What's a time you've been flabbergasted at someone's lack of knowledge on such a well known topic?


Rep. Todd Akin (MO): "legitimate" rape rarely results in pregnancy. because women's bodies have a way to shut that down.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is why we desperately need sex education in this country.

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    Have you seen the bigoted troll on this site who thinks transphobia does not exist so he cannot possibly be transphobic?



    The 2016 election. Still cannot believe how many people in this country are so... let's say undereducated or mentally deficient.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Anyone else thought it was a prank? Because I'm not sure who decided voting in the guy with no political experience whatsoever was a wise decision.

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    The entire Covid pandemic. From March 2020 to present. Just... Gobsmacked. Stunned. Amazed. Appalled.

    It. Is. A. Virus. It kills. It could've done so much worse than it has. And people still cling to "it was a hoax", mostly because we didn't get a zombie-apocalypse-level event.

    Seriously, they needed an apocalypse to think it was real?



    this girl told me that the gender wage gap and income tax unfairness was caused by jewish people, and they brainwash our kids and there’s no evidence of this because they erase it all.


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    Crescent 3
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think that you're being generous by ascribing to simple ignorance that which is really outright bigotry.

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    When my doctor had me sent to see a specialist, strongly believing I was suffering cluster migraines … & the specialist doctor (female) told me that women don’t get cluster migraines; she legit said “No, it can’t be cluster migraines … you’re not the right sex!”. Both my mum & I were like WTF. I eventually was diagnosed (by another specialist with a little more common sense) with cluster migraines & they started me on long-term Palexia tablets. Even now, I still SMH when I think about that specialist doctor. 🤦‍♀️😅



    when my mother declared how "men are men and women are women. none of this transgender nonsense. God made man and woman, husband and wife that's it and everyone else us going to hell because they think otherwise" her evidence of this? tiktok MAGA girls. OH and she homeschools me and my older brother because "I don't want my daughter (ew. that's me) to end up a "gay they" (I gotta say the rhyming was decent) because that's all the school system teaches now." just putting it out there I'm a nonbinary bisexual.....I'm literally a "gay they"


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    C Pryce
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Can't wait for her home school lessons on evolutionary biology, Calculus, Ancient Greek, Advanced Physics.....!! 🤷🏻‍♀️

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    Me 10years old in texas visiting my dad and hangin by the community pool when a 21 year old came up to me to chat and asked where im from.
    Me: Im from Finland.
    Her: Wheres that?
    Me: its in Europe, between Russia and Sweden.
    Her:Where is Europe?
    Me: O_O How old are you and have you been to school?



    My mother genuinely believed transgender people are transgender because of their parents. So, for instance, a couple have a daughter but really wanted a son. The daughter subconsciously senses the desire for a son and changes gender to become the child their parents wanted. Nothing I could say to her could convince her otherwise.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's giving a lot of credit to parents, and none to the individual.

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    It may be minor, but I once had a boss "correct" a report I wrote because I used the phrase "ever since" (as in "Ever since he moved to this neighborhood..."). She insisted that the correct term was "every since". She was in her 50s and had a masters degree in English. I actually had to pull up and internet article to convince her that I had written it correctly.



    Every time Donald Trump opens his mouth



    The time a kid in my class said “The Amazon rainforest, which is present in Africa…”
    I questioned my sanity for a while after t


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Pardon me, but where IS the Amazon rainforest? Is it South America?

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    On a 9 hour road trip my ex husband says "hmm the oil light is on". He won't stop to check the oil and eventually the engine throws a rod. I mean hello! the light is not on as a suggestion.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine..." Sorry, my ex did the same thing when my car was overheating. I let the wrong one be towed away for salvage!

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    Basically every flerfer and antivaxxer.



    The first time I read former-President Trump's Twitter feed - the next few hundred weren't as shocking...


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Trump's twitter feed would be hilarious if he didn't have his MAGA cult believing every lie

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    When I was living in Maryland, I told a classmate that I was born in New Mexico. They asked when I got my green card. They were serious. US geography was one of our classes together.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Note: for any Panda wondering, New Mexico is a state in the US, not a part of Mexico. I wrongly assumed that a US student taking a US geography class just might know all the 50 states.

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    Anybody wearing a MAGA hat. I know…… too easy.



    There was a news item that an English citizen, on British soil, got in trouble for a speech denying the Holocaust. A friend said "I can't believe that the English Government went after someone for exercising his Fifth Amendment right to free speech."


