Hey Pandas, What’s A Video Game Or A TV Show You Love But Nobody Knows About?
If you’ve ever felt singled out about your preferences in video games and TV, you’ve come to the right place! I’m looking for recommendations so cook some up for me!
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Eerie, Indiana. It's an older show, but a great Twilight zone type show geared toward kids. A boy moves to a new town- Eerie, Indiana - and only he seems to noticed the weird unsettling things that happen there. kinda silly, kinda creepy.
Are You Being Served. A totally crazy BBC series from the '70s
Keeping Up Appearances is very good, too. With the Bucket family (Hyacinth pronounces it Bouquet), and her just as crazy sisters Rose and Daisy.
Eureka and Haven
I miss all the wacky hijinks Fargo got into. The crossover eps with Warehouse 13 were fun. I would totally love to live in either town.
I had to add another one that is kind of a cheat but Mystery Science Theater 3000 aka MST3K. Our Saturday mornings were spent watching a bunch of puppets make fun of B-Movies, TV Movies, TV Shows, and old commercials. It helps to give you a better perspective on what a bad movie really is.
Who doesn't love MST3K? I'm old enough to remember when we were, quite literally, still passing the videotapes around!
Dogs in space
"The Tribe," a dramatic TV series developed by a New Zealand company, Cloud 9. Sort of a modernized "Lord of the Flies." All the adults were killed by a plague. The kids form into factions. Drama ensues. I watched it with my daughter when she was a tween, and it was really good.
Okay, not sure if it counts as “unknown” but I LOVE LOVE LOVE Doki Doki Literature Club. For anyone who doesn’t know, the game’s a twisted dating simulator, in which you join a literature club with four girls, Natsuki, Yuri, Monika, and Sayori. It starts off cute and fun but ends up… a lot less so.
Utopia, a Brittish scifi drama from 2013/14.
Very dark, disturbing and kind of predicting the Corona vitus.
The music and artwork alone are reasons enough to checking it out, but the story and acting is equally great.
It was way ahead of it's time and unfortunately it was cancelled after 2 seasons. If it was made today, it would get 6 seasons and a movie. You can find it on YouTube, check it out!
The D**k van Dyke Show! It's amazing, D**k van Dyke at his best, it's my favorite TV show. Heads up, it's black and white.
Quantum Leap from 1900's is really good to. Easy 10/10. The new one is [insert word of disagreement that won't upset anyone]
Oh god, please don't say from 1900's when talking about something I loved as a kid. I know, technically it was from the 1900's but I'm not 100 years old, and don't want to feel that way. Quantum Leap was great though. I never really the D**k van Dyke show though. Just not my strain of humor.
I got into this show recently called The Legend of Vox Machina.
It's an animated show based on a web show called Critical Role, where a bunch of voice actors play Dungeons and Dragons, and their adventures are made into an adult animated cartoon (full of violence, sexual content, swearing, and everything you would expect to give a show an 18+ rating).
I'll admit to not being a big D&D fan, but I became a fan of this show, and finished both seasons recently.
This one is interesting. I totally agree with in the mainstream it's under watched, but if you are any kind of geek, fantasy, sci-fi, dnd person you know what this is and have heard of CR. It is their most famous campain
Hardest series to interpret. It has multiple timeliness, parallel universes, quantum theories, and everything a Sci fi series should have. With its melancholic tone, this is the most serious yet best series I've ever watched. Many people give up on it in first few episodes but I recommend you to continue it. The season 3 will mess up with all of your mind.
Other series which I like that most people don't know are
1) Gotham
2)Marvel's agents of shield
3) Asur
It started out good but, for me, it started getting confusing with so many timelines and people to keep track of.
American Gothic, 1995. A TV show about a Southern American sheriff who didn't carry a gun, and devoted his life to keeping his family together, like Andy Griffith.
However, this sheriff has occult powers and is completely evil, the 180 degree opposite of Andy Griffith.
