Weird things you or your body does that you think are unique.


I can read upside down. Not even slowly, but I can read whole pages of books and magazines at the same speed I would usually read stuff the right way



    I carefully examine all the facts related to an issue and then make an objective informed decision.



    I'll start.

    You ever had one of those dreams where you're doing something, and then you do it in real life? I've played soccer in my dreams and kicked a bed post when scoring a goal.

    Also, I'm double jointed in all ten fingers.



    Sometimes when I come home I pull into the garage, turn the car off, and just sit out there for a while (occasionally an hour or longer). I have no idea why.



    I have one brown eye, and one grey-blue eye.



    Not really something I do consciously but for a long time already (years probably) I've been having very varied dreams all tied together by a single link; some faceless Japanese boy in an average school uniform. ^^;

    At first he'd constantly try to kill me so I'd bully him every time I'd see him, then he retaliated by making my dreams nightmares, then somehow we ended up becoming friends!!!!! :D

    A few notable dreams are when he once dressed up as my best friend and pretended everything was normal, another where he was completely nude and for some reason descending from the sky, calling out my name, and another where I once caught him with a face and then he started melting, probably out of embarrassment. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    So yeah, I just call him dream boy. He's not so faceless anymore ever since I saw how he looked like (he was like a Lucky Star background character) and I still see him every now and then.... (‧‧)nnn



    Writers, tell me if you do this too I'm actually very curious. When I write, I essentially "become" the character. I lose my own personality completely. I will also have full conversations with these characters as if they are real people. They are as much of friends to me as my real friends are, but they're only in my head. It's really weird and most people think I'm crazy, especially when I appear to be having a conversation with a wall. It can give me this odd sensation when I write like that as well, not a bad kind just out of the ordinary.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's what I do when reading fiction. The issue is that I get too sucked in & don't do anything else I need to do dammit

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    I'm 71 and can bend over and put my palms flat on the ground. My granddaughters love it!


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    Mike D
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm 71 too and I just tried this . . . anyone know the number for 911?

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    I am very double jointed in all my fingers, both arms, and I can do a back bridge far enough that my chest is on the floor, and my chin is resting between my feet. I can also do the opposite laying on my stomach with my leg bent so my feet rest under my chin


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry, but not unique- and also absolutely diagnostic of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. You should make your doctor aware; there are multiple possible medical problems later on... it's genetic, and I've got it.

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    I can squeeze my left upper eyelid into what people could call duck lips.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Photoshop your eyelid onto both eyelids and your mouth on a pic


    One of my eyes squeaks when I rub it. Only the one though.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I eat apples with salt on. My dad actually said that it is really good, and I've been eating it for almost 3 years. (Just for a snack.)

    It's really good, I recommend you try it.



    So I have been a pro drummer in NYC my whole life making a living while playing with tons of cool people over the years. During the shutdown I literally had no gigs so had some free time. I started to play Drums while simultaneously DJing. Fast forward to today: I have 25+ Million Total Plays / Views, 750k+ Verified Followers, Signed to BMG Records, am Sponsored By GLOW WATER along with Kylie Jenner, am represented by The #1 TikTok Agency In The World: ClicksTalent. I just Officially Remixed The Beatles with a singer from The Voice & A Grammy Winning Orchestra. Life is weird like this sometimes. I'm still scratching my head how this works but it's cool to have an opportunity to do your own thing finally & have some people dig it. But it's an oddly specific set of skills to DJ / Drum & have only seen like 5 others do it. DRMAGDN


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    I can dislocate my arm (from the shoulder) and pop it back in place.
    Well not just one arm, both arms and both legs


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    Ari Maranichi
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can turn mine off (where I don't really feel from them on purpose), but it sometimes randomly turns off without me trying which could probably be concerning.

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    I always wear two pairs of socks. No reason why, I just do.


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    I hate the smell of popcorn and cookies baking. YUCK!


    See Also on Bored Panda