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    US here. Humor me for a second: Shock collars for stupid people (of all nationalities, but there would be a lot of them in the US). Every time they utter something completely ignorant or as stupid as above...zap! Wrong country, wrong amendment...double zap! Imagine the silence as really stupid people just went completely quiet. Ahh, happy thoughts. Before anyone gets upset, I'm joking....or am I? hehehe

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    By my own dad; I can’t be asexual because asexual means that I’m a hermaphrodite and can breed with myself. Literally wtf.



    When dumb idiots think that just because someone is different doesn’t mean they are not human. Racism, sexism, transphobia,homophobia. Also the stupid things TW!!!! Rape, child molesting, harassment. People look over these things like it’s nothing! People need to be educated. Sorry troll, I’m educated.



    To get to work and back I need to drive over a 10 km (about 6 miles) mountain pass that tends to flood a bit during the rainy season. Nothing serious, just water streaming across the road. My car tires were worn, and I had to replace it to ensure my safety during these mini floods. My ex Gf got upset that I spend the money on my safety instead of the bottle of perfume she wanted (I didn't promise to buy it, she just hinted a lot).

    Her words were to the effect that " You drive over the mountain, not me..."

    So I dumped her a*s.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's some major narcissism; you could literally die but at least she'd smell good while sympathy-baiting at your funeral.

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    I coworker was talking politics. She said "I know that the U.S. Constitution cannot be changed, but I wish they could change the part in the Constitution that says there can be only two political parties, Republican and Democrat.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Reading is fundamental" if you are going to complain about something, maybe read it first!

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    I’m not sure if this counts but I heard someone in my class say ‘toads and frogs are the same, toads are only frogs who have eaten too many flies”

    And the same kid also said “tigers lay striped eggs”

    “The pyramids of Egypt is located somewhere in Asia”
    “America created Europe and the Europeans brainwashed us”



    I once worked with a lady who got irate over “handicapped” people parking in “normal” people’s spots (her words). She would leave notes on cars, yell at people and just rant about it.

    I tried explaining multiple times why it could happen. The disabled person not being in the car so it would be illegal for them to use the spot, the person having a lift and needing more room than available, the standard spots being more convenient, etc.

    Never helped. She just ranted about “those people” stealing her spots.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What the hell now? Handicap spots are limited and always taken. Does she then think handicapped people have to go home because they are not allowed to park anywhere else? I could hit her so hard right now.

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    American argued with me (Australian) that Australia and New Zealand did not fight in the Vietnam War, and it was America that “won” it single handedly. No convincing him.



    When a girl says: 'no,' that's what se means. No matter what your (destructive) friends may tell you. As a matter of fact, the chance that she on a later occasion might be open to whatever she said 'no' to now, will increase when you accept her 'no' at this time, with all the respect and consideration a woman deserves.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is what I've taught my son: no means no, maybe means no, and "I don't know" means no. Anything other than an emphatic, consensual yes...then assume the answer is no. And respect that.

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    My mom once asked me why I never told her and my dad that I break down and cry at school. I said it was due to her not allowing me to cry or get angry and getting mad at me for doing so as a child. She said that never happened and I was making things up.

    Yes she continues to go into blackout rages if we do something that bothers her.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Pretty sure saying "that never happened" or "you're making it up" is textbook gaslighting.

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    I teach college math and had a student use a calculator to average two numbers. Both numbers were 27.



    When some tourists at Yellowstone asked me, "What time do they turn on Old Faithful?" SMH. Don't they know it's scheduled to go off every hour on the hour? /s


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    Ian Shaw
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Had a guy from L.A. ahead of me in line to pay for gas at Mammoth Hot Springs. Was complaining that they hadn't caged off the elk that were causing traffic to be slow. Dude, if you wanted a zoo, San Diego was a lot closer to home.

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    A great portion of US citizens think that West Virginia isn't a state and is just western Virginia.


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    Julie Snelling
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    🎶 Almost heaven, West Virginia Blue ridge mountains, Shenandoah River, life is old there, olden than the trees younger than the mountains growin like a breeze Country Roads take me home to the place I belong West Virginia mountain mama take me home country roads.🎶

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    Any time I get Quora notifications. That site is full of idiots.


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    Stardust she/her
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The amount of stupid s**t I’ve seen on there is lovely. Some person asked if you could eat the products of a chemical reaction. I don’t remember the reaction but I do know that nobody should ingest that product

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    A classmate in my graduate program argued with me about the name of the river in my hometown. He was adamant that I was wrong, despite the fact that I had lived there my whole life, and he had only driven through. I still think about this every time I am tempted to argue with someone on the internet.



