Any type of odd or weird rules that your household had/has.


I will start, so for me there is no social media or YouTube whatsoever. Also no hanging out with friends after 5 o clock unless my parents say it’s okay. No Pinterest, Google search or any type of website essentially. They are planning on taking away bored panda soon too! :*( Oh and also no screens on school nights after 7:00 no screens in bedrooms. It’s literally so annoying. If I can think of any more rules, I will add them in the comments because I’m sure there’s more.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh yeah I have weekend chores ( Clean my room, hallway, bathroom, ferret cage, laundry ) and I also need to do the dishes every day. And if I get a ride home I need to make up for it in chores.

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    to not cry or show any emotions, especially what would be considered “negative” emotions



    The weirdest thing probably is that I can’t talk to my best friends.



    No riding on motorcycles or playing on trampolines. My dad worked in the ER


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Those are good rules, honestly. Even if they seem lame. Coming from someone who watched their brother get his arm snapped in half.


    No locked doors ever. (My mom’s rule growing up)

    Only 5 stuffed animals, if you get a new one you have to give up an old one. (My SIL’s rule for my niece)


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    No crying or showing “negative” emotions, no social media, no hanging out with friends after school, can’t say fart because it’s a violent word, USED TO not be allowed to play online so I was basically cut off from the outside.

    Parents wonder why I’m an anxious, quiet introvert


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    Talking unless I was told to, because 'worthless women should not raise their voices'.

    Locking my door, even if I was changing or sleeping, why could I possibly need privacy right?

    Oh, and no talking to your friends unless it's important. Guess who ended up with social anxiety?

    Needless to say, I despised them.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We also had a "no locked doors" policy in my house when I was growing up. But we also were not allowed to open a closed door without knocking and being given permission to enter. My parents also respected a closed door and always knocked. "No locked doors" was more for safety, in case someone slipped and fell in the bathroom or something like that.

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    All of them.


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    Like the other person, no locked doors.

    I have a bit of a collecting problem and I like to gather odd little things I find. my room is littered with plushie snails and tiny photos of Ryan Reynolds. My mom got sick of the mess and got me a shelf for all my stuff. If it does fit on the shelf, I have to get rid of it or toss out other stuff until it does fit.


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    Talking unless I was told to, because 'worthless women should not raise their heads'.

    Needless to say, I despised them.



    Very ashamed to admit this but my parents would not let me date outside of my race.


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    I had a bed time until I was in 11th grade and I was not allowed to talk on the phone for more than 30 minutes a day, it had to be in the kitchen, and only up until 8pm. (This was before cell phones)


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    I literally had to iron all my parent's clothes. My dad's workwear used to be denim pants, and he preferred to have the crease on his pants. Imagine this, ironing denim pants inside first, then outside, then the crease, then folding it. Every single day! I hated my life! Since I started becoming independent, never ironed again. My husband does his own ironing unfortunately, and he loves it :-)


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