Sheriff Buck is played by “Bill Lundburgh” from Office Space, and most weirdly ‘Gothic was created by Shaun Cassidy: the “Beebs” of the 1970’s
Bringing in a few great but overshadowed series:
The Thin Blue Line (1995-96, UK) absolutely hilarious police comedy, with Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean)
Las Vegas (2003-08) unfortunately named but indeed about it, with James Caan (later with Tom Selleck)
Boardwalk Empire (2010-14) historical crime drama, with Steve Buscemi
Ripper Street (2012-16, UK) historical police/crime drama, with Jerome Flynn (and lots of other Game of Thrones actors in guest roles)
It's not that nobody knows about it, it's just that the people who do know about it know it's the best sitcom of all time. The first three episodes are amazing and set off a stellar series. And the premise of the pilot episode is so bizarre and witty. It had a good tradjectory from the start. Plus, it had an amazing and star packed cast.
Atro’s Playroom on the PS5, no one has talked about it to me or anyone else, and definitely not spoken about on BP
Halt & Catch Fire as well as Turn. Everyone loves other AMC shows (Breaking Bad, Mad Men, etc) but those two are also very well done, well made, well written, interesting plots and I have met like no one else who has seen them.
Reaper. It used to air on the CW.
ABC streams both seasons free with commercials.
Weird 13 y.o. answering here, but honestly if there is anyone out there under the age of like, 10, you should look at TTS. I know the movie if for little kids but the series is way better and the characters are better written tbh. I mostly watch it for the characters specific the the show tho cuz the ones from the movie are too cliché for me. Even though this is meant for like, 7 year olds its still my fav cuz it has really good music and is perfect fanart material. So if ur that weird human who’s probs too old to be watching cartoons but still does anyways, ur gonna love this series. Also no one knows about it and if you can see past the kinda cheesy storyline it can be rly good
Firefly. The best TV show ever. Watch it every chance I can. Only one season, sad to say.
Can't upvote this one enough! Loved that show.... and they didn't even finish the first season. It got cancelled part way through season 1. Then Serenity became a huge hit and they realized they screwed up.
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. Get it. Get it now.
First shown at 11pm on a Thursday night where it was never gonna get an audience. If this was shown at 9pm it would have been the next big thing. Channel 4 wasted it.
Fans of the IT Crowd may recognise one or two of the actors.....
Oh man, so many brilliant jokes and running gags in this show. Absolutely amazingly funny. Even the sound is expertly done, some actors get seperate overdubs, making it even stranger. Also the deliberate editing and continuity errors show how much thought and energy went into making this.
"The Shield" was and still is an amazing TV-series
"Baa Baa Black Sheep" is a great series with an amazing cast (many might be put of by the WWII setting though)
"Cobra Triangle" for the NES was a great game an very underrated and under-appreciated.
"Lost Vikings" for PC and consoles remains to this day as a really fun and tricky puzzler.
I still have my copy of the lost vikings for the SNES. Challenged my kids to play it. They now understand why I am good at platform and puzzle games haha
The greatest video game ever known to mankind "Prototype" its hard to explain without spoiling but theres an accident with a government secret and it gives a guy crazy abillities but no memory and the story includes conspiricy, fraud and a nuke
"My Mother the Car". The great Jerry Van Dyke, playing a wimpy lawyer/family man, buys a 1928 Porter (a completely fictional car), then discovers it is the reincarnation of his mother. She speaks to him through the radio (voiced by Anne Southern), giving him sage advice and many stupid wisecracks. Avery Schreiber plays Captain Mancini, a fanatical and very hairy antique auto collector who will do anything to buy the car for his collection. "My Mother the Car" lasted one whole season (1965 - 1966), was spectacularly stupid and very unfunny. It is considered the worse show in TV history. I LOVE IT!!!!
I have the theme song memorized...... Everybody knows in a second life, we all come back sooner or later. As anything from a pussycat to a man eating alligator. Well you all may think my story, is more fiction than it's fact. But believe it or not my mother dear decided she'd come back. As a car... She's my very own guiding star. A 1928 Porter. That's my mother dear. 'Cause she helps me through everything I do And I'm so glad she's near. My Mother the Car. My Mother the car.
Probably won't get noticed, but TV show Dead Like Me. Underrated, died too soon (no pun intended) and both humorous, morbid, surreal, and warm.