    A very young couple moved in downstairs from me. She was very pregnant, but had nothing in place for a baby - no diapers, clothing, etc. I got her some stuff when the baby was born and checked in on her a couple of times. She broke down in tears because she had no idea how she had gotten pregnant and was scared she would be pregnant again immediately. Her ignorance was so profound. I spent some time with her 1 on 1 having sex ed classes. She was amazed at everything I told her. So sad. She was so alone. Her husband was a pig.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Several cultures don't want girls or women learning sex education.


    My coworker (who has become a dear friend) was explaining how they had handled their recent bout with COVID. I found her to be smart and careful with her decisions. I was therefore shocked when she said "...and I finally found a doctor who would prescribe ivermectin." I did a double take, and when I tried to explain how it had been proved to be ineffective for treating COVID (and potentially dangerous to people), she was very resistant. We remain close, but it was definitely eye opening!


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    Julia H
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My brilliant boss said the same thing. She said he immediately felt better. SMH. IDK how a dewormer helps cure a virus

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    A doctor I used to work refused service, often times lifesaving interventions, if people didn't have insurance. He for informed me that the only reason people don't have insurance is because they spend money on phones and TVs. When I pointed out the price difference he called me a stupid, uneducated, whore and threw a used scalpel at me.



    Grown, 45+ y/o man who didn't know women have a period about every month. He thought it was like "once every year or so."


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    Crescent 3
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Tell me you don't have a woman in your life without telling me you don't have a woman in your life.

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    A co-worker mentioned to me that the new hire had a speech impediment. He had an Australian accent.


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    My best friend's now ex-wife truly believed that if you pay the minimum payment on a credit card, you won't accrue interest. She couldn't understand why her 10K in debt is now 16K. Yeah, she is that dumb. She also thought that if she didn't tell him about the credit card, he'd never find out. Luckily, because she took it out in her name only, the judge wouldn't let her bring it up in the divorce.


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    The four years Trump was president.



    when I used the phrase I coined, "education eradicates ignorance," and they look at me weird.



    When I admitted to my friend I had ADHD (and still do) she said “But you don’t look like you have ADHD”. I’m sorry, but how does one “look like they have ADHD”???? Stupidest thing I’d heard in a while. She’s more educated now, and we’re still friends.


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    Metalhead Turtle 🇺🇦
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Had a medical provider tell me that I didn't look like I'm on the autism spectrum. ... I still don't know what that looks like. Me, I guess

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    When a coworker was typing a professional letter and wrote “seventy 3 dollars & thirty 6…..” and asked me where the “cents“ sign was on the keyboard. I told her to either type it all as words or all as numbers, not a mixture of both so she wrote “73.36$”. She’s lived in the US her entire life, I couldn’t figure out how a BANKER could be so clueless as to how to express US currency amounts.


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    A 20-something girl I knew trying to name countries in Central America:
    Me: Nope, Africa.
    Me: Africa again.
    Me: Congo, and still Africa.
    "Well I never was very good at geometry."

    I just got up and walked away.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm from the US and I learned geography while recovering from some gnarly surgery (I was bored). People are amazed that I know this. I met a woman from Cape Verde and I said "oh yeah, the island nation that's the Eastern most country in Africa. You speak Portuguese right?" She was stunned and asked me again if I was really American.

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    In college, I lived and worked in a dorm right by our football stadium. One freshman girl used to go up to the top of the stadium (about 200 feet) to tan on sunny days. I asked her why she climbs all the way up there to tan and she responded, in all seriousness: "Because it's closer to the Sun."



    I fear for the future of this country.


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    It was a Friday Night. My then girlfriend said that she didn't feel like going out, just wanted to stay home and watch a movie. She asked for a very "intense" movie. So I got out my copy of "Schindler's List" - a VERY intense movie!

    About a half-hour in she says "What war is this?" I explained WWII. She asked "When was WWII?" I said "1940s".

    About an hour in she said "You mean the German Government picked on these people just for being Jewish? All those smart people..." She had never heard of the Holocaust.

    PS: She was a college graduate (Marketing).


