Hey Pandas, What’s A Stereotype That You Actually Fall Into?
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I'm a single woman of 58, living alone with a cat.
Just for the record, it's peak contentment
Adopt a few more and you have an excuse to lean into your quirks.
Introvert. Also probably neuro divergent. I treasure my solitude, my few friends, my books and time to think. Now that I am retired, I allow myself measured doses of social contact. Always got overloaded easily: too hot, too bright, too noisy, too many people. Had to get away. Nature and time alone are absolutely necessary for my mental and physical health. So, yes, I too, live alone with my cat.
It's far too easy to fall into Grumpy Old Git mode.
Kids these days, don't know they're born.
Call this music? Cos I don't.
Etc. etc. etc.
I try to resist it, honestly I do.
I'm a biologist working with animals and, guess what, I don't like people very much. (Apart from some Bored Pandas, of course.)
I am a girl whose favorite color is pink and loves makeup and shoes and all that! 🙈
the butch motorcycle lesbian is surprisingly accurate for me
I am 48, never married, no children, live alone, work in a library &!have 4 cats. I’m living the dream 😉📚😺😺😺😺
Big dude with a beard who wears flannel 4 months of the year and loves the woods.
I'm the typical blonde ditz!!! Like technically I'm intelligent but dang can I be dumb 🤣
It apparently takes quite a high level of intelligence to realise that you can be dumb sometimes.
Dude who bottled everything up and only started opening up now I'm almost 40.
Stereotypical (non-American) high school teacher. I run on coffee and stress, my fingers are permanently coated in marker dust, I own a dozen laser pointers (non of them work) and hate grading papers. I can make a barely passing grade feel like a medal or a 95 feel like a gut punch. I can silence an entire classroom with a glare and make you love my favorite book. I tear up as my students graduate, heard every I-swear-I-had-my-homework-here story and written more report cards than I can count.
After 20 years of teaching I feel somewhat worn-out, and I am always complaing about kids talking too much, cell-phones, tik-tok trends, over-protective parents, bratty teenagers and school budgets. Still, I wouldn't do anything else in the world.
I was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid. I don't bounce of the walls a lot -- I'd prefer looking at a computer or reading a book to going outside -- but my attention is a cliche. A few months ago I was distracted by a squirrel outside the window, and that's just the most cliched one I can remember.
Married genX woman with no kids- my dog is our baby. My husband and I each have a car seat for her in our cars (it was too much trouble to just switch the one back and forth). She has health insurance and eats better than we do. (I also love true crime books, shows, and podcasts, but I don't drink).
This Jewish mama will feed anyone whose shadow falls on my doorstep.
I'm a skinny South Asian brown boy with glasses, and my parents are making me become a doctor.
I'm sorry >_< My boyfriend is Asian as well and was in med school... graduated with his degree in biology and then went into law school instead... so now he's a lawyer, the only acceptable "firstborn Asian son" career :( He says he wishes he'd gone into computer science. I hope you get a chance to break free, if you do not want to become a doctor, or at least get to specialize in something that YOU want to.
Menopausal woman here. I am invisible in public, annoying as heck and constantly have to retrace my steps to remember what I was looking for.
I love being in my 50s and invisible in public. So relaxed and comfy! Finally. 💕
I'm a gay man and I know practically nothing about sports. I can enjoy watching almost any game for the game-play (as long as it's not too one-sided), but as for what they're doing right or wrong, I let the announcers tell me.
I went to watch my husband's amateur football (soccer) team play a match with my gay best friend. Neither of us had a clue, it was hilarious. Why are they going that way now? No idea... but he's hot. And that one. Want another beer? A lovely memory!
I'm literally the definition of gifted kid burn-out, used to get A's, now my highest is a c
I'm Canadian. I do say sorry A LOT, to the point my Brit boyfriend started mocking me. (Gotta love their sense of humour.) I also say "eh" and, yes, I have gone to school more than a few times in shorts in winter.
Middle aged woman into true crime podcasts. To be fair I started listening to them 10+ years ago and I have actually cut down on the ones I do listen to.
I've been into true crime since they executed Ted Bundy when I was 12- I still read everything true crime because occasionally I find out a nugget of info I didn't know yet and I love that dopamine hit.
Purses. I am not a girly woman but I love real leather purses. You don't grow out of them, they are handy and look better with age. I have about 10 and a new one is on their way.
I feel the same way, a good bag can elevate your whole outfit. I can wear jeans and a T-shirt but if I have a good handbag I feel like I could go anywhere
I'm the fat chick dating super skinny guys.
The smart (more like intellectually smart, not street smart) kid with glasses who's starting to experience burn-out B)
Have you ever thought about joining Mensa? If you qualify, sign up! They are very helpful.
I'm a creative, (writer and artist) but I did terrible academically. I actually failed multiple years of elementary school.
The Arts are a much underappreciated subject in most schools. Good for you to have found your way against the odds!
I'm Jewish and I actually have a massive nose.