I’m not allowed to comment anymore and I’m too stupid to figure out how to edit my submission, but thank you so much for the love, guys! I really appreciate it and I’ll probably check some of these out!
"The Last Ship" (From Wikipedia):
At the helm of the USS Nathan James en route to the Arctic, Capt. Tom Chandler learns that the destroyer will be in the best possible place -- a circumstance his crew must utilize -- to save humanity from extinction. A virus has wiped out more than half the population since the ship embarked, and despite orders from the U.S. government to return, Chandler -- believing home is now a shadow of itself -- decides the safest place to develop a vaccine is at sea. That task falls mainly to virologist Dr. Rachel Scott, a civilian originally assigned to the Nathan James to study birds. "The Last Ship" is based on a novel by William Brinkley and is executive-produced by filmmaker Michael Bay
Used to be available on Crave but it "disappeared"... kinda like they stopped playing "New Orleans is Sinking" on the radio for a while after Katrina
I watched it recently on Amazon Prime, and aside from the last season it's really a good show
Gumby and Pokey. Claymation cartoons. Kids love them, and adults. I still remember the theme song: He once was a little green ball of clay, Gumby. But you should see what Gumby can do today, Gumby. He can walk into any book with his pony pal Pokey, too. If you've got a heart than Gumby's a part of you.
I adore Gumby! Have all the shows on tape. And a big Gumby doll (my dog loves it). And the little Gumby and Pokey figures. Such a unique style.
One of the oldest games that I remember playing on PC was Shanghai: A Mahajongg game where you match the tiles to clear the board. From the music to tile types, it was so much fun. It longer works sadly for it was designed for Windows 98 😅 It's not traditional video game but hope my answer fits here!
Grimm for sure and the original Quantum Leap but also two maybe obscure shows nobody mentioned. One called Pushing Daisies I think. The other was a show called The Nine. It was about nine people held hostage during a bank robbery and was pulled off the air midway thru the season. Due to fan outcry the network put the last four episodes online for a limited time. Not available to Canadian viewers. Shoutout to AOL ( not in Canada at that time) so I was able to view them. Never did explain why the one woman came out with her hair chopped off though!
VG : Unpacking. A game that's extremely chill and low-pressure, but with some of the best environmental storytelling around. If you just unpack it can seem simple. If you pay attention, it's still simple but also joyous and emotional.
I think I have one that's a bit of a cop out answer for why people don't know it, but Super Robot Wars.
The reason why the series is not really known is because most of the games were not released outside of Asian regions, like Japan, China, or Korea. The only ones I'm aware of that came out in North America were Endless Frontier on the DS (though incredibly rare, and will cost a lot on eBay), and the four most recent games, SRW V, T, X, and 30 (only on Steam). However, these games have been released in English for systems like the PS4, PS Vita, and Switch, though you will have to import a physical copy (and those systems are not region locked, so you can play it on there with no problem).
In gameplay, it's your standard grid based strategy RPG, where knowing where to put your characters is key. Where it stands out is with it's roster of characters, the attack animations, and the music.
Aside from an original protagonist, your teammates consist of a different roster of characters from various mech anime. While the cast is mostly different from game to game, there are characters from Gundam, Getter Robot, Mazinger Z (these first three being considered the "Big 3" franchises to appear in most of the games), Code Geass, Evangelion and Gurren Lagann featured in different games.
The attack animations in the game are references to the moves that these mechs perform in their respective shows, and their battle themes are the opening themes of their respective anime.
If not for a game called Project X Zone, I would not have discovered Super Robot Wars.
For an example of one of the songs I find are the best in the franchise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZoboSpWBPE And for the attacks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Szw0pmlPuQ
that game was honestly amazing, it had great graphic (it was released in 98) and it was basically the sims in safari, what's not to like
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is one of the most relaxing games in my opinion and has a killer soundtrack. The remake is basically the same game but with some new endgame content, DLC, and easier co-op play
I think project zomboid gets overlooked for its general appearance but it honestly is very fun, quite difficult at times and is one of those games, especially when you go in without prior info, that just repeatedly surprises you. It's the sort of game where everything can change in an instant and I like games that encourage new play styles. I like that too gain good characteristics you must take negative ones, I think that's a great mechanic. But anyway, yeah for an indie game, it's incredibly polished and fun.