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    C Pryce
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I read someplace that 40-something percent of Americans have never heard of Auschwitz.... 😔

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    When I was 16, my beloved German Shepherd, Ember, developed mammary tumors (basically breast cancer.) She was 12 and the vet said she was too old for surgery or chemo, so he recommended we make her comfortable with pain meds and enjoy whatever time we had left with her. My mom started freaking out that Ember was "contagious" and that she (my mom) was going to "catch" cancer from my dog. My mom would go on tirades literally every day about how my dog's cancer was "contagious". She would bleach and scrub the backyard every time Ember walked anywhere. She forced me to euthanize Ember after a few weeks. I have never forgotten her screaming in my face that I needed to kill my dog NOW because cancer is "contagious". If my mother happens to be diagnosed with cancer someday, I will say to her face, "Gross, cancer is contagious, I don't want to catch it, you're on your own."


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s absolutely disgusting. Are you an adult? If you’re a minor, when you move out, go NC. She’s just cruel and haven’t you also had other issues with your mom?

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    During an animal rights discussion in a college class on ethics, a student claimed fish weren't animals so weren't relevant to the discussion.



    I had been in a relationship with a guy for over two years - a highly sexual relationship - when one day, a propos of nothing, he asked me "How do women pee with a tampon inside them?".

    Guy thought women only had two holes. He was completely unaware of the urethra. 🤯🤯🤯



    I once told someone I come from Spain and they asked "How long does it take to drive there?" It's a whole freaking ocean away Susan and I don't exactly have my magic flying car just yet. I've also been asked how I have 2 last names and no middle name since " no you're wrong that has to be your middle game and the other one is your last name" I think I'd know by now Karen.


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    The tourons of Yellowstone treating the park like an amusement park. Pet and pose with the bison! Enjoy the heated (boiling!) thermal pools! Kidnap baby animals that will have to be euthanized! Unbelievable!


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    When I was a child, about 11 or 12, I argued with another child at our church about what my name was. She kept insisting it was something else (can't remember what she thought my name was). The whole thing was stupid.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had someone argue with me that my name couldn’t be pronounced the way it is. It’s both the most common spelling of an English name AND it’s phonetic.

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    Had a job as a janitor once. Cleaned and locked up park restrooms at night part time. New hand towel dispensers had recently been installed at this location. It was a different design from the last one we were used to. Opened it up and spent five minutes trying to figure it out. Where do I feed the paper towel roll into? Hmm. Oh! Ok, just put the roll in, feed it out the bottom and close the thing, easier than the last one. Done. Both my other coworkers took a year and a half to figure this out.


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    I used to live in Banff, Alberta Canada. Banff (and the surrounding areas) have these super blue lakes. A tourist asked how often we drained the lakes to paint the bottom. Also, another asked where we pen up the animals at night. Sadly, had to inform them it was a national park so they just wandered around.



    I hear crazy stuff like this all of the time. Once I heard a guy say the pay gap between women and men is fair because women do less work than men. The girl he said this to agreed with the him. This same guy also has a lesbian mom but is super homophobic. I could probably keep going.



    Vandalizing national treasures like the recent moron carving initials in Italy's Colossal.


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    Junior year in HS, history class, about a million years ago. A girl of a certain type... "But, like, when the South seceded, I mean... What EXACTLY happened... I mean... Did they go out there with, like, chisels and shovels and stuff, or, like... What...?"


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yep the dug a big trench called the mason-dixon line. You can still see it between philadelphia and west virginia, which is just the western side of virginia. ;-) jk

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    Graduating senior in California goes off on how stupid schools are for teaching French as a foreign language. "No one speaks French except people in France." Spent 10 minutes trying to explain to him the number of countries that have French as a primary or secondary language, including Canada. Finally ended with him demanding that we prove to him that Justin Bieber speaks French. Teaching has introduced me to many teenagers who have super high GPAs and no sense.


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    When a close family member of mine changes their opinion almost every other day - depending on what they see on the news. They just completely gave up on thinking autonomously.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's scary, especially if they are getting their news from some of the less reputable news channels out there.


    When my grandmother asked me why I was putting eardrops in both my son's ears for ear infections. I told her both ears were infected, and she said, "Doesn't it just run through to the other ear?" She wasn't uneducated by any means, but she was born in 1900 and I guess they didn't learn much anatomy in school. She looked shocked when I laughed, as I thought she was joking. And then I had to explain it to her.


