was able to do this since childhood, and I was genuinely surprised to learn that people around didn't seem to share the same ability.
A therapist once told me that this shows a high level of empathy.
"High level", great. How do I make it low level?
I'm a genetic anomaly that's actually been studied by doctors. I was born with a deformation on both hands that causes the final knuckle of my pinky finger to bend inward at an exactly 30 degree angle. There's no history of such a strange deformation in my family... though there is an instance of one finger being bent that way. Specifically, on my father's right hand, about two years before I was born, he had his pinky finger severed at the last knuckle. When the doctors reattached it, the doctor did so at an angle. The exact same angle that my fingers have. That's not the only odd genetic twist I have, but it's one of the more visible. There's papers that have been written about it, and studies performed when I was younger, to determine how this deformation happened, and what it might mean for other people who have suffered odd physical deformations where no family history of such exist.
I have Asperger's syndrome, I am hypermobile in my elbows (I can do this thing where it looks like my arms are broken) I can dislocate the knuckle of my left ring finger at will, I am one of the few Republicans that hates President Trump and I am an American citizen born in Russia. Whew.
I'm really good at designing and building things with Legos for some reason. Like, I don't know why or how. it's just one of those weird, kinda-cool-but-completely-useless things that I can do
dang, I got here too late. was going to share that I can fit 4 corn dogs in my mouth at once, but I guess not
dang, I got here too late. was going to share that I can fit 4 corn dogs in my mouth at once, but I guess not