Change is a video game that will always need more love, more attention. It was made by like 1 dude and is a very well made, heart breaking game that is honestly pretty realistic. It doesn't make fun of our make light of homelessness but instead makes an experience like no other. The main reason why I think it deserves even more love though is the fact that it has been out for like 10yrs and is still being worked on, it still gets updates and you can just tell how much passion the dev has for it. Unlike other games too, it doesn't have a tonne of paid dlcs (I'm looking at you dead cells), the game itself doesn't need the 1 dlc it has but it added a fair amount of content and new challenges that i think it makes it enhances the game.
I also like that they added additional 'stories' if what issues some people would face, it is inspiring and equal parts bleak... kind of This War of Mine misery vibes.
I have played it since like a very early release and it still gets me. Nothing is better than succeeding but this is not a game you usually win.
There's this video game (it's on Apple Arcade so not really) called Wylde Flowers, and I absolutely love it! It's made by a smaller studio, but the graphics are beautiful and the storyline is really good!
ActRaiser for the SNES! What a great game, combining side-scrolling platform action with top-down city building! Fantastic graphics, music, sound effects, controls, and very creative creatures and bosses. It got a bit overlooked due to other titles that came out at the same time, but I sure enjoyed it many times over!
Not really unknown but the She-Ra remake was/is awesome
Its on Netflix if you want to check it out.
Hopefully, this last one will be the one I mention, but another franchise I love is the Valkyria Chronicles series.
To give it a comparison to another series for gameplay, it's very much some of the X-Com games, where you have to strategically place your units in certain areas (including behind cover, or concealed) to get the advantage on the enemy units.
Each character has their own quirks that make them unique, both for the better or worse (for example, some soldiers might be allergic to pollen, so having them near flowers will make them perform worse).
The art style is amazing. It mixes 3D models with cell-shading, and an anime aesthetic amazingly. Everything in this game looks amazing.
I think the biggest reasons why this series is not as known is for the following;
1: The series released on inconsistent platforms. Before re-releases, the first game was on PS3, the two following games were PSP exclusives, and the fourth game was released on the last generation of consoles (PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and Windows).
2: The third game was never released outside of Japan due to the low sales of the second game (I think some of that can be blamed for moving the second game from a console to handheld system).
3: The first game released in a busy few months of 2008, November. October had the first Dead Space and Far Cry 2 as notable releases, Left 4 Dead 2 would release two weeks after Valkyria Chronicles, and early December would see GTA 4 come out. And right before Christmas, I think most teens would have asked for one of those aforementioned games instead.
The first game is more accessible with re-releases, so I'd strongly recommend this series.
Yes !! This is on my top 10 RPG list (number 5 or 6) The First VC blew my mind, it's such a refreshing gameplay, and the story is very good too. The Fourth VC has amazing gameplay, The overall story is also great. But the character acting seems... ummm...juvenile ? childish ? more like a shonen (teenager) type character instead of seinen (adult)
Zanzarah: The Hidden Portal game. I was in college and became intrigued after watching a review on X-Play. Something about magic and fairies appealed to me and I ended up spending time playing it when I should have been studying.
Oh goodness, Zanzarah was the first real game I ever played, I‘m thrilled to see it here! I spent so many hours in it. The menu screen music was absolutely beautiful.
Video game: shining force.
Oooh, Shining Force... reading that really put the nostalgia in me... Wonder why it's not popular... It could be made like the Zelda in Switch
Sakuna: Of Rice And Ruin
Realistic 3D rice farming meets 2D plattform hack and slay. Amazing.
It isn’t unknown, but Bendy and the ink machine, and Bendy and the dark revival are my favorite video games but yeah
gegege no kitaro/spooky kitaro, an anime based off of traditional japanese folklore stories. the anime’s been running since the 1960’s with new versions each 11 years, but not a whole lot of people in regions outside japan know about it. i recommend it if you like folklore and spooky stuff.