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    I have a friend who literally believes aliens exist, that the Queen was a lizard alien and immortal, and that all technology comes from aliens. Furthermore, Jesus is a 'benevolent alien' and he came to protect us from the evil lizard aliens. Who are also the same as the illuminati. And satanic, apparently. And OBVIOUSLY the world is flat. Etc etc. Guess what his job is? Working for the eudcation department teaching science. uDarwin sikilele iAfrika.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Could we gather up all the flat Earthers and just push them off of edge of the Earth? Oh… wait…

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    When I was in graduate school - I will repeat, GRADUATE SCHOOL - I was assigned a group project on Islam. When the group met for the first time to work on our presentation, this woman asked where Islam was. I thought she was joking, because how do you get all the way to grad school thinking that Islam is a geographic location? She was not joking. I told her that I would do the project myself and put her name on it. We got an A.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Muslim here, this is hilarious! That and the fact too many people can’t connect that Muslims follow Islam. They either think the followers are Islamic or Muslim is the name of the religion

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    I once had a friend who applied for and received a student loan for college not knowing that she was expected to one day pay it back. She didn't discover this until months later when she received a letter reminding her when she was expected to start making payments.


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    A classmate of mine thought Germany was in Africa, in addition to thinking that Australia was a country in Europe.

    I have also had my own experience of absolute ignorance when I was told to open a can of tomatoes. I had no idea whatsoever how to use a can opener. My dad was absolutely shocked and happily recorded my struggle for nearly ten minutes and plays it whenever he feels like crying laughing.


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    One of my (American) classmates denied the Holocaust, Anne Frank, Helen Keller, and Albert Einstein all in one speech, claiming that “my parents believe it so that must make it true”. Really had to question the American school system for a good long while.


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    C Pryce
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not sure it's the school's fault there; sounds like imposed family credulity. I also think the tsunami of "My Truth"-ism online encourage young people to believe facts are a matter of opinion....


    This is more pure stupidity than ignorance, but I was asked how I could be both Asian and Indian



    50 year old woman who insisted that mice had no bones because they crawl under doors.


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    I’ve known kids in grade six who don’t know what the holocaust was. NEVER FORGET.


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    C Pryce
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Repeat: 40% of Americans never heard of Auschwitz, and 14% college graduates either 😔


    That so many people devote so much attention to Trump…TDS certainly is alive and well. Move On!


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    Jessica Tolar
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    1 year ago

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    That so many people still hate on him years after his presidency. Move on

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    I quoted Adam Smith and someone said that it was socialist. I was in so much shock that I blurted out "So you are saying the Father of Capitalism is a Socialist?!".


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    Mid 20's roommate didn't know stars are suns, and kept trying to step out of moving vehicles because he didn't want to wait for them to stop.


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    Actually, I do fear for the future of this planet.


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    I once worked with a young woman in an Engineering firm. She was an admin assistant. She was arguing with an engineer about whether the next town over from us was north of south of where we were. He just said 'Ok point to north.' She pointed to the sky and was incredibly puzzled when we all facepalmed and laughed.

    Second incident is with two different co workers at a different job. I was telling them that my sister had rescued some ex battery hens. One pipes up and says are they like the man made chickens or the real ones? Another asked where the battery went in them.


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    When soft can-openers think they're in charge.



    A woman I know believes Israel is in Africa, because "middle east" is not a continent.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well….Your friend is wrong about Israel being in Africa, but the Middle East isn’t a continent

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    My ex didn't know how to buy bananas. He was 47 at the time.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    1. Fly to Brazil. 2. Change your USD to Pesos at the airport. 3. Ask the nearest perrson where is the jungle. 4. Walk into the jungle, and look for the banana trees. 5. Pay the native brazilian to give you a banana. Easy. Duh. /s

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    source Report

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    when a friend asked how long is the boat journey from England to Scotland.


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    A man in a group I go to still thinks only gay men get aids. He is in his 70's.


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    Huddo's sister
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Talk about living through an historic event with your eyes closed!


    Bp won't let me write long on my phone so my story is in the replies


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My grandma said biological men shouldn't be allowed in women's restroom. The next day she went into the men's bathroom cause the women's was full. These bathrooms were just one room for one person at a time in a gas (petrol) station. I just thought that was ironic.


    When my ex friend got mad at me for asking why her sister couldn’t talk to my brother herself.
    My brother was apparently just looking at my old friend’s sister so they said he was a stalker and my friend told me to tell my brother to stop. My friend had always trash talked my brother in front of me but when I asked her to stop, she kept declaring he was creepy and when I asked why her sister could just ask him to stop staring at her, she got really defensive and mad at me. The worst thing is that another friend who was not on my side said I had no reason to be mad


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