Hey Pandas, What’s A Weird Food Combo That You Swear By?
Give me the good the bad and the ugly.
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Goldfish crackers with chocolate.
Also grapes with pretzels.
First I just saw the 'Goldfish' and had got really strange pictures, but fortunately it was followed up by 'crackers'! 👍
Nothing weird, but in case you've never tried:
Roasted(real) bread, cream cheese topped with sliced smoked salmon. Then pour truffle honey on top.
Creamy blue cheese (preferably Italian) on roasted bread, then some nice canned anchovies on top and some balsamic vinegar.
Orange juice with a little salt
Grilled peanut butter and cheese sandwich. Seriously! If you like the peanut butter cheese crackers. You’ll love it.
Yup, peanut butter and cheese is great! I never understood the combination peanut butter and jam. Nothing special in my opinion even If some of you wish to see me dead now 😉
My homemade baked mac n cheese with buttery panko bread crumbs on top, slathered with Heinz ketchup. Because my mac n cheese tastes more like fries than most.
Scrambled eggs with sliced grapes (red are tastier but green will do) and diced ham wrapped in a flour tortilla...I know it sounds weird but you have to try it. Tastes so good!
Cockroaches with strawberries
A cheese and cool ranch Doritos sandwich with crisply toasted bread is to die for. Also ice cream and fries is good too.
Probably not super weird, but I've been putting Kimchi as a side/garnish with/on some foods I eat.
One of my favourites are cheese stuffed sausages in a bun, topped with Kimchi. Though I've also had Kimchi in a burger, or as a side with a Steak Frites.
Salt on any kind of melon, makes it taste amazing. On almost any fruit, honestly.
My family also has a dish we call "pear salad" - canned pear halves, drained, a dollop of mayo in the pit hole, a sprinkle of shredded cheese on it. It's delicious.
Water + 8 tablespoons of matcha powder, then add a teabag of green tea and let it sit in the fridge overnight.
I like extremely strong tea, ok???
everyone I've met absolutely hates it because it's "too bitter" 😭 it's an acquired taste I guess.