Tangled the damn series. Yes I know it’s inspired by a Disney movie but please watch it. And there is a movie before it (not the one you know about) so watch that for context.
ThAt’S WhAt I’m SayInG (never heard anyone else mention this before so that’s cool, also I wrote about this too!)
Plenty of people know about it, but it came as a surprise to me. I was coming home from work on a Friday and learned that my wife would not be there. So I stopped at a family fun center that I'd been noticing on my commute during the week. They had a Virtual Reality setup and I gave it a whirl. Breaking a sweat with the body movements, I thought the investment might be justified, to purchase a headset for myself. Then I found a game that I and many others play almost exclusively on that format. They say its like a 3-D version of Fortnite, called Population One. I was never a gamer before, so I wouldn't know. But I've played it almost 7,000 times now and really enjoy the comradery created between squad members. Doctors, police, retied professionals and of course plenty of school kids are my "friends " from around the world.
Actually, it's a musical. It's called Be More Chill, and it was based on a book, but it's really different in terms of plot and actually better. The songs are a m a z i n g and the storyline makes sense. All the characters are likable somehow and it's generally a great show that no one I know has heard of.
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
It's a video game, and the sequel is coming out within the next year (I think). You play as Senua, a Norse woman battling to save the soul of her dead lover from the Norse god Hela. There is a lot of Norse and Celtic mythology throughout the game.
I've been a gamer since I was little (my first console was an Atari), and I've never played anything else like this game. The immersion you get with the main character is mind-blowing. She suffers from psychosis, and you can hear the voices in her head througout the game (they literally have psychologists listed in the opening credits). There is some combat and puzzle solving, but the heart and focal point of the game is the storytelling and the visuals. Play it on Xbox Series S or X, if you can (I think it's free on Gamepass, so you can probably also play it on PC). It's relatively short, I think about 7 to 8 hours for a full playthrough.
The graphics for the sequel look INSANE, and I would urge you to check out the teaser/gameplay trailers on youtube. Whatever your expectations, you will not be disappointed.
It's a TV show that is both heartwarming and hilarious, with great adult humor. Season 3 starts this week! It's on FX and Hulu.
If you're like me, and trust IMDB ratings, then I'll let you know it's currently sitting at an 8.3/10 (for reference, there are only 23 TV shows in history that have a score of 9 or higher on IMDB, with the highest score being the nature documentary Planet Earth 2 which scored 9.4)
“Lost in Space !
What sets !
What story lines !
What acting !!!
Loved both versions of Lost in Space! Danger, danger Will Robinson! :)
Earthworm Jim! Both a game and a show that I loved. I bought myself a Jim action figure when I was in high school. You pushed a button and it shot the head/worm out of the suit.
Also Freakazoid. So many people have never heard of it and I can never find it to watch.
Corner Gas. A delightfully funny sitcom from Canada.
My son and I loved the Red Green Show from Canada. "If your wife can't find you handsome, she should at least find you handy".
Sneaky Pete on Amazon Prime was really good. Not enough seasons of it imo. Another favorite of mine and my fiancé is an oldie but goodie is, The Andy Griffith Show. I watched the B&W ones growing up at my Great Grandma’s house and just recently began watching the ones in color.
Andy singing to the tune of My Darling Clementine: "Oh my Barney, oh my Barney had a jail and couldn't lock it, had a bullet for his pistol had to keep it in his pocket".
Hudson's Adventure Island on Nintendo NES. Apart from Mario this was my favourite video game to play. I think I preferred it over Mario. Not many people talk about it. Not many people had it, that I know of. Of all the video game remasters, recreates and movies, this gets overlooked.
Favorite movie is a toss up between "Across The Universe" with Jim Sturgess.
or "My Blue Heaven" with Steve Martin at his best. The movie that reflects my life almost to a T is "Dazed and Confused".
A Man Called Otto. Newer movie but sooo good. Lots of representation and amazing actors
May I be permitted to add a film here? Billy Wilder's 1961 comedy One Two Three is every bit as funny as Some Like it Hot and is Jimmy Cagney's second best role. He does both Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell at the same time without losing his breath. It's unknown because it takes place during the Berlin blockade which is old news now. Give a look see
Fernwood 2 Night, and Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman.