Shalom, schnoz! (I think I'm allowed to say that since I am also Jewish and also have a slightly larger than average nose.)
The stereotypical confused bisexual.
I'm not confused but honestly the amount of straight and gay people who try to convince me that I am. Its taken me years to accept that I'm not confused and to stop leaving them put their c**p on me.
small t1tty goth gf.
Married bad a*s tattooed lesbian chef with short hair
For some reason there's a stereotype that all transgender women are programmers. I actually do program as a hobby and have for 20+ years. I don't wear thigh-highs while I do though!
I'm an Indigenous girl that's very lazy and loves snacks and has tried vaping and skipping classes.
I'm a Bored Panda - and reading these...
i'm one of those hyper kids with ADHD that can't control their energy and usually make crappy decisions!
A tall, broad, bald man with a "resting scowl" who looks like I eat Doberman Pinscher puppies for breakfast but is really a nice guy with a great sense of humor and fun to be around. (So I'm told.)
Well, I'm not sure if this is a stereotype, but here goes. Result of birth mother being date raped, passed on to foster mother, and from there to adoptive parents. Looked after, well fed, educated, fell pregnant at 19, baby adopted, we are back in contact, daughter and I. I married at 45, happily so for 20 plus years. Is this a stereotype?
i’m a minnesotan.
hot dish is love. hot dish is life.
“ope, sorry, didn’t see ya there bud.”
*KNEE SLAP* “welp, we’ll be gettin’ outta yer hair now. tell yer folks i says hello, ‘kay?” followed by either me or any of my midwestern relatives not leaving for ten minutes
I genuinely don't understand any of this apart from the first sentence. Can someone help me out?
I’m a tall, pale teenager who always wears hoodies, sweatpants, and naps as often as I can because I never have energy :/
i feel ya, dude/dudette/dudx (that’s the new gender neutral term for dude)
60 something, live alone, never married, actively dislike people, house full of dogs (and cobwebs - they appear from nowhere), LOVE to read so hundreds of books, and hate having to go off my property.....why would I when everything I love is right here?
teenage girl obsessed with taylor swift and olivia rodrigo
I am ADD. My house is a mess. Time is liquid for me. I have 10 projects in progress and 10 more ready to pop out of my head. BUT I get hyper focused, and cannot quit doing a project once I have started. I HATE MATHING!
I am exactly the same way. And I have been for as long as I can remember.
I'm aroace and childish, both in personality and clothing. Literally getting a degree in children's literature.
I'm an anime nerd and a blacksmith. Yes, I do own multiple katanas, and yes, I do know Japanese and am great at math, the stereotype I fall into blacksmith anime nerd,
I'm a 50-something Administrative Assistant, and I shake my head whenever we hire a youngster who is still learning and gets emotional at work. I was exactly the same 30 years ago! But now I'm better at the job and more hardened off/don't take it personally.
Haha me too !! I have developed a tremendously thick skin and very very little bothers me anymore 😊 I'm glad I'm not alone.
I'm Filipino - and yes, I HUNDREDS of shoes.....
I am a female under 25 who loves Taylor swift! that's like the only stereotype I fit in though!
I'm don't even fully fit into that stereotype though. I love her music but I don't really like her as a person and I didn't even consider going to the eras tour or watching it on TV. That's also the only female under 25 stereotype I fit in because I never get my nails or hair done or anything fancy and I never wear makeup. I live simply!
I'm over 30 and neurodivergent with a sound sensitivity, and I think that most of the new music sucks. I must have my earphones on when I'm out in public and if there's a radio on. I hate those certain currently popular "artists" that are everywhere, I can't stand them. For me Cruel Summer is a song by Ace of Base, and Everytime we touch is a song by Maggie Reilly, and that's the hill I will die on!
I guess nerd bc I do robotics and am in a bunch of ap or honors classes. I also run on coffee and never sleep.
Also stereotypical southern person. Not because I’m racist or anything but I like sweet tea and I do trap (sport shooting), and I have a bit of an accent.
"White Women ain't scared of any kritter" as stated by a Tik Tok creator (#bestfetch)
I'm that stereotype.
White girl who listens to basic boy band music... (One direction, 5 seconds of summer, Maroon 5, etc)
It’s crazy how much I fit into my zodiac sign (Pisces). I am a very empathetic person, I can be shy when meeting new people, I tend to go with the flow, and I am a very creative person. I love to draw, write, and play music, as well as sing and dance. However, I also value my personal space.
I'm a 50 y/o male. This site (and others) has recently taught me I am obsolete. Every value and behaviour I was taught growing up is apparently "toxic" or "misogynistic." Very well. I turn what's left of this world over to you younger generations. Let's see if you're happier with your beliefs.
Hey, comment some of your beliefs. If they aren’t complete BS, you get an upvote.
i have been banned from commenting on Bored Panda posts sally.
Yeah, every one of your posts is just saying that a meme is bad or that you’re offended. Pretty sure people think you’re a bot.