Anything from saying 'yo' to holding your fork a weird way. Tell me all of your secrets


saying “your mom” when anxious and don’t know what else to say. also getting frustrated and calling everyone and everything a “b***h a*s hoe”



    Constantly saying sorry for everything that goes wrong, my parents are getting really annoyed with me constantly saying sorry, and then I say sorry for saying sorry, I just think that everything is my fault because it is.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Omg same- my friend banned me from saying sorry because like she'd tell me to stop doing something then I'd say sorry then she'd tell me to stop saying sorry and I'd say sorry and then she'd be like "STOP!" and I'd stutter a bit and then bite my tongue to stop saying it

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    Posting on Bored's an addiction, I tell you...



    The ADHD Leg Bounce ™



    Last year I started saying 'yo' and 'ayo' and although I've calmed down a lot since then it's still in my vocabulary, but more pressingly I've become a dudebro. I don't know how this happened (I do) but now I end half of my sentences with dude and the other half with bro.
    Also, as I've started swearing less (as an 11 and 12 y/o I swore like a rabid sailor and although I still do swear pretty loosely it's no longer 90% of my vocabulary) I've replaced 'f*****g' with 'damn' or 'god damn' and I've also started saying dammit more often. Idk I'm not particularly against it but I'm not sure where I got it from. I can also feel myself slipping towards calling things rad. It's just such an unequaled word like yeah I can call them cool but rad is like really cool and it's just unfortunate that we left rad back in the 80s.



    talking to myself. well actually talking to my dog, but he walks away and i keep talking.


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    Realizing that I can control my breathing then start breathing weird.
    Also, I keep thinking about that's what she said jokes.



    Its alot.. and its wierd..

    I say yawn when i yawn.
    I say yo.
    I switch from my country and city accent regularly without trying.
    I talk to kids like i talk to my dog.
    I get quieter the longer i speak.

    Idk when these started... but im stuck with em
    Anyways 🍩donut🍩


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    Nico Roby (She / They)
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hope these things don't bother you too much. Honestly, some of them sound pretty cool. Be fun to meet someone like this in person. :D

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    Saying "My dude". I mainly say it to my dogs, but still. I also say "oop" a lot.



    i started using abbreviations more + i say "damn" more


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Damn this 1 rlly got me I tots get this w/o ny shame nd idk what I'm sayin but I'll ttyl yk

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    I dont anymoe but as a kid I called my brother "jermah" instead of jeremiah. that went on until I was 10 years old then I got a stutter and I suddenyl pronounced it just took me a minute to say..



    i watched a lot of my country’s anime/cartoons as a young child and any time a character was focusing they stick their tongue out, i started doing it and slightly over a decade later i still do it unconsciously



    Pulling my eyebrows and eyelashes out. And biting my nails, and lip, and cheek. And tugging at my hair. I don’t want to do any of it, but I can’t help myself



    Switching out swear words for very weird replacement example f**k becomes fish



    I don't live anywhere near that part of the States nor have close family there. It's just easier than saying "you all"



    Saying "don't you think?" Like 3 times Per. F*****g. Sentence.


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    Chewing on the inside of my right cheek! Can't stop at all!



    Getting mad at people for venting. It’s been a process of me hiding my emotions and getting uncomfortable when hearing other people’s emotions and I guess I get mad they don’t just suffer in silence like I do because idk how to deal with it. Anyway. That all just kinda snuck up on me, and now I’m stepping back and wow that’s kinda messed up of me. Still get mad tho


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh, and on a less serious note, I just vibe to the music in my head all the time. Going across the house? Doing a little dance. Doing dishes? Doing a little dance.

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    Getting weird and making fun of people crying on screen. Even if it's something really serious like 60 minutes.
    I feel awful, but maybe it's something to do with the fact that I am unable to cry myself a lot of the time.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's a study that says people tend to laugh when they are uncomfortable or unable to relate to a certain situation. It's like a deflecting mechanism or something.

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    I realized I wash my hands CONSTANTLY. It lead me to find out o have ocd, and i just can't stop. I also bite the inside of my cheek and bite my nails now- have never done that before...


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    crowspectre (2.0 cause I got banned)
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nail biting is suepr annoying. I stopped by just clipping my nails more often so they're always too short to bite, but to be fair I mostly did that so I could play my bass guitar more easily

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    I think I might have the eating disorder Pica. This is because one time a few years ago my friend dared me to eat a paper? Now it’s kind of like an addiction.I still eat paper but I’ve limited it to a small amount a week.



    By answering questions most questions with “it depends” or “I don’t know”. Apparently it’s annoying the heck out of my parents. I also say “gosh darn” instead of “goddamn”



    I comment on other peoples conversations. It’s fun.


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    crowspectre 2.0 (he/they)
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to but my school is very aggressive with anyone deemed nosy so now I just don't talk to anyone.

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    licking my upper lip.... it can get akward


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    Checking email, going on bp, cussing like a sailor, complaining that life is terrible.



    Laying down. I eventually started having some mild back pain sitting in my computer chair when I was still living with roommates. So I got the bright idea of putting my computer stuff on a table in front of my bed, that way I could lay down. I tend to use my computer as a tv so I could watch 'tv' before bed. 15 years later, my body is so used to just laying down. I've only recently tried to get back into the habit of sitting in a chair but it's been difficult.

    I've also been trying to not just be in my bedroom all the time. I had roommates (a lot of bad ones, lol) all the way up until I was 30 and I've lived on my own now for 10 years but I find I'm in my bedroom a lot just out of habit. I have a whole living room of nice furniture and decor and I'm barely ever in there, lol.


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    I can’t stop saying fam 😭. I started using it ironically but now it’s a curse.

    Oh and also constantly imagining things about the people around me, like when I’m driving and look at the person next to me I’m thinking about where they’re going/their life/etc.


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    sucking my teeth, picking my thumbs and having a permanent resting anxious face


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    sucking my teeth, picking my thumbs and having a permanent resting anxious face


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    Whenever I speak Pidgin, I end up saying peoples instead of people


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    Making jokes about my dead mom... literally in the mental hospital I said without meaning to "THIS CORNBREADS DRYER THAN MY MOMS ASHES!"💀😬



    Sometimes I speak in a Russian accent. I’m an Australian on both sides of my family and not even my great grandma’s where Russian. I have a good Russian accent



    Counting lines of text as I read. It’s in multiples of two, and if I forgot my place I have to go back and reread while counting the lines. I can’t not count the lines, I have too. It’s mostly with books because there’s more text on the page vs a website like BP. It’s lowkey annoying though but I can’t really stop?


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    Nibbling on my fingers. Not just when I’m nervous, I just do it subconsciously.


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    Oh I have quite a few and it's all habits I've gotten from my friends.
    One is that everytime I'm like really excited about something I also say in a really sarcastic way without meaning to , "woohoo lets goooo!" and do the npc hand-in-the-air movement ( idk how to describe it but i like, raise my fist and do the slow circle thing with it. I hope that makes sense) and also my automatic response to every thing when someone tells me something, doesn't matter what it is but I scoff and say " Loser, sucks to suck bro." Then I turn around and apologise cus then I feel bad about it.


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    I've started calling everyone younger than me/ acting immature 'kid' and I've accidentally said this to one of my friends who's a bit younger than me. I think they were pissed off but they didn't say anything. Idk.


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