Fernwood 2 Night with Martin Mull and his sidekick Fred Willard. Their skits and songs were hysterical. A comical Tonight Show spoof.
Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman was a soap opera spoof with Louise Lasser and a cast of thousands, like Debra Lee Scott, Marion Mercer, Harry Dean Stanton, Martin Mull, Dabney Coleman, Mary Kay Place, Greg Mullavey, and Doris Roberts.
Neither was long lived. Not nearly long enough for me.
I'd also add the original "You Bet Your Life" with Groucho Marx.
Running man. A South Korean reality television show about completing challenges, missions, and games. No dramas. Just pure fun and laughter.
Hollow knight!
It's such an amazing videogame, with a beautiful artwork and a very well developed history that leaves from for further sequels (there's actually one on the way!)
It is very sad that not so much people knows about this game!
The Farmer's Daughter - 1963 to 1966. With Inger Stevens and William Windom. I was a kitten when this came out. I was absolutely smitten with Inger Stevens! Talk about heartbreak of a barely teenaged heart when she passed. I wish they'd release it on DVD or Blu-Ray.
From Wikipedia: The series stars Inger Stevens as Katy Holstrum, a young Swedish woman who becomes the housekeeper for widowed congressman Glen Morley (played by William Windom). Glen has two sons, age 14 and 8 at the time of the premiere. Steve, the older of the two boys, is played by Mickey Sholdar, and Danny is played by Rory O'Brien. The congressman's mother Agatha Morley is played by Cathleen Nesbitt.
Forgot about this one till I saw this. I was quite young at the time.
'Dead Like Me'
i forgot to add these two!!
Mine is a French anime called "Wakfu". It's a fantasy story about a boy trying to find his way to his true family. As of many shows the first few seasons are the best, but in all its a fantastic work of art. You can watch it on Netflix I'm pretty sure.
The Professor Layton series. Cute puzzle solving mystery games with great characters and storylines. It’s such an underrated franchise and was a large part of my childhood :D
Jane the Virgin is probably the ONLY telenovela I will ever watch. It's modern, not super Christian and not homophobic, transophobic, or racist(like most telenovelas). The plot twists are my favorite part.
Pushing dasies. It's a show about a man who when he touches dead people back to life. His childhood friend and lover intrest died and he brings her back to life.
BrainDead 13, so underrated, so good...
I love this VideoGame... too bad it seems nobody knows about it
The town of light game. pretty much confidential. but it's my favorite game. it's inspired on real events who show the brutality of mental health medecine in the 1940. it's not exactly a game, but more an interactive novel. but it's so moving. for me it's an art masterpiece. italian art at its highest
Cool Spot and BattleToads for Sega Gene's. Kinda shows my age...lol.
I know its not unknown, but The Hitman WOA/Trilogy
AMazing games, and would recomend if you like stealth
PC game called Outcast. I bet none of y'all have played that! Cutter Slade. Anthony Xu. Outtakes with Cutter trying to hit on Lara Croft. This game was amazing.
Definitely into some anime which could be considered as... sketchy lol. Aside from that, I like Cobra Kai it's actually a good show even though there's very questionable parts
Not necessarily unknown, but it is definitely considered a show for little kids that hardly anyone even gives a chance. Ninjago is one of my favorite shows, and sure, the 1st and 2nd seasons are for little kids, but get to season 3 and on and it becomes (for the most part) a masterpiece.
"Count Arthur Strong" -- one of the funniest British sitcoms I've ever seen!! Steve Delaney is a genius at word play and hilariously twisting the English language. Every episode is laugh-out-loud funny, but Safari Park may just be my favorite one. "The little boy! The little boy!!! Run!!!!!!!" So funny!
I’ve talked about this movie many times before (yeah I know not tv show or game), but it’s just so underrated.
Little Door Gods is a Chinese animation from Light Chaser Studios released in 2015. Two brothers Shen Tu and Yu Lei are at risk of losing their jobs as Door Gods so Yu Lei sets out to release the Nian, which would hopefully bring humans and gods together to defeat it.
The North American release utterly butchered it. Everything was lost in translation, added a crappy narrator and music, overall just a crappy version.
You can look up the Chinese version with subtitles on Youtube. Just give it a chance :>
Romeo × Juliet. It's an anime series based on Romeo and Juliet but Juliet is a masked sword-wielding avenger for the people and Romeo is a child of a political despot. Gets weird near the end, but the fights are awesome.
"The Almighty Johnsons". It's a New Zealand series about four brothers who are avatars of various Norse gods. Of course, the goofy youngest brother ends up being Odin.
Violet Evergarden; Anime on Netflix
It's about a young woman that was a child soldier and after the war writes letters for people to find out what her officer meant with his last words towards her.
There are also 2 good Indie-shows on Youtube: Helluva Boss and Murder Drones, both have quite some time inbetween episodes being released, but it's usually worth the wait. (Helluva Boss is in it's second season currently with a pilot + 10 released episodes overall)
Rain world my account is after this game and it is very underappreciated even with the new dlc that came out recently it's on the switch steam and playstation and its so good due to its design where the enemies react according to the situation making it very unpredictable and fun because it's ai is weird but it is one of the best games that stimulates a natural ecosystem
One of my all time favourite games is What Remains of Edith Finch and to me is a masterclass in storytelling. It's a simple story in which you play as a girl who returns to her old family home and finds out how all her old family members died. What makes it so fantastic is each story is told in a completely different way visually and structurally and it goes from completely not even true to heartbreakingly real. It's only 2-3 hours playthrough and is well worth it
Ever since I was in grade school, my Favorite Animated Show of all time is Star Blazers. The first animated space opera. Half hour episodes, 3 seasons. I hear it's original incarnation, Space Battleship Yamato (that's YOM-a-toe) has a huge cult following in Japan. They finally made a live action, 2012 I think, once CGI could handle it, and it is AWESOME. The only movie I ever *liked* watching with subtitles!
The Good Doctor! I started it last night and had to force myself to stop watching it because it was extremely good! I absolutely love Shaun!
The Planet Crafter, an early access game on the PC (Steam), it's one of those sandbox games that you can dip into whenever you like, racking up hundreds of hours. You are a prisoner that gets dumped on a dead planet and your sentance involves terraforming the planet. First you have to upgrade your own life support systems then build a base by either crafting or salvaging from derelict ships and failed attempts from previous terraformer prisoners. You start on a dead rock that eventually has oxygen, water, plant and trees, insects and fish. The next terraforming stage is amphibians. :)
Here's my current terraforming progress in The planet crafter. :) 2023040123...4b5fa4.jpg
Hold The Back Page, which was a British light drama from the 1980s about a sports writer who quits writing for the quality press and writes for a tabloid instead, and runs into a totally different mindset towards journalism. Some very clever stories although I think it ran out of puff towards the end
Fe. It's an adorable little video game about a little fairy monster who communicates by singing! It's beautiful and whimsical and fun, I highly recommend!
Running Man. A South Korean reality tv show about a group of celebrities playing games. No dramas, no flights, no anger issues. Just pure fun and happiness. Lots of laughter. Just have to read English subtitles to know what’s going on.
I LOVE RM!! I've spent hours watching this with my mom in front of a desktop, and it gets me up after a bad day. And the only drama is the struggles between every team completing their missions.
Grisu, der kleine Drache (Grisu, the little dragon). Ran on German TV in the 70s. It was a little dragon who wanted to become a fireman, to the great displeasure of his family. Unfortunately, any time he got too excited, he started breathing fire and burned stuff down. I loved the show, but nobody seems to remember it.
Politics and War, it's a nation simulator where you make decisions and make resources for your nation. You can join alliances and go to war with other nations too. Most alliances use discord, so you can get to know people their. I don't think it takes a lot of time, so not really addicting. It's also free. Here is the link to it: https://politicsandwar.com/register/ref=Velikov
this is kinda like a dress up game. there's this site called picrew. It is a site full of character creator
Alf it is a show about an annoying alien that lives with a suburban family I found out about it when I was 14 we did not have cable
In an effort to claim some "Bragging rights" I have uploaded a picture of some titles mentioned above: https://i.postimg.cc/8khwQXk4/Bragging-rights.jpg
Little known TV Shows? In the UK, Lou Grant and Barney Miller. Both were top rate shows at the time but no one here seems to have even heard of them.
the mysterious benedict society !
it's inspiredby a charming teenage/children book series but still entertaining for adults. It's a bit darker than the original books but still amazing
Family Guy, my mom almost caught me but i changed it at the last second but my cousins watch it to lol.
Family Guy, my mom almost caught me but i changed it at the last second but my cousins watch it to lol.
SUPERNOVA - sit com about astronomers in the Australian outback. Considering how isolated they were, there was a lot going on around and above them. STAR COPS - interesting questions about living/working in a space station, music by Moody Blues Justin Hayward. PUSHING DAISIES - intricate story lines, sharp writing, quick dialogue. It was crushed by the writer's strike that year and never came back. Oh, yea . . . and just discovered movie HAMLET 2 - a spoof on high school, acting, teaching, life.
Mercy Street. Sooooooo gooooood. It's about a civil war era hospital during the peninsula campaign.
"Years and years" (BBC/HBO) - prescient (before Covid but included a pandemic) British near-future kinda dystopian yet very warm tv series, only 6 episodes, well worth watching.
Oh my god, my FAVORITE SHOW. It is called “In the Dark”. It is about this blind girl who works at a place where they train dogs to help blind people. She eventually gets caught up in crime against her will. It is such a good show. FYI if you want to watch it, there is drugs, sex, suicide, and murder. It is a great show. I know it is on Netflix but I am not sure where else
The first season of Junkyard Wars. They were making canon's out of scrap metal, it was awesome!
Detectorists. People hear that it's about metal detecting and assume it's boring. It's brilliant.
Fatum Betula. Fatum Betula is amazing. The game starts off with you face to face with a worm that emerged from the void in front of you, the worm explains that the fate birch ( hence fatum betula) controls the world of this game and then gives you glass bottles. Then you leave and explore a ps1 esque world and find liquid for the tree meeting bizzare characters, like a cat that cant eat, a skeleton trapped in the basement of a house and a socerer hunting for the key to immortality. The games world is creepy, the charcters are interesting and the writing is imaculate. If you want an amazing video game buy it , it's about six dollars on steam so not as expsenvive as other games on the market.
Pirates of Dark Water. A cartoon from 1991.
Dark Angel with Jessica Alba, Michael Weatherly and Jensen Ackles. Only lasted 2 seasons, but loved that show.
Ever After High!
It Deserves So Much More Love And Attention Than It Got. From Well Developed Characters To An Intriguing Plot, They Also Released A Book Series! I Don't Care What Anyone Says, EAH IS HAT-TASTIC!!!!!!
Venture Bros! I think it's becoming more popular now, but I still have a hard time finding people that know what it is. The show is amazing! A spoof on 60's cartoons like Johnny Quest and superhero comics like the Fantastic 4, but it takes the titular kids from those tv shows and shows how messed up they would be as adults if they actually grew up dealing with those dangerous situations on the daily. It turns the superhero genre on its head, and each season is SO well written!
If you're an Undertale fan, love angst, and/or enjoy dynamic friendship stories, I would recommend Omori. It's an RPG in which you play as Sunny, a sixteen year old who is still grappling with the death of his sister Mari, and Omori, Sunny's alter-ego who exists inside a dreamland. There are a fair amount of jumpscares, but the soundtrack is beautiful and it is has some of the most wholesome messages that I've seen in a video game.
The Saturday morning TV show "Shazam!" When I saw Michael Gray in the role of Billy Batson, it was as if my heart started beating for the very first time. Somehow, almost as if by magic, the TV was always set to CBS on Saturday morning. I now have it on DVD, along with The Secrets of Isis.
The Ellen show!!!!!!!!!! i LOVE that show!
Since some folks included movies, here's one: Heavy Metal. Animated, Sci-Fi, I think 1981, based on a comic book, voiced by many greats: Harold Ramis, John Candy, Eugene Levy, Rodger Bumpass